Appendicular peritonitis in children is a very dangerous state developing due to the complication of the flow of appendicitis. If the child is not in a timely manner, the baby can even die. Therefore, it is especially close to the health of children and in no case do not deal with self-treatment, since when the development of peritonitis can be the road every minute.

Appendicitis in children and peritonitis
often develop almost simultaneously. When untimely rendered
Surgical assistance during acute inflammation of a worm-like process
The defeat of the peritoneum with the transition in spilled or limited
peritonitis. This condition is urgent and requires emergency medical
Parents are categorically prohibited in this period to give children
antibiotics or painkillers, as this can lead to
Softening symptoms and diagnostic difficulties in the future. Development of appendicular peritonitis in children — most
Common complication of acute appendicitis. It often ends
Flyless, so in no case do not keep children at home if pain appear
In the abdomen, vomiting, pale skin and stool violations.
Peritonitis in children: basic symptoms
At the initial stage of the development of appendicular
peritonitis in children clinical manifestations are poorly pronounced. Maybe
Disps appear disappointments (nausea, vomiting, meteorism). In such
child condition is 12-24 hours.
In the future, intestinal obstruction may occur. BUT B
childhood degree of internal damage rarely corresponds to severity
Symptomatics. Incixing syndrome increases, due to vomiting it can occur
Dehydration, body temperature often rises. The skin becomes gray and
dry. The chair is irregular, but appendicitis in children,
peritonitis sometimes appear diarrhea. W
newborns may not be muscular stomach, but present
Pronounced bloody.
The condition of the child without assistance only worsens:
Appears a symptom of Brushnikina — Blumberg, press muscle tense, with palpation
Child cries from pain. Children with peritonitis often lie on the side, pursing the legs.
Increasing inxication and violation of the cardiovascular system can
bring to irreversible consequences.
The reason for the late hospitalization of children with appendicitis and
The peritonitis developed on his background is associated with the difficulties of diagnosis. Kids
up to 3-4 years can not really explain to adults about their condition, and the initial
The painting of inflammation of the peritoness often coincides with the symptoms of other disorders
(intestinal infections, cholecystitis, gastritis exacerbations).
But the possibilities of modern surgery today are so
It is high that even the most difficult case of peritonitis can be successfully resolved,
Saving the health and life of the child. It is only necessary to suspect a non-loud and
Contact specialists without applying dubious funds of traditional medicine,
And immediately sending the baby to the doctors.