Sleep irritated intestine


  • Why yr. belly?
  • Normalize your food
  • To each – naught!

  • Why yr. belly?

    Sleep irritated intestine Food intolerance of a functional food is called irritable bowel syndrome (CRC). This diagnosis is approximately 40% of the inhabitants of the planet. In fact, CRK – This is the pain and rumbling in the stomach, his bloating, increased gas formation (flatulence), often headaches, sleep disorders, feeling of coma in the throat and, as a crown of everything, – Constipation or diarrhea.

    The causes of irritable bowel syndrome many: stress, overexcitation, menstrual disorder, obesity, diabetes mellitus. It is clear that most often problems with digestion arise in the warm season on the background of abundant eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

    By the way to say if the doctor has diagnosed «Chronic spastic colitis», then it is also nothing but an irritable bowel syndrome. Just term «irritable intestinal syndrome» went into use not so long ago. With a detailed endoscopic study of the colon, it turned out that in fact no colitis (i.e. inflammation of the intestinal mucosa) in patients not observed. Then the doctors concluded that most patients have impaired nervous regulation of intestinal motor function.

    Experts identify three main options for the flow of irritable intestinal syndrome: with a predominance of pain and meteorism; With the predominance of regular constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea (diarrhea). Of course, all listed symptoms can be «Signals» More serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and, finally, malignant neoplasms. To eliminate all these serious illnesses, it is necessary to conduct a serious survey.

    Normalize your food

    Distinctive feature of irritable intestinal syndrome – The fact that the above symptoms do not progress, pass after visiting the toilet «in large» (immediately becomes easier). And in general, if problems with belly worry you a total of more than three months a year, they can be called syndrome, if they do not reach this period – It is believed that this is a temporary inconvenience.

    Sleep irritated intestine To avoid not very pleasant minutes of communication with «White friend» Toilet, follow the simple rules. Do not throw on fruits and vegetables, as if you were only taken out of a deposited city or you were sitting on a strict diet. Do not burn to the state «I can not anymore», in everything you need a measure. No stomach and intestines will endure your rising curmonary.

    Being in overseas travels, do not try to try all local cuisine and exotic vegetables, because a person gets used to a certain diet, and new dishes can be a strong stress for the body. Even reminding you do not want about such banal truths, like washing hands, fruits and vegetables before meals. Especially this applies to lovers to chew on the go just purchased all saint.

    Today, the irritable bowel syndrome is treated not only with the help of medicines (by the way, they must appoint a doctor, and not a pharmacy pharmacy when you ask «Something from the belly»), but also psychotherapeutic methods. In addition, treatment must include the normalization of the mode and the nature of nutrition (for a person is what it eats), and ultimately – Increase internal discipline of the patient, getting rid of it from depression and hypochondria.

    With an irritable bowel syndrome flowing with severe painful sensations, the doctors are usually prescribed drugs that provide antispasmodic effect (but-shpa, Papaverin, Baratgin, Spasmalgon, Saugan and T. D.). If the constipation dominate, dietary recommendations are issued to the foreground, in particular the enrichment of the diet of food with products, rich fiber (raspberry, plum, melon, pumpkin, apricot, etc.), useful nuts, blueberries, grenades and any vegetable oils (olive, almond, vaseline, which envelop the stomach).

    If the irritable intestinal syndrome is accompanied by diarrhea – Need gentle food (porridge, potatoes and other products, where little fiber). Easy suffering drugs, strengthening the vascular wall and mucous membrane: Askorutin, calcium gluconate. Adsorbing products are also appointed. The same activated carbon. With proper treatment, the syndrome does not progress, and therefore a person feels comfortable in life.

    To each – naught!

    • If you have a peptic disease, gastritis, you will have to abandon everything sour: currant, acidic apples, drain, citrus.
    • If there is a disease associated with the esophagus (difficulty in swallowing, heartburn, the hernia of the esophagus), you are contraindicated for gardens gardens that will slow down the work of the esophagus, this – Pepper, dill, garlic.
    • If you have a tendency to a rapid chair, then a large amount of fiber will not benefit. Especially a lot of her in raspberry. But with constipation, it is simply indispensable.
    • Watermelon is also rich in fiber. Therefore, having eaten it, you can earn heartburn, belching and t. NS.

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