Sedentary lifestyle and improper nutrition are fraught with serious consequences. What to do if suddenly overtaking hemorrhoids?

According to the legend, the great battle under Waterloo was played by the French because the emperor Napoleon had a sharp attack of this disease. He simply could not sit on the horse and head his own army. Few people know that in Russia hemorrhoids called «Tsarist» Disease. Prince Boris Godunov, King Alexey Mikhailovich and Peter III. In the people of the same hemorrhoids called simply — renim (from the word scratch).
Why today from hemorrhoids suffer the most citizens? The reason for what — A sedentary sitting lifestyle, first of all from office workers and drivers, as well as abuse of acute food and alcohol. As a result, constipation arise, and then hemorrhoids. Suffer from hemorrhoids often pregnant and giving birth women. Congestive phenomena in a small pelvis, a decrease in the intestinal motor function contribute to the excessive filling of the hemorrhoids of blood, which leads to their painful swelling in the lumen of the rectum.
Despite the fact that the disease creates so many unpleasant, painful sensations, many do not rush to the doctor, considering hemorrhoids banal and harmless. This opinion is erroneous. As hemorrhoids progressing leads to pains, the fallout of internal hemorrhoidal nodes, polyps and anal cracks appear in the rectum, and punctures, paraprocts, fistulas appear. There are indirect symptoms — Asthenium, chronic fatigue syndrome, significantly deteriorates the state of the skin, chronic gynecological and urological diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are sharpened. But most perhaps dangerous is that hemorrhoids — One of the possible causes of rectum cancer.
Modern methods of treatment in the shortest possible time will be able to return health to you and allow you to forget about discomfort. For example, unique Doctor-Proctologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Ruslan Arsenovich Jalagon It has the technique of treating hemorrhoids without the use of operation. In essence, it is a combination of special modern techniques, while in many metropolitan clinics, only one possible treatment method is offered. Ruslan Jalagia, using his rich work experience and personal approach to each patient, achieves stunning results. Modern high-tech equipment allows you to carry out painless diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids, including in acute form.
It is worth noting that the non-operational treatments for the hemorrhoids that use the proctologist Ruslan Jalagon, take a few minutes and completely eliminate the patient from discomfort. After treatment, you can immediately return to the usual rhythm of life.
The proctologist Dr. Jalagon has already helped hundreds of patients from Moscow and other cities of Russia and many foreign countries. Specialist advises not to shove his disease and seek help to professionals.
Dr. Jalagona leads patients in a comprehensive clinic.
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