Sweat gland disease - hydragenite


  • Why hydragenite occurs
  • How to treat and conduct prevention of hydraenite

  • Why hydragenite occurs

    Sweat gland disease - hydrageniteHydradenitis is purulent inflammation of sweat glands. Women's 30-40 years old are more often ill.

    Hydiagenite occurs at the following conditions

    • Blood blockage (violation of the formation of gland in the embryonic period, abrasion, diaper, bacterial infection: staphylococci, streptococci)
    • Hormonal Perestroika Endocrine System
    • Clocking follicula

    Hydragenite appears on the skin, more often in the axillary region, a dense node (or nodes) with a diameter of 0.5-3 cm, located under the skin, which is then started to perform above the skin and acquires the characteristic bug-eyed tint. Inflammation can capture several sweat glands or move from one gland to another. Hydrapenite Location: Mortar, Lobcovaya, Occopper region, Maspressure Head, Neck, face. May be itching the skin in the field of inflammation. Characteristic pain in the field of lesion. Temperature of body elevated. Recovery is accompanied by scarring, the formation of fistula moves, comedones (black acne).

    How to treat and conduct prevention of hydraenite

    Local treatment of hydraenite: treatment with disinfectants (bactericidal soap), antiseptic drugs (5% iodine tincture, 2% alcoholic salicylic acid solution, 2% boric alcohol), clindamycin 2% solution in the form of a mission or neomycin in the form of ointments, regular hygienic procedures ( shower, bath)

    • Surgical treatment of hydraenite: opening and excision of amazed tissues, fistula strokes. With a protracted course and inefficiency of therapy showing excision and transplanting of the skin with healthy sites.
    • Antimicrobial therapy is appointed by a doctor
    • Specific immunotherapy is shown at frequently arising hydrant. For specific immunotherapy, staphylococcus vaccine, gamma globulin apply

    How to conduct hydragenite prevention

    • Hygienic measures: compliance with clothing environmental conditions (temperature, humidity), it is necessary to avoid wearing close clothes
    • Normalization of body weight in obesity
    • Careful toilet of the armpit
    • Exception of annoying perfume and cosmetics.

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