Than dangerous anal crack?


What is dangerous anal crack?Anal crack — Damage, sloppy disfect of an anus mucosa (rear pass), more often than its posterior wall. It is characterized by itching, intense burning pain, amplifying during defecation and after it, a slight allocation of scarlet blood, sphincter spasm. Restophobia arises («Stoboyanis») Due to strong pain, neurogenic disorders: aggression, apathy, irritability. Permanent traumatization and irritation leads to the formation of a long non-healing ulcers, its infection and suppuration.

Anal crack — This is a defect of the mucous membrane of the rear pass, as a rule, a linear or ellipseed shape arising on the wall of the rear-ground channel. Usually located on the middle line of the rear wall.

The length of the anal crack is most often not more than 1 centimeter, however, it is a very serious disease that can have hazardous consequences.

Among the diseases of the rectum Cracks of the rear pass Extremely common and are the third in the frequency of a proctological diagnosis after inflammation of the rectum and hemorrhoids. More often anal crack is found in women 25-40 years old (more than 60% of cases). Acute (freshly formed) the crack of the rear pass in the form looks like a gap with smooth, smooth edges. Anal sphincter muscles form the bottom of the crack. Gradually, granulations are formed on the bottom and edges, which are covered by fibrin.

A long-term existing crack is characterized by compacted edges (due to the growth of connective tissue) with signs of trophic disorders.

On the internal (sometimes on the outer) edge of the crack forms a connecting tuberculosis («Watchdog tubercle»), which can be the basis for the development of a fibrous polyp.

What is dangerous anal crack?The most frequent causes of the appearance of anal cracks — These are frequent constipation and diarrhea, hemorrhoids, severe physical work, sitting, alcohol and acute food abuse, mechanical damage to the adhesion of the anal channel by foreign object or dense fell.

Diseases contributing to the occurrence of cracks in the rear pass are inflammation of the large intestine (colitis, enterocolites, sigmoidites, proctitis, hemorrhoids). In 70% of cases, the crash of the rear pass occurs in persons suffering from the pathologies of the stomach, the small intestine, the liver, the pancreas and the biliary system.

At a similar number of patients Anal crack Combined with hemorrhogo. Long existing chronic hemorrhoids contributes to a decrease in the elastic properties of the mucous membrane of the anal channel (as a result of the pengulation), the consequence of which is a tendency to the emergence of its defects. The scallop line of the wall of the anal canal is the most vulnerable in case of voltage.

The main objectives of therapy of the anal crack: Anesthesia, removal of the tonic spasm sphincter, normalization of the chair and the healing of the crack.

Treatment can be carried out by conservative methods and with the help of surgical intervention.

Timely appeal to the doctor, with fresh (no more than a week) of an uncomplicated crack with smooth edges, allows you to grasp the crack faster and more efficiently with therapeutic agents.

In a comprehensive clinic, you will be assisted by high-class proctologists with extensive experience.

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