Mental disorders, neurosis


  • Neurosis
  • Neurasthenia
  • Neuroses of obsessive states
  • Hysterical neurosis
  • Depression

  • Whether it is a schoolboy trying to understand difficult for him
    item; Teenage girl living with her stepfather; Father big
    families, seeing means for food to feed their children;
    Lecturer who hoping for an increase in the payment of his difficult labor,
    entrepreneur wishing to increase profits of his business – all without
    Exceptions pass through the test strength of their nervous

    If you stretch in memory, we can remember only a few friends or
    familiar who themselves managed to cope with their condition in heavy
    life circumstances and remain calm, keeping clear
    head when solving current problems.
    The problem of good psychological health remains acute theme and
    today. About those types of neuropsychiatric disorders with whom we
    inevitably you have to face everyday life most often,
    And let's talk in this article.


    The first step to the depletion of the nervous system
    is elementary anxiety. Agree how often we start
    imagine incredible things, drawing different horrors, and then
    It turns out that all the alarms are in vain. Then, as far as development
    Critical situation Anxiety can pour into more serious
    nervous disorders, which leads to violations not only mental
    perception of man, but also to the failures of various systems of internal organs.

    Mental disorders, neurosis
    In your life, we most often face such a kind
    neuropsychiatric disorders like neurosis, number of manifestations
    which are affected by our imagination. For example, fear neurosis leads to a stomach duxury,
    problems in cardiac activity; Motor neurosis (ticks,
    involuntary twitching parts of the body or stuttering) – To the impossibility
    Making natural body movements.
    Under the word «neurosis» The extensive group of mental disorders is combined.
    The cause of neurosis can be any heavy for a particular person
    Event or lasting problem for a long time (in the family,
    at work). This is naturally reflected as a mental state
    (resistance to psychological loads is minimal) and on
    physiological (rapid heartbeat, violation of the stomach and t.

    As an example of events leading to neurosis, you can lift the fear of the loss of loved ones, the threat of parting with the beloved
    man, excitement about possible material crises or
    lowering status in career. If a person is in bench
    the cycle of urgent affairs, trying to remake them in a short time and
    does not have time if he is not satisfied, fails if he transfers some
    Heavy illness – All this is also sooner or later leads to mental

    What is important: with neurosis, the consciousness of a person is clear, he can give
    A satisfactory explanation for what is happening and seeks to get out of
    traumatic circumstances. In women, the frequency of manifestation of this
    mental disorder is much higher than that of men, which is explained
    Special type of organization of their emotionality and perception of current
    events. They are more open, take their experiences close to heart,
    worried about the smallest. As for men, they have
    The logical component prevails over emotions and sensitivity,
    which helps them give a sense assessment of situations and
    Take the search for a rational solution to the problem.

    The remaining forms of neurosis – neurasthenia, neurosis of obsessive states,
    hysteria – refer to more in-depth manifestations of mental
    human states and are their clinical options.


    Such a mental disorder
    How neurasthenia arises in response to a long impact
    traumatic situation and accompanied by high fatigue,
    extractability of mental activity against the background of excessive excitability and
    constant grinding in small things. And the excitability I
    irritability are protective ways from the final
    Destruction of nerves. People with a sense of duty are especially inclined to neurasthenia
    and anxiety, as well as not pouring and burdened by many

    A mental disorder is developing slowly, while complicated
    Symptoms characteristic of general neurosis and sharpen sensitivity
    To external influences, such as air temperature, brightness
    Lighting, power of tactile touches. Everything is perceived by the patients
    rather sharp and causes a strong outbreak of irritability,
    discontent. In addition to external stimuli, internal
    status changes (headache,
    heartbeat, gravity in the stomach, weakness in the legs and t.D.), same
    The deterioration of mental processes, memory is noticeable, attention weakens,
    reduced overall performance, rest does not bring the desired
    relief. In the sexual sphere, women decreases the attraction, men
    may suffer impotence and these factors often lead to additional problems in family relationships, up to their rupture.

    To prevent the development of neurasthenia, mymedinform recommends rationally
    Alternate work with full-fledged rest and walks in the fresh air.
    If it is impossible to eliminate the impact of the traumatic situation, useful
    do some simple case that will help to distract from
    Negative thoughts.

    Neuroses of obsessive states

    obsessive states are accompanied by repeated repetition of consciousness
    the person of the same thoughts who do not have any significance for him,
    committing a series of mandatory movements before anything,
    The emergence of absurd obsessive desires. The basis of people's emotions,
    located in a similar condition, is a feeling of fear and fear
    to do contrary to the inner voice, whatever he is absurd.

    This mental disorder is often subject to conscientious,
    Fearless people who are unsolved in their decisions and dependent opinions

    There is a separate group of obsessive fears, for example, the fear of the dark,
    Fear at the sight of spiders, fear of height and t.D. They meet quite
    Healthy people, the cause of their occurrence is associated with a combination
    traumatic situation and this particular factor, for example, fear
    Darkness may result from childhood memories when a child
    specifically scared with all sorts of monsters and horror stories before bedtime.

    Avoiding the occurrence of such a mental disorder helps
    Improving self-esteem, confidence in its significance, development
    independence and independence from others. Children need to protect
    from unusual age «scary» Literature, Ot
    Monsters toys, eliminate the methods of threats in their upbringing.

    Hysterical neurosis

    Mental disorders, neurosis
    neurosis arises as a result of a strong traumatic situation, and
    man does not try to resist her, but, on the contrary, «runs away» in her,
    Forcing yourself to experience all the sharpness of this experience.

    A pathological perception is developing, for the patient, finding
    hysterical condition becomes pleasant, it is very difficult to remove from
    of this state. The range of manifestations is very wide: from the top of the foot,
    breaking hair to kolanya on the floor in convulsions, so patient removes
    certain benefits and can manipulate both close and
    unfamiliar people. For example, capricious children deprived of attention,
    Such manifestations are trying to attract parents to themselves, hysterical
    Wife can achieve the desired thing from her husband and T. D.
    The execution of whims and requirements creates something like conditional
    Reflex, when a person, falling into hysteria, gets the desired, behavior
    fixes and becomes a personal feature. And women more
    prone to such mental disorders.

    Hysterical neurosis can last from a few minutes, hours to
    for several years, and than for a longer period he
    It spreads, the stronger there may be a mental disorder, and only changing the attitude of the person to their illness and consignments, it is possible to end this disease.

    To prevent
    The attacks of hysterical neurosis useful is temporary insulation
    man from others – As a rule, this condition quickly passes,
    T.To. The presence of the public creates conditions for demonstrating their desires and
    imaginary grievous state.


    neurotic disorders also include depression that
    characterized by the lack of joy, pessimistic perception of life,
    sadness and reluctance to change something in his life. She can
    accompanied by insomnia, refusal from food, from sexual communication,
    lack of desire to engage in their affairs, including loved ones
    Business. Often the manifestation of depression is expressed in the apathy of man to
    what is happening, dying, he seems to be in its measurement, not
    Notes surrounding people. For some depression encourages
    applied to alcoholic beverages, drugs and other, harmful to
    Health, means. Aggravation of depression is dangerous by the fact that the patient,
    losing criticalness and adequacy of thinking may end with them
    Withstand the shipment of the severity of this disease.
    Depression is seriously transferred if a person lives alone, so it is recommended that native and close in no way leave
    such a person alone with himself, unobtrusively involve him in the overall rhythm
    life without overloading. In communication with him more often remind that this
    temporary condition, and soon he will revive again, it will be, as before,
    Cheerful, be sure to support faith in it

    You can avoid the development of depression on your own, organizing correctly
    your routine of the day and recreation in which there should not be much space
    rented idle and aimless pastime. Interesting
    Hobbies, hobbies, a variety of classes and games in nature positively
    influence the overall well-being, charging vigor and energy.

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