The level of consumption of oral hormonal contraceptives in Russia is relatively low - 7-15% against 40-50% in Europe. Do these figures mean that our women are not well aware of the new features of modern oral contraceptives?

that 29% of women do not have sufficient information about the comprehensive advantages of contraceptives
new class, which may be due to
prejudice on the degree of safety of hormonal drugs or
Negative experience in the use of outdated means capable of causing side effects. Only
10% of the survey participants noted
The advantage of hormonal drugs as a decrease in monthly blood loss in menstruation and risk of development of anemia, and only 7% are sure that hormonal
Contraception does not affect the ability of conception in the future. At the same time, the main
Feature of modern contraception — This is primarily improved health
The health of the future mother
Statistics show:
The higher the level of consumption of hormonal contraceptives in the country
women reproductive age, the lower the percentage of unwanted
Pregnancies and abortion.
Oral hormonal contraceptives are one of the most
effective ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. For the last
Years of European specialists have changed a view of contraception: accent
shifted from the prevention of unwanted pregnancy for preparations for the desired
Maternity. Indeed, the use of hormonal contraceptives allows
woman to avoid negative experience, keep health, and choose the most
Suitable time to conceive a child. And after the abolition of a hormonal contraceptive
Pregnancy may occur within 2 weeks.
But that's not all — Modern contraceptives of the new
generations help keep not only health, but also take care of the figure and
Good health, improve the condition of the skin and hair, normalize
menstrual cycle and get rid of PMS symptoms.
Save Figure
The hormonal contraceptives of the old generation are capable of calling
Side Effects: Disruption of digestion, swelling and gradation in weight (up to 2
kg per month). The problem of swelling is in violation of water balance and delay
Fluids in the body. «Wine» This was a synthetic progestagen, which, in
The difference from the real progesterone, did not contribute to the removal of excess fluid
From the body.
Hormonal contraceptive new generation — based Chrospirenone (Manufacturer Gideon
Richter) — contributes to the removal of excess fluid from the body that
Prevents the development of swelling, and as a result, an increase in body weight. Same
Brospirenone favorably affects the scalp and hair skin, contributing
Getting rid of acne and seborrhea.
Carefully — PMS!
Even so harmless condition as PMS is capable of noticeable
Detect the well-being, working capacity and mood of a woman. Cope
The listed symptoms will help hormonal contraceptives created on the basis of
Component Desogestrel, capable
normalize menstrual cycle and reduce blood loss.
Nursing mothers
As you know, nursing mom is able to get pregnant if not
will be protected. Especially for nursing mothers Gideon Richter designed
Another hormonal contraceptive based on Desogestrel, which does not include estrogens. Desogestrel ne
affects the quality and amount of breast milk, and in some cases the drug
Created to improve lactation. Prescribe this contraceptive after 4-6 weeks after
delivery (with the resumption of sexual life).
Hurry up for 72 hours
Our review of oral hormonal contraceptives would be incomplete
without a drug emergency contraception created on the basis Levonorgestrel .
This tool is recommended for 72 hours after unprotected
All advantages of hormonal contraception
The use of oral hormonal contraceptives allows harmonization
work of the reproductive system: normalize the menstrual cycle, get rid of
Symptoms of PMS and excess blood loss, improve overall health and
prepare for scheduled pregnancy.
Currently there are contraceptives for any case:
from emergency contraception to preparations addressed to nursing mothers; from
contraceptives that help young women get rid of acne and PMS to
drugs with a pronounced therapeutic effect.
To take advantage of modern medicine,
need to take the first step — contact a female health specialist and
Ask to help with the choice of a suitable hormonal contraceptive.
More about the features of female contraception you can
Find out on the site