Whooping cough


  • What is a pertussus
  • Symptoms of Cockles
  • Complications of Cockles
  • Diagnosis of pertussis
  • Treatment of Cockles
  • Prevention of Cockle

  • What is a pertussus

    Cocky is a dangerous infectious
    respiratory disease that is called
    Specific bacteria Bordetella Pertussis
    (Copllow Wand, Bordean Geng State Wand)., Pathogen
    Small, Ovoid, gram-negative wand,
    Low-resistant in external environment. Entrance doors
    - Upper respiratory tract, where a pertussic vegetables
    wand. Characterized by sharp casic respiratory
    paths and attacks of spasmodic cough. Congenital
    immunity due to maternal antibodies
    develops. Probability of infection upon contact
    is 90%. Very dangerous for children under 2 years.
    Since before the appearance of a characteristic cough to distinguish
    Cocal from other infections is hard, for one
    infected manage to infect their surroundings.

    Children's preschool children
    The incubation period lasts from 7 to 14 days. Infection
    happening airborne droplets. The patient is infected with S
    up to 25 boutication. Duration of a contagious period
    can be reduced by timely
    Antibacterial therapy.

    specific terrain disease acquires
    Epidemic character with periodicity in 2-4 years.
    About half of the cases fall on children up to 2 years.
    The first disease usually does not leave natural
    Immunity for life, but re-infection (if
    takes place) proceeds easily and often not

    The disease lasts about 6 weeks and
    It is divided into 3 stages: Promotional (catarler),
    Paroxysmal and recovery stage.

    Symptoms of Cockles

    After infection begins the longitudinal
    (Catarial) period: within 1-2 weeks noted
    Rubber, sneezing, occasionally moderate increase
    Temperatures (38-38.5) and cough that does not decrease
    from antitussive tools. Gradually cough
    enhanced, acquires an approached form,
    especially at night.

    Whooping cough
    Starting from the third week begins
    Paroxysmal period during which is observed
    Typical spastic cough: a series of 5-15 rapid
    cough jesters accompanied by short whistling
    inhale. After several normal breaths can
    New paroxysm begin. During paroxysms
    A abundant amount of viscous mucous
    vitreous sputum (usually breast and small children
    swallow, but sometimes its separation is noted in the form
    Big bubbles through nostrils). Characteristic vomit,
    arising at the end of the attack or with vomit movements,
    caused by the discharge of thick sputum. During an attack
    cough face patient blushes or even blue; language
    It turns out to failure, it is possible to trauma
    bridles about the edge of the bottom of the cutters; Sometimes arise
    Hemorrhage under the mucous membrane conjunction

    After an attack, the child is tired. In heavy
    Cases worsen general condition.

    The number of attacks increases on
    Diseases. Some children have no attacks
    frequent, others have up to 50 per day.

    In infants is not typical
    Attacks of Cockles. Instead, they have after several
    cough jerks may come short-term
    Stop breathing, which can be dangerous for

    Depending on the frequency of cough
    attacks and severity of other symptoms distinguish
    Light, medigative and heavy focus.
    There are also broken flutter forms under which
    The spastic nature of cough is not expressed. This form
    observed in children who received vaccine-philactics, and

    The recovery stage begins with
    fourth week; paroxysms become not so
    Frequent and heavy, less often end with vomiting, patient
    It feels better and better looks. Average
    Duration of the disease - about 7 weeks (from 3
    weeks up to 3 months). Paroxysmal cough can
    appear again for a few months; how
    Rule, it provokes ORVI.

    Complications of Cockles

    Especially hard, with significant
    mortality, cough flows in children of the first months
    life; Infections often observe attacks
    Pneumonia, Atelectases (25%), Causes (3%),
    Encephalopathy (1%).

    From other complications there is a sharp
    Larygit (larynx inflammation) with laryngeal stenosis
    (false croup), bronchiolites, nasal bleeding,
    Stop breathing, umbilical, grocery hernia.

    Dangerous is the defeat of the lungs
    (bronchopneumonia), especially at heart age
    (probability of 15%).

    Also a serious complication is
    Encephalopathy, non-inflammatory change of the head
    brain, which due to the occurrence of convulsion can
    lead to death or leave behind persistent
    Damage, deafness or epileptic attacks.

    In adult complications are rare.

    Mortality is high in developing
    In developed countries, the death rate from the cough and it
    Complications reaches 0.04%.

    Diagnosis of pertussis

    Main method - excretion of the pathogen
    (bacteriological method). For 1 week
    Positive results manage to get 95%
    on 4 - only 50%.

    Difficulties in recognition are found
    mainly with erased form. Necessary
    Differentiate from ORZ, bronchitis. Confirmation
    The diagnosis is the release of a cough stick from
    tracheobronchial secret; For retrospective
    Diagnosis in later periods use
    serological methods (agglutination reaction, RSK,

    Treatment of Cockles

    Treatment of young children is carried out only
    in hospital. Patients provide special conditions -
    The Chamber must be well ventilated, the air should
    to be
    moistened with special humidifiers, air conditioning or
    wet towels. Heavy sick infants
    It is recommended to place in a darkened, quiet room and
    As possible to bother, because the impact
    stimuli can cause a heavy cough attack. For
    Senior Children with Light Disease Forms Bed
    No mode is required. Recommended patient stay
    on the
    Fresh air, outdoor children are practically not

    Whooping cough
    Serious attention should be paid
    nutrition, food is recommended to give often, but small
    portions. With a frequent strong vomit it is necessary to introduce
    Fluids intravenously. For infants is vital
    Salmon Sumps. Great importance for
    Cocky, especially in young children, with
    pronounced hypoxia phenomena has widespread use
    Oxygen therapy (oxygen tent content).

    Children of early age with severe and moderate
    forms of illness or in the presence of complications are prescribed
    Antibiotics: erythromycin of 5-10 mg / kg to receive 3-4
    per day; ampicillin oral and in / m25-50 mg / (kg-day) in 4
    reception, treatment course 8-10 days. Assign also
    Tetracycline for 30-40 mg for 10-12
    In severe cases, a combination of two
    Antibiotics. In the early stages of the disease effective
    Anticular Gamma Globulin (3-6 ml daily 3
    day in a row).

    With severe and complicated female powders
    Apply prednisolone. In order to weaken spastic
    phenomena and cough attacks prescribe neuroleptic
    Fundamental products, susecution. In hypoxia shown
    Oxigenic therapy, with apnea - long-term artificial
    Lighting lungs. With the protracted reparation prescribe
    Stimulating therapy (plasma transfusion, injection
    Immunoglobulin, physiotherapeutic procedures,

    Antitussive and sedatives
    should be used carefully or not at all,
    T.To. Efficiency of expectorant mixtures and drugs,
    overwhelming cough, as well as light sedatives
    Doubtful. Impacts should be avoided,
    Cough (mustard pieces, banks).

    While stopping the breath
    Clear respiratory tract from mucus by sucking it
    and carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs.

    Prevention of Cockle

    The only reliable means
    Specific prophylaxis is vaccination. Vaccines
    (Vaccine for prophylaxis of cough, diphtheria, tetanus
    hepatitis B); Infanrix (AAKDS) (caseless vaccine
    Preventing cough, diphtheria and tetanus).

    All children from 3 months have been held
    Vaccination against cough, consisting of 3 injections
    DCA vaccines with intervals of 1.5 months. Revaccination
    1.5-2 years after the course of vaccination. Vaccination B
    70-80% warns the disease or it proceeds into
    Easy form.

    The patient's isolation lasts 30 days from
    The beginning of the disease. On children up to 7 years of age, former
    contact with patients previously not pertered and
    Unmumbed, quarantine is superimposed with a period of 14 days from
    The moment of isolation of the patient. If insulation has not been carried out,
    This period is lengthened to 25 days from the day.
    Final disinfection is not produced. All children,
    in contact with patients are subject to
    For carrier.

    Contact children under the age of 1 and
    grafted administered to normal prevention
    Immunoglobulin (anticorrosive) 3 ml 2 days in a row.

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