Woman 21 century



Woman 21 centuryOf course, it is difficult to imagine how sensitive ladies with lace umbrellas or rebanks were survived in modern office life under the red flags. Our time presents completely different requirements for a woman - you need to be flexible, demonstrate male professionalism, competitiveness, willingness to be in working form almost around the clock, the ability to make several things at the same time, orient in a rapid flow of information and control the workflow… This high (and even overwhelmed) bar causes a completely legiturated female psyche response - an increase in anxiety. Our contemporaries have a personal whip, spurring their performance by experiences: «Whether? I'll succeed? I can be at the height?».

Anxiety works like lens - it repeatedly increases the importance of cases that you consider important, forcing you to apply additional efforts to their implementation. In the short term, it increases your effectiveness, and in the long-term? - On the one hand, you begin to act diligently, and on the other hand, you exhaust yourself with constant concern in situations where it is absolutely not required. Anxiety cannot be turned off or reduce - it equally exaggerates both important things and not important things. Any failures, even the most minor, strongly «wound» and knock out of the gauge, as they also become exaggerated. In addition, anxiety is destructive for memory and attention, so activities requiring high concentration and collens, it simply destroys!

So, originally anxiety «Need» For efficient work, but it helps for a short time - long alarming states are capable only to destroy activity and worsen well-being. How to help yourself get rid of the habit of worrying? - Of course, you need to start with the worldview and attitude towards yourself, but here you already have an anxiety will bend plans. Therefore, a tactically correct move will be removed anxiety as a painful symptom with the help of modern medicines. It is important that the drug you selected does not reduce the overall performance, did not cause drowsiness and lethargy. Such qualities have «Tenothen» - He gently soothes the nervous system, which means all the energy that was previously spent on anxiety, you can send on really important things! «Tenothen» - This is a modern anti-leaving agent for those who are in the center of events.

Be calm and confident in yourself!

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