The degree of mental underdevelopment at oligophrenia


  • The degree of mental underdevelopment at oligophrenia
  • Deability
  • Imbecility
  • Idiocy

  • The degree of mental underdevelopment at oligophrenia

    According to the severity of the intellectual underdevelopment of oligophrenia, it is divided into three groups: debt, imbecility and idiotium, the quantitative ratio of which is 75%, 20% and 5%, respectively.


    Deability is the easiest to the most common form of oligophrenia. Children with oligophrenia in degree of debitability make up the main contingent of the auxiliary school students and quantitatively - the overwhelming majority of its students.

    The degree of mental underdevelopment at oligophreniaIntellectual defect here is expressed negro. There are elements of ability to generalize. In preschool age, there is a primitive intent in the game, the possibility of its simplest organization; In school - a certain assessment of a specific situation, orientation in ordinary practical issues. There is a phrase speech, often a good mechanical memory. All this contributes to the acquisition of a certain stock of information, mastering reading skills, letters, accounts, learned knowledge provided for by the Auxiliary School Program.

    In the absence of complicating factors, sufficient diligence and efficiency are detected. The relative safety of emotions, their more pronounced differentiation facilitate the production of self-control.

    And, nevertheless, the debibility is inherent in all components of oligophrenic underdevelopment of intelligence.

    Thinking has a visual-shaped character. The child is better remembering objects and paintings, and from the verbal material - predominantly shaped and emotionally painted stories and descriptions. Absoral concepts and reasoning, not yet understood, not remembered. Genuine formation of concepts is inaccessible. Very weak ability to divert and summarize. Poorly understood the meaning of read. Correctly perceiving objects and their images, children suffering from refinery, are hampered in comparison, establishing existing internal connections between them. It clearly manifests itself in an experiment with plot pictures, a series of consecutive images, in classification operations.

    When teaching an account, children with difficulty assimilate the concept of quantitative content of the number, meaning of conditional arithmetic signs. No prior explanation often do not understand the condition of an easy task. With her decision «stuck» at the preceding method of action. Hardly assimilate the spelling rules.

    Phrases are primitive, it often suffers as agrammaties (incorrect stresses, incorrect case forms), kosonazychy. Kosonaschiya is a speech disorder concluded in the improper pronunciation of sounds. A typical example of kosonazychiya is a moldability when pronunciation of sound «R». The causes of kosonazychy are different. One of them is the wrong education of speech in young children. This happens in cases where parents or teachers in the nursery and kindergartens do not follow their speech. Verbal definitions that are not related to the specific situation are perceived slowly.

    The immaturity of personality is closely connected with intellectual underdevelopment. Distinctly protruding the failure of judgments and views, lack of curiousness in gaming, cognitive and work activities, the weakness of the initiative. With the total sufficient preservation of the emotional sphere there are no complex shades of experiences.

    There is a lack of thin differentiated movements, expressiveness of the Mimici.

    With proper upbringing and training, timely instigation of labor skills, the absence of neuropsychiatric disorders complicating the intellectual defect, the social forecast of this form of oligophone is favorable. When performing work that does not require initiative, independence and fast switchability, sufficient productivity is found. Availability of practical orientation, interest in its life contributes to the acquisition of labor skills and satisfaction.


    Imbecility is a heavier degree of dementia than debility. Specificity and severity of oligophrenic dementia perform when imbinity with greater durability. This is primarily manifested in full inability to distract from a particular situation, the formation of even elementary concepts. Judgments are extremely poor and mostly without processing borrowed from others.

    Logic processes are at a very low level. Children are not able to catch the basic idea of ​​the story read by him, its content is reproduced only by leading issues.

    The insufficiency of visual and auditory analysis and synthesis is clearly manifested in difficulties when memorizing letters similar to writing or sounding, when confrontation of sounds in syllables and syllables in words. Reading is often mechanical, understanding of the meaning of the read is missing. It is possible to train a sequence account within the first dozen, mechanical learning of the multiplication table. Distractable account, the concept of number is not available.

    The degree of mental underdevelopment at oligophreniaWord stock is small, sometimes limited to the names of individual items. Speech little, phrases short, agroform. Sparely noted Kosonasching.

    Motorika unoccupied. Syncinezia, slowness, lethargy, awkwardness of movements will grasp the difficulties of mastering by writing, physical labor.
    Sinknesia are additional movements that involuntarily occur with the main movements. Sinknesia, in particular, belong
    Hand movements when walking.

    For activity, the absence of initiative, independence, operating stamps based on imitation. Only those types of work are available that consist of the stereotypical repetition of the same learned techniques. Intellectual processing of own experience is absent. Changing the working or domestic template causes a condition of confusion. Therefore, adaptation to life and elementary work is possible only if there is permanent assistance, control and management.

    At the same time, these children are often inherent in certain observation in domestic situations. There is an ability to accumulate some reserves of information. Expectations and pronouncement of elementary phrases are often available, establishing differences between objects based on the allocation of their simple signs. Perhaps training elements of reading, letters, simple ordinal account. There are elementary self-service skills.

    Relatively preserved simple direct emotions, as well as manifestations of sympathy, the desire to help, the reaction to praise and the censure. There are primarily self-esteem: the experience of its physical weakness, motor awkwardness.

    In the absence of complication of oligophrenia, children and adolescents suffering from immibilities are often able to master elementary physical work (simple works with paper and cardboard, selection of color and size of simple parts for various household products and T. D.). With a severe degree of imbecyl nature, even simple industrial work is impossible.

    The severity of the intellectual defect in imbecylness is different. With less severe dementia (the presence of sufficiently developed speech, the ability to purchase elementary practical skills) Differentiation with debibility often presents certain difficulties. In these cases, children should be sent to the diagnostic classes of subsidiary schools, where the qualification of the severity of the intellectual defect is given on the basis of determination of the degree of trainee.

    Characteristic of the abnormal skull, phenomena of micro- and hydrocephalus and t. D. Hydrocephalus — This is an excessive increase
    Skull sizes, spring, caused by increasing amount
    Spinal fluid in the skull cavity. With this disease
    The shape of the skull changes — his brain department prevails significantly
    Over the facial, the frontal part sharply stands forward. Microcephaly — This reduction in the size of the skull and the early closure of spring. With congenital microcephalus Skull sizes Male from birth.


    Idioth is the most severe degree of oligophrenia. There is gross underdevelopment of perception functions. Reaction to the surrounding weak or inadequate. Consciousness of his own personality vaguely. Thinking is essentially missing (meaningless).

    In the processed speech, it is not perceived by its meaning, but intonation and accompanying speech of the Mimic and gestures. Features of self-speech depend on the depth of idiotia. It is limited to individual inhaulous sounds or is a set of single words (nouns or verbs, more often in an indefinite form), used without grammatical coordination, with a gross violation of pronunciation, frequent misunderstanding of the meaning.

    Emotions are extremely elementary and mostly associated with physical well-minded, physiological needs. The source of pleasure and primitive manifestations of joy are the somatic well-being, the feeling of satiety, heat, the satisfaction of pathological impulses (voraciousness, onanism, sucking fingers, chewing of inedible objects).

    The feeling of displeasure is caused by the feeling of cold, hunger, pain, somatic discomfort. Forms of expression of affect are primitive: joy is manifested in motor excitution, expressive cry and facial expressions; In the state of the malice, aggression is observed, a tendency to self-injury.

    Affect of fear, manifestations of negativism are often associated with the fear of a new, unknown. However, with lighter degrees of idiotia in patients, the patients can be found primitives of social feelings: elements of attachment to people who are killed and care for them, manifestations of joy when praise, vague anxiety when criminning. The general background of mood is characterized by either the complacency with elements of euphoria, or lethargy and indifference, less often with evilness and sullenness.

    The underdevelopment of motility is manifested in the extreme poverty of the facial expressions, monotony and slow motion, violations of their coordination up to standing and walking disorders.

    Activities are essentially absent. No self-service skills. Behavior is limited to either actions related to the implementation of instinctive needs, or elementary affective and motor reactions to the external stimulus. Granted to themselves, some patients lie or sit, not reacting to the surrounding, other restless, aimless fussy. Motor stereotypes have the nature of the rhythmic rocking of the body, monotonous movements of the head, limbs.

    In children there are deformations of the skull, weakening of any muscle, muscle groups, complete loss of arbitrary movements, convulsive seizures. Frequently rude defects of physical development: pronounced defects of the development of the physique, malformations of skin, internal organs, endocrine-exchange disorders.

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