How to get pregnant quickly

At a certain point we feel a strong desire to become parents. In some, this happens immediately after the wedding, there are those that plan to continue the kind for a certain period of life. And those and others want to conceive a child quickly - well, not from the first, so from the second time. It is for you that our site tells how to get pregnant quickly.

How to get pregnant quickly
At a certain moment of life, we feel a strong desire to become parents. In some, this happens immediately after the wedding, there are those that plan to continue the kind for a certain period of life. And those and others want to conceive a child quickly - well, not from the first, so from the second time. It is for you that our site tells how to get pregnant quickly.

I think that this article will read predominantly women. But, nevertheless, in the process of the birth of a new life two people participate - a man and a woman, because and what is called, try to try both. And unknown to someone else ..

I will immediately clarify that the probability will quickly become pregnant in healthy couples are much higher than that of couples with weak health. Therefore, it will not be superfluous by both future parents pass some tests. What exactly will determine your gynecologist.

When I planned a pregnancy, my doctor advised to pass such analyzes - blood for HIV and syphilis, Analysis on sexually transmitted infections and ultrasound of the small pelvis organs (better ultrasound vaginal sensors). Fortunately, it turned out that I did not have any deviations, and my husband and I started a process with a calm soul.

As you can see, the first step to the rapid conception is to verify the state of the health of future parents.

Ovulation and high-quality sperm - everything you need!

Ovulation and high-quality sperm - everything you need to quickly get pregnant
Yes Yes! This is how doctors say. From the future mother, in addition to a healthy body, you also need to clearly determine the day of ovulation. In women with a regular menstrual cycle, define ovulation is very simple. For this, from the duration of your cycle, take 14 days (for example, 30-14 = 16). That's exactly 16th day of the cycle (count from the first day of menstruation) is likely to happen conception. But you should not wait for this day! Considering the fact that the sperm can live up to 5 days after sexual intercourse, attempts should be started in 6 days before and continue 5 days after ovulation. Well, if you have an irregular cycle, you, of course, can make a graph of basal temperature (without getting out of bed every morning) and calculate the day x. Or you can buy a test-determinant of ovulation at the pharmacy and not suffer.

But the dad must provide high-quality sperm for the process. What to do for this? It has been proven that the sperm of a man is updated every 2 months. Thus, our site recommends that the future father, all these 2 months lead a healthy lifestyle: to abandon bad habits, do not drink alcoholic beverages, eat and make daily hiking together with a future mommy. And he should not be worn underwear and take hot baths.

But that is not all. It turns out that the quality of sperm directly depends on the frequency of sexual acts. British scientists found out that daily sex improves sperm quality, which guarantees conceiving a healthy baby. But, on the other hand, frequent ejaculation reduces the amount of seed fluid, which somewhat reduces the likelihood of conception. So what to do? Scientists recommend making love every two or three days, and not refrain the weeks, as previously thought.

What you need and do not need to get pregnant quickly

How to get pregnant quickly
In addition to the foregoing, there are still some factors affecting the ability to conceive. So what to do to get pregnant quickly.

  • Time of conception. It is believed that it is easiest to get pregnant at the end of autumn or at the beginning of spring. It is in the fall of the human body that is at the peak of health due to the eaten summer vegetables and fruits, the summer sun and rest. And spring - the time of awakening a new life, which means for the birth of a child is the time. And also, the best time for conception is the morning, so you have sex in the morning!
  • Perfect weight. Dear future moms, forget about diet - you still have time to be beautiful. Now you have an incredibly important task - to conceive and endure a child. Therefore, a couple of months before the planned conception, resolve your weight. Too thin or too lush women may have problems with conception. And this rule concerns men. They have less spermatozoa with weight loss or weight gain. Strong physical exertion will also negatively affect the quality of sperm.
  • No harmful habits. This, of course, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Smoking women in 30% decrease chances to get pregnant. And in smokers «weaker» sperm. Even coffee, or rather, caffeine adversely affects conception, so get rid of this habit. Although you can switch to coffee without caffeine. Men should be ahead of stopping steroids so that the body is used to the absence of these hormones.
  • Balanced diet. It is known that for pregnant women there is a special diet. But for planning steam, too, there are their own rules, and for men and for women different. Our site advises to lean on greens and leafy vegetables, cereal and bread rich in folic acid, because it is a very important vitamin. Women who have problems with ovulation, daily need to eat meat and legumes and other iron-containing products. Well, and dairy products, of course, calcium will be useful to you and subsequently. His husbands feed fish, nuts and meat. These products increase the mobility of spermatozoa. Well, and general recommendation - remove sweet and flour from the diet.

Forget about Fast Food! Hot dogs and hamburgers You not only crush your stomach, but also supply preservatives, dyes and even carcinogens (especially foods cooked on vegetable oil - Friesh, Belyashi potatoes). Neither you nor the future child «kit» to nothing!

  • «Right» pose. In quotes of the word «Right» not in vain. No one guarantees that in a certain posture you can get pregnant in 100% of cases. However, experts recommend a traditional missionary pose. When a woman is lying on his back with raven hips, the cum moves as quickly as possible. Women with a bend of the uterus will be better suitable for the posture at which the partner is behind.
  • After completing the intercourse, it is not necessary to jump and run by your affairs. Put the pillow under the hips and take a rest of ten minutes. You can still stand on the blades, as in school on physical education. I remember how my husband laughed, when I saw me in the pose of birch ... But everything turned out from the first time!

    And further. Refuse oral sex, because saliva negatively affects the quality of sperm. I suppose this recommendation will not like the future dads, but no one asks such victims forever. Be patient a couple of weeks!
    How to get pregnant quickly

  • No drugs and chemistry! Refuse all drugs, especially antibiotics. Everyone knows that the benefits of drugs are, but harm too. So burn health at least in anticipation of conception. By the way, household chemicals also negatively affect health. No one talks about starting to wash the dishes of soda, but from intimate cosmetics to refuse. Try not to be indoors where there are pairs of paints, varnishes and other toxic substances. Some experts even recommend eliminating filler for cat pots. Ask the cat like a little in the sand.
  • Do not use any lubricants! They create a medium, adversely affecting spermatozoa. If you can't do without lubrication, use egg protein - natural and safe!

  • No stress. It has been proven that there is a direct relationship between the mental state of the woman and the probability of becoming pregnant. Therefore, tell me «No» Stress, experiences and even negative thoughts. Determine the relax method that is suitable for you. Many helps rest in nature, baths with foam or aromatherapy. With the help of the latter, you can even adjust the menstrual cycle.
  • I work in the institution where it does not pass without stress. But when I started thinking about the child, I gave myself a fitting - let at least the whole world collapsed, I don't care! In my world should be calm and cozy. And I am surprisingly easily able to confront stress. In addition, almost every day after work, I took a bath with fragrant foam lavender. And on weekends we were sure to go to nature. Fortunately, autumn was wonderful, and there was an opportunity to go to the forest on the mushrooms, fry a kebab and soaked in a lounge chair. Do not believe, such simple actions really created a special unique world, in which there was only a place for me, her husband and our long-awaited Karapus. And everything else was not even seriously perceived.

    That's all the main tips for those who want to get pregnant quickly. Although not, not all. More often imagine your baby, talk to him, sincerely wait for his appearance. After all, not in vain ancient said «Fear your desires». And you do not be afraid, but dream and everything will be able to succeed!

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