School time and school diseases


School time and school diseasesIt is safe to argue that among adults there are no indifferent to children's health issues. After all, the health of schoolchildren — This is not only the problem of today, this is our future.

Psychologists and physiologists argue that about 20% of children come in the first grade, while among graduates of healthy boys and girls there are only 3%. The number of schoolchildren with chronic ailments is steadily growing, most often suffer from endocrine and bone-muscular systems, organs of vision and digestion. What happens?

How a seven-year-old child is worried, for the first time crushed the school threshold, do not know in every family. After all, it is well known that at the time of acquiring a beautiful school form and «Magic school supplies» Every child knows exactly: «I will be excellent».

But the week passes, the other, the first difficulties and incomprehensibility appear, the dust and fed gradually fade and disappear, and now in the class there are children who do not seek to be excellent students and «Heroes of academic labor». And sometimes it is not at all because they do not want, although such children in the class are recruited to 40%, but because the reasons that prevent it from do.

Nervous overvoltage

It is clear that in an unfamiliar environment where the relationship is not always the way as we would like a small schoolboy, the child inevitably appear stresses and nerve breaks. A number of reasons provokes the development of neurosis in children, one of which — Nervous overvoltage. Recently, pediatricians have noted the growth of neuropsychiatric disorders from schoolchildren.

Stress and colossal overload at school made Albert Einstein by the lagging child in the classroom, and Alexander Pushkin did not allow to take a place to take a place in a row of well. In addition, some schoolchildren should be distinguished, who experience insecurity, when fear and fear of punishment give rise to an understated self-esteem, which also inevitably leads to neurosis. Psychologists argue that today 85% of schoolchildren suffer from chronic nervous overvoltage and extensive training load, which is not under power.

Healthy lifestyle — Success schoolboy

Becoming a full member of the team, not to be afraid of the teacher and his orders should help the schoolboy his parents, and to instill communication skills without prejudice to health — The main task of the school. Here to help the child comes mandatory observance of the routine of the day, daily eight-hour sleep, regular sports, hardening and walking in the fresh air at least 2–3 hours a day.

«McDonalds» — Not the best friend of the schoolchild

Children stopped to go to the air, street games were replaced by many hours of computer battles, they even forget to dine. Such a mass phenomenon led to the fact that today, every tenth child has gastritis, duodenitis and dyskinesia of biliary tract. Many diet don't even have breakfast at home, and hot food get only once a day. Schoolchildren try to abandon the hot school lunches, prefer to replace them with buns, chips and sweet carbonated water. Nutritionists pay attention to parents and teachers that breaks between the adoption of food in children should not exceed four hours, and the fast food in the diet should not be.

Heavyweight portfolio and scoliosis

School time and school diseasesWhat are the slender and neat first graders stand on the line of September 1! And how everything changes after a few years in school at school, which often do not increase them. To the nine-tenth class, the curvature of the spine to one degree or another is fixed from each second schoolchild. In addition, heavyweight portfolios, which are sometimes two or three times heavier than permissible norm, also change posture.

Reduce the time of staying student in a static pose is obliged every teacher. For this there are special exercises. Recently, youth fashion helps to fight scoliosis. So that the children did not have pressure on one shoulder, bags and portfolios successfully gave way to the wrecks and backpacks.

The school should set itself the task of preventing children's scoliosis, and for this you need to increase the watch of physical education, organize active movable changes, involve children in the sports sections. Prevention Scoliosis — The only thing that can help our children remain slim and beautiful all life.

Prevention of myopia — these are not fashionable rims

Another trouble lifts the child in school years — Development of myopia. Medical statistics state that younger students suffer from myopia in 6–8% of cases, and in high school students it is celebrated already in 25–30% of cases. Of course, there is a genetic predisposition to the development of myopia, but in most cases its cause —Increased visual load. It's no secret that children in the class are often distributed without taking into account the recommendations of the ophthalmologist and the influence of the visual load. Just for this reason, vision is progressively reduced.

The prevention of myopia lies in the organization of proper physical activity with the restriction of children's employment by various electronic gadgets.

Satellites — Viruses and colds

It is impossible not to say about the most common school diseases: colds, viral and bacterial infections. Once in the new team, the child may not be ready to meet with various microorganisms that lie on every step. In addition, frequent hypothermia or, on the contrary, overheating during moving classes — Summary provocateurs. Great importance in these issues — The rules of personal hygiene, which the child is trained both at home and at school. They will help the schoolboy to protect themselves from pediculosis, which can occur when direct contact with the carrier of parasites, as well as through clothes in the wardrobe or in the dressing room of the sports hall.

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