Members of the injury is called human damage (RAS or burns). From this article, you will learn about the most frequent reasons, pushing people on such steps, as well as about ways to get rid of thrust to membership.
A commemoration is damaged to oneself. Recently, it occurs increasingly and more often, especially among young people. Someone considers members a sign of mental disadvantage, however, most often, it is not.
Scientists Van der Irase and Herman in 1991 conducted a study among patients who applied their cuts. It turned out that most of them in childhood were either subject to physical or sexual violence, or grew in an unhealthy family atmosphere, from parents who neglected their duties. Third option - systematic grazing at school.
In addition, during the study, the following patterns were identified:
- than at an earlier age, violence occurred, the higher the risk that, becoming an adult, a person will deal with membership;
- Sexual violence more often leads to membership, than violence physical or psychological.
Later, the conclusions of Van der Rod and German were confirmed: indeed, the overwhelming majority of people causing themselves, survived physical and / or sexual violence. However, it is important to note that after all «majority» does not mean «all». Some people engaged in membership, violence or other serious injuries have not been subjected. Scientists concluded that there are people, «Predistened» to the development of such behavior, and experienced injury only stimulates such a predisposition.
A rather interesting explanation of the membership offered a psychologist Linekhan in 1993. It looks like this: «People practicing memberships grew in an atmosphere that depreciated their feelings. Families where violence exists unambiguously guarantee such an atmosphere, but it can also be quite «Normal» families. «Depreciation of feelings» means that the child since childhood could not talk about personal experience and emotions, since he was ignored or ridicule».
And finally, people with certain biological peculiarities can be predisposed to membership. According to one of such theories, memberships leads to a sharp change in the level of some substances in the brain, for example, serotonin substances. This can lead to a sharp decrease in aggressive feelings, and as a result, a person gets the opportunity «Growle», which can not express at the address.
Although it is believed that self-commitment is the most characteristic of adolescents, such behavior may occur among people of any age, gender, nationality and economic status. However, the most often members are observed among women. According to different estimates, they range from 67% to 85% of those who cause themselves physical harm.
There are different explanations of why women are more inclined to membership. The most popular theory of psychologist Miller. She believes that girls since childhood teach to suppress anger and aggression, because to show them «tenderly». Of course, boys also teach to suppress emotions, but with aggression and anger to them easier. Men are allowed to splash them «out», and women because of the peculiarities of education more often send them «to myself».
On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the relationship between sexual violence and self-interest. Still, in most cases, girls and women suffer from sexual violence...
Ways to get rid of habits for membership
«Classical» The treatment of a person suffering from membership implies isolation in the clinic, control over its behavior and the appointment of the respective drugs - primarily antidepressants. However, recently, most foreign specialists have come to the conclusion that it is physically hampered by commemoration. This can lead to the opposite result.
It is also useless to deal with membership of those methods that are used to overcome «Harmful habits», like overeating or smoking. This is not just a habit or «addiction», A person cannot refuse melligence if there is no alternative - effective stress management methods.
Today, psychiatrists recommend starting from the appointment of antidepressants and various mood stabilizers to, reduce emotional experiences, reduce patient traction to membership. Supplement to drug treatment will serve training skills to combat stress.
Since physical damage is only «The tip of the iceberg», then the next step of treatment should be psychotherapy, which will be aimed at solving the problems that lie «under the water». It may be working with experienced injury or family psychotherapy. Here is the key to success - the mood of the patient himself, the desire to actively cooperate with specialists and look for its own way to healing.