Nootrop phenotropyl takes the leading position on efficiency now. Our site will introduce readers with his therapeutic properties, indications for use and an unusual history of creation.
Nootropic remedy for a new generation

First of all, I will explain what nootropics are? Nootropics (in other words, neurometabolic stimulants) - drugs that have a stimulating effect on the brain work, while improving mental activity, memory, thinking processes. Term «Nootrop» Educated from two Greek words meaning «intelligence» and «Change». Agree, the quality of our life depends on the good mood, the clear mind, the desire for activity. Improving these indicators and is engaged in phenotropyl. Previously, a long time, a group of nootropic funds was headed by piracetam, now the phenotropyl is still confident. Its main distinctive features from other nootropov - a single daily reception, low daily dose, safety, high efficiency in brain stimulation and antidepressant activity.
Unusual history of the preparation
It is gratifying that the drug is designed and patented in Russia, here it is produced. Initially, the phenotropyl was developed and was created in the walls of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems for Cosmonauts to improve their mental and physical performance in complex stress conditions. The development of phenotropyl was led by psychopharmacologist in. AND. Ahapkina. To the drugs placed in the first-aid kit of astronauts, very hard requirements are imposed. All the well-known Alexander Silver, who used the drug during a long flight, then noted that the phenotropyl removes the irritability and impulsivity well, inevitably arising under stress and nervous voltage. High efficiency of this means that allowed cosmonauts to cope with excessive loads, surprised developers. It was decided to apply on its application and in civilian medicine. Conducted clinical trials proved that the drug is highly efficient and safe. This is what I «Stepped» Phenotropyl «From Heaven to Earth». Produce it in the form of plane-cylindrical pills having a white color or a slightly silica shade. 30 tablets are placed in the package. Activity - phenylpiracetam. In one tablet it 100 mg or 50 mg. Auxiliary substances are as follows: lactose, calcium stearate, potato starch.

Pharmacological properties
The drug developers argue that its mechanism of action is very close to natural processes. Phenotropyl helps the body, and especially the brain, maintain its own resources, and not exhaust them. These are positive impacts are proved in various institutions and medical institutions:
- Hemisphere brain faster exchange information.
- The mental activity is improved, the concentration of attention, memory, training of students and schoolchildren is easier.
- The stability of the brain tissues to oxygen starvation increases (i.e. hypoxia) and toxic effects.
- Regional blood flow, metabolic processes in brain cells are significantly improved in the stylish areas and brain departments.
- Anxolytic activity, that is, the ability to remove the alarming states.
- Anticonvulsant action.
- Improving the mood, removal of manifestations of depression.
- Increased content in the brain of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.
- Anorexigne activity, that is, the suppression of appetite with long-term courses use.
- Increase the energy potential of the body, endurance and physical activity.
- Some analgesic (painful) Action manifested by increasing the threshold of pain sensitivity.
- Adaptogenic effect under stress conditions, nervous loads, with fatal, reduced motor activity.
- The acuity and field of view improves, patients noted that items are seen clear and brighter.
- The lower limbs improve blood flow.
- Immunostimulating properties in response to the introduction of antigens to the body.
Indications for use
Spectrum of action is very wide. The drug is shown in case of such diseases as:
- cerebrovascular insufficiency, head injuries;
- difficulties in training, problems with the memorization of the material, the concentration of attention;
- various degrees of depression;
- obesity (mainly alimentary-constitutional origin);
- convulsive states, schizophrenia;
- Prevention of oxygen starvation of brain cells;
- to increase stress resistance;
- Extreme working conditions, to prevent overwork and enhance physical and mental performance;
- neurotic states accompanied by a deterioration in memory, lethargy, violation of attention, increased extregnity;
- Correction of daily biorhythms and regulation of sleep and waking processes;
- Chronic alcoholism, drug addiction to reduce the manifestations of muscle weakness, depression, apathy, memory violations and intelligence.
Contraindications and precautions
If a person has increased sensitivity to the composite components of the drug, its use is contraindicated in the future. Pregnant women or a nursing breasts also need to refrain from the receipt of the drug, since there are no data on clinical studies in these periods of life of women and influence on babies. It is only established that the phenotropyl does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic actions.
How to take this medicine?
Dose, of course, should pick up and install your attending physician, given the disease and condition of a person. Typically, a one-time dose is prescribed 100 mg, the reception can be one-time, but sometimes in two receptions. The daily dose ranges from 100 mg to 300 mg. If 100 mg of medication is scheduled per day, then it must be taken in the morning, immediately after breeding. If one more reception has to be done, then it must be carried out until 15 o'clock in the afternoon. Usually the course of treatment lasts 30 days. Some patients increases to three months. And athletes are sometimes prescribed for three days before the competition. At obesity The drug is drunk in the morning for one or two pills over two months.
Our site reminds that it is necessary to take a phenotropyl to 15 hours to avoid unwanted effects. They are rarely found, but still, we will mention them:
- insomnia;
- redness of the skin (i.e. hyperemia) and the feeling of heat;
- lifting blood pressure;
- Psychomotor arousal.
special instructions
If a person is very emotionally and physically exhausted due to the long exposure of stress, the first receptions of the drug can cause the desire to sleep. In such patients, the body suggests that it is necessary to relax well and sleep, so you need to start treatment in non-working days.
Young children are not yet recommended to prescribe a drug, as not all clinical trials have been held for this age.
Careful It is necessary when prescribing the drug patients with strong mental disorders so that panic exacerbation does not occur, anxiety, nonsense, hallucinations. People who have a predisposition to allergies to medicines, also in the first days of reception it is necessary to be attentive. Approach to hypertensive and patients with heavy liver diseases or kidneys should also be special.
The drug has proven itself well, has a significant list of indications for use. But our site offers its readers to pre-visit the doctor to get a prescription for medicine and an additional, competent, reasonable consultation.