Product intolerance: signs of allergies in children


  • Options for the flow of food allergies in children
  • Allergy to the skin of the child
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms of food allergies
  • Defeat of the respiratory system with allergies
  • Anaphylaxis

  • Types of allergies in childrenBy analogy with other types of allergies, children under food allergies understand the state of intolerance to food products, which are based on JGE-mediated immune responses. The proteins of cow milk, chicken eggs, fish, seafood, nuts, soybeans, wheat protrude as allergens. More than 160 substances can cause signs of allergies in children, but the symptoms of the disease do not depend on which allergen has become its cause.

    Options for the flow of food allergies in children

    Symptoms of food allergies are diverse, other types of allergies in children appear similarly.

    1. Anaphylaxis or systemic allergic reactions:
      • Immediate type
      • Slow-type.
      • Skin reactions (IgE-dependent):
        • sharp — swelling of quinque and urticaria
        • Chronic — atopic dermatitis.
        • Gastrointestinal shapes:
          • Food allergies syndrome
          • Immediate gastrointestinal form.
          • Respiratory forms:
            • Allergic rhinitis
            • Allergic bronchial asthma.

            Allergy to the skin of the child

            Signs of allergies in childrenSkin manifestations of food allergies — The most frequently encountered children's reaction to food.

            Acute urticaria is characterized by the appearance on the skin of itchy tubercles that merge into blisters of various shapes and sizes. The rash is accompanied by the feeling of itching and burning, the child becomes restless and tries to comb the affected skin. Sometimes the appearance of urticariasis foreshadows angioedema swelling (swelling of Quinka), in which there are edema of the age, lips, oars, dangerous development of laryngospasm and suffocation.

            Atopic dermatitis — Manifestation of chronic, developing for 2-3 months, food allergies. On the skin of the child, mainly in the field of cheeks, forehead and chin, persistent hyperemia occurs, subsequently appear itchy bubbles filled with serous content. Bubbles are opened, erosion covered by serous-hemorrhagic crusts are formed in their place. The tormenting itch causes the baby to comb skin in the field of lesion, which aggravates the course of the disease.

            Sometimes the process captures the torso, the inner surface of the arms and legs, to 1.5-2 years, the skin in the place of lesion becomes dry, wrinkled, rough. Separating bumps that appear during the exacerbation period are merged into large foci of infiltration, especially noticeable in the area of ​​the armpit depressions, elbow folds and popliteate.

            Gastrointestinal symptoms of food allergies

            Allergy to the skin of the childAmong all the manifestations of food allergies, they rank second after skin symptoms. Signs of intolerance of cow milk sometimes appear in the maternity hospital, if the child is recalled with milk mixtures. Lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, forcing the child to cry and stuck with legs, talk about violation of the digestive process.

            Allergies can manifest itself in the form of esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, colitis. Her manifestations depend on the level of the defeat, after eating the child occurs its itch and edema of lips, language and oral mucosa. Ezophagitis clinic is characterized by strong pain when swallowing food, tightening. Light forms of allergic enteritis proceed as intestinal colic, accompanied by a bloating, anxiety and a child crying. In severe cases, there is a frequent liquid chair with an admixture of mucus and blood. As soon as the food allergen is excluded from the power, the state of the kids is normalized.

            Defeat of the respiratory system with allergies

            In early age children with food allergies, the respiratory system is amazed quite rare, especially in an isolated form. If the respiratory tract is affected, signs of allergies in children develop together with skin and gastrointestinal symptoms. As an option of respiratory form of allergies, an allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma occur, manifested by itching, runny nose, sneezing, whistling difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, sensation in breast. Respiratory form of allergies occurs in 60% of children with intolerance of cow's milk.


            Food allergies in children can occur in severe form in the form of anaphylactic shock (0.8-9%). Anaphylaxis — The overall allergic reaction at which there are various skin, gastrointestinal and respiratory manifestations of allergies, on their background there are pronounced violations of cardiovascular activities, often leading to a deadly outcome.

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