Alarming disorders, symptoms and treatment

In a wonderful Soviet cartoon «Alice in the Wonderland» The Black Queen says phrase, which is amazing accuracy characterizes the way of modern life: «Here you have to run from all my feet to just stay in the same place, and to get to another place, you need to run half faster». As if about us about us, it is not true?

So think for a minute... To achieve a certain status in life today, you need to work a lot, and so that this status does not lose and, moreover, it is high above, you need to work twice. And it doesn't matter what purpose a person pursues - whether it is a discovery of your own business or a successful marriage in all respects - you need to work without king.

And what in the end?

As a result, the disorder on the soil of anxiety today is the most «Popular» a disease with which you have to live and deal with a modern person.

Under the term «Anxiety disorder» Psychiatry reference books describe mental states, the leading sign of which is inexplicable fear and anxiety on the verge of panic. Alarm disorders includes phobias, mixed anxious and depressive disorder, generalized alarming disorder, as well as panic attacks, about which mpcents told earlier.

From the usual anxiety, characteristic of everyone without exception, and even some animals, a pathological anxiety is distinguished by the fact that there are, as they say, in the exact location - there is no external factor that causes its appearance -.

External manifestations of alarming disorder

Neurology, nervous system, fear, stress, anxiety, alarming disorders, phobias

Easy anxiety externally is practically not expressed, all experiences are focused inside a person. Middle and high level of anxiety are launched in the work of Somato-Vegetative, «bodies» Signs of concern.

The most pronounced symptoms that are called people who suffer from disturbing states when they are asked to describe their feelings, following:

  • Anxiety is constant or regularly arising through relatively calm intervals;
  • an uncomfortable feeling of inner trembling;
  • Fear is inexplicable and unfounded;
  • Heart jumps out of the chest;
  • It's hard to breathe - as if there is no air at all;
  • on the body alternately run «icy» and «Fire» waves;
  • Strog abdominal spasms;
  • Strong sweating of palms and feet;
  • It is hard to make swallowing movements - everything dries in the mouth;
  • Frequent urge to urination, diarrhea;
  • fear of death.

Is a strong alarm for a person dangerous?

Easy cases of alarming disorder for the health and life of a person no threat represent. Much more serious things are dealing with a launched form of anxiety: medicine is known cases where diseases of the internal organs and systems became a consequence of severe alarm and concern.

In some cases, an alarming disorder, even with the most responsible and competent treatment, does not disappear without a trace, but it becomes quite «material» View in form Stomach ulcers, Hypertension, irritable intestinal syndrome. Sometimes anxiety is transformed into the hardest depression.

Varieties of disturbing states

Neurology, nervous system, fear, stress, anxiety, alarming disorders, phobias

On psychotherapy in the treatment of anxiety disorders impose a lion's share of hope. Consultations of a competent specialist help the patient to get to the true reason for the emergence of anxiety. Moreover, in the process of therapy, a person learns to relax and monitor its condition during an attack, and special practices make it possible to reduce susceptibility to factors that cause severe concern. The most effective treatment turns out to be when a person is determined and really wants to get rid of the state who poisoning his life.

The basis of drug treatment of the alarms is the reception of such drugs as:

  • beta-adrenoblays - drugs with which you can save a patient from «bodies» manifestations of mental disorder: rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, blood pressure jumps;
  • Tranquilizers - drugs make anxiety and fear less pronounced, improve sleep, remove excessive muscle tone. However, the reception of such drugs requires certain caution - they can cause dependence, addiction and cancellation syndrome. Take them into short courses, categorically avoiding drinking alcohol at this time. The negligence combination of alcohol and tranquilizer threatens with the oppression of breathing up to the full stop. Also, a very careful doctor selects drugs of this group for people whose occupation requires increased attention;
  • Antidepressants are prescribed in most cases due to the possibility of taking their long time - the body easily transfers them. The positive effect develops gradually (from several days to several weeks) - with alarm, retreats. Antidepressants are also an effective means to increase the threshold of pain sensitivity and help eliminate vegetative disorders (heartbeat, dizziness).

How to prevent the development of anxiety disorder

Neurology, nervous system, fear, stress, anxiety, alarming disorders, phobias

If you do not want a sticky feeling of anxiety and fear to be your everyday reality, we take seriously to the recommendations that our website offers:

  1. No one will take care of your health as well as you yourself: Eat natural quality products, be sure to take multivitamins.
  2. Refrain from coffee, sugar and alcohol - their effect is temporary, and the damage caused to health is indisputable.
  3. Every day, during the work process, find at least 15-20 minutes for recreation. Believe me, even these crumbs will become invaluable for your body - during this time try to distract and relax. So you significantly fill out your emotional and energy reserves.
  4. Review a weekly (monthly) list of your mandatory affairs: perhaps it can be corrected so much to win at the gray time for a full holiday. By all means try to avoid contacts and cases that cause you deep dislike.
  5. Get a diary, where every day you will celebrate the level of your anxiety on a ten-billion system. So it will be easier for you to track those events or events that make you worry and worry. Be sure to write out what thoughts are overcome you when you are worried. Also note that it helps you relax and tune in to a positive way. Rest and be healthy more!

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