Schizophrenia: Is it possible to heal from it?


  • What are the main symptoms of schizophrenia?
  • If schizophrenia suffers close to you...
  • How to treat schizophrenia?
  • Diagnosis of schizophrenia
  • Is it possible to cure schizophrenia?
  • When hospitalization is needed?
  • Medications
  • Adaptation in society

  • Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by a violation of thinking, behavior, perception of the surrounding world, as well as emotional disorders.

    Schizophrenia: Is it possible to cure it?What are the main symptoms of schizophrenia?

    • Reducing the level of activity
    • Closed
    • Aggressiveness
    • Changeable (often negative) attitude to loved ones
    • Poverty of the content of thinking, its illogic, cliffs of thoughts, unusual beliefs, the feeling of impact on thought
    • Disorders of perception
    • Deletion, dull emotion
    • Violation of attention and understanding
    • Inability to distinguish between the internal and external world.

      * These symptoms are often accompanied by (manifest) nonsense and hallucinations.

    If schizophrenia suffers close to you...

    • Try to ask for help for help from a specialist - Psychiatrist. The deadlines for the start of treatment play a crucial role!
    • Strictly follow the prescriptions of the doctor and control the constant reception of medicines.
    • No drugs and alcoholic beverages sick schizophrenia! They aggravate the symptoms of the disease.
    • Pay attention to all changes in well-being. If possible, write down and inform them to a consulting doctor.
    • Do not strive to quickly change the social position of the patient, the place of his studies, the occupation, the situation in the family.
    • Do not show excessive emotionality in relationships with patients.
    • Do not show in relation to the patient aggression.
    • Try to facilitate the feeling of loneliness.
    • Try to understand the feelings and thoughts of the patient, show sympathy, without causing the feeling of danger and without imposing their help.
    • Do not laugh at what the patient says, do not humiliate and do not insult him.
    • Do not argue with the sick and do not overheat it.
    • Explain easier. Say what you wanted to say clearly calmly and confident.
    • Be frank in conversation.
    • Reinforce the patient a sense of reality.
    • Support and develop the social skills of the patient in its daily activities.

    How to treat schizophrenia?

    Schizophrenia: Is it possible to cure it?
    Many believe that schizophrenia is incurable. However, actually exit. The trust in the attending physician, cooperation with it, as well as the conduct of active social work, taking into account the peculiarities of the patient's family, his social status.

    So that the treatment of schizophrenia is effective, it is necessary to properly choose the appropriate medicines that eliminate the symptoms of the disease, which have the minimum number of side effects and non-lifting quality of life.

    Best of all the treatment of schizophrenia to start in the hospital, it should include the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, since the names of manifestation of schizophrenia are quite diverse. It is desirable that the situation around the patient schizophrenia was calm (he was alone in the ward) so that the doctor who assisted by the modern methods of psychotherapy.

    It is unacceptable to provide patient with schizophrenia to itself, to exclude the activity that he was interesting. The activity of schizophrenia patient should be encouraged by qualified personnel who know not only medicine, but also psychology. In some cases, it is important to strengthen the forces of the patient, picking up full nutrition for him, adequate healing physical education, massage, physiotherapy and balneotherapy. Around the schizophrenia patient should be not only experienced doctors, but also specially trained psychologists, social workers.

    Diagnosis of schizophrenia

    If, after a short interview, the doctor puts you or your close person diagnosis «schizophrenia» and begins to paint treatment, it is worth thinking about many things as, the modern comprehensive schizophrenia diagnosis on a foreign standard includes the following.

    Collection of biographical data.
    Is carried out for each new patient, and it is a conventional procedure. Foreign features of development, signs of the beginning of the disease, complaints of the present moment, the presence of other diseases are asked questions about the reception of drugs and alcohol.

    Since patients with acute mental disorders often cannot clearly answer the questions of the psychiatrist's doctor, relatives and friends of patients can have great help in finding out the necessary information.

    If you ask you, you can identify such the most typical symptoms, like auditory hallucinations and / or delusional ideas.

    Psychological tests.
    Provide substantial assistance in the formulation of the diagnosis of schizophrenia at an early stage or when borderless cases.

    Magnetic resonance Tomography (MRI).
    Neurovalization method allows to distinguish schizophrenia from the organic process (brain tumor, genton disease, viral encephalitis, hemorrhage in the brain and others.).

    Electroencephalography (EEG).
    Appointed in cases when there is a suspicion of brain disease, complications for childbirth or severe head injuries. Helps in differential diagnosis of schizophrenia and other mental disorders (for example, epilepsy).

    Laboratory research.
    Common blood test, biochemical analysis of blood, general urine analysis, assessment of immune status, hormonal analyzes (diagnostics of impaired neuroendocrine bonds) are additional methods for confirming the diagnosis of schizophrenia and identifying concomitant diseases.

    Therapeutic and neurological examination.
    Are held in order to exclude diseases capable of provoking psyche disorders.

    Other diagnostic methods.

    • Neurophysiological research (caused by potentials).
    • Study of the Night Sleep Structure.
    • Virological study (elimination of neuroinfection).
    • Duplex brain vessel scan.

    In our experience, in Russia, the diagnosis of schizophrenia is often not true. Accordingly, incorrect treatment is selected, and the state of suffering patients over time only worsens under the action of side effects of psychotropic drugs.

    The diagnosis of schizophrenia is a big responsibility. Careless and unreasonable words and actions of doctors can change all life «Patient» And his loved ones!

    Is it possible to cure schizophrenia?

    Schizophrenia: Is it possible to cure it?
    Despite the stereotype developed in the public consciousness, schizophrenia is quite amenable to treatment. Cure it completely impossible, but do not confuse «Domain treatment» and «Healing». Successful treatment implies control over symptoms, while the cure does in mind the complete elimination of the causes. The cure of schizophrenia will be impossible until we understand why it arises. But at the same time, with a search for reasons, we must constantly work on improving treatment methods.

    Perhaps the most serious problem that first faces relatives and friends of schizophrenia patient, is Finding a qualified psychiatrist doctor. Since schizophrenia is a disease arising from biological reasons, and for its solution is needed drugs, should not neglect medical advice.

    To be treated correctly, sooner or later you will have to consult a doctor who will have to not only write down this or that medicine, but also to conduct primary diagnosis of schizophrenia. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that the patient actually schizophrenia, and not a different brain disease. To make a decision on this issue can a specialist.

    When hospitalization is needed?

    In most cases, people who have schizophrenia in acute form need hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital (clinic). Such hospitalization has several goals. The most important thing is that it allows specialists (psychiatric professionals, psychologists, psychotherapists) to observe the patient in a controlled setting. At the same time, psychological tests can be performed and the necessary laboratory tests. Drug treatment may be initiated, and in conditions where the prepared personnel has the ability to monitor the appearance of side effects. Often hospitalization is necessary in order to protect patients themselves. Alternative to hospitalization can be the premises of patients in the day hospital or observation in the dispensary.

    After you have found a doctor and settled all issues related to hospitalization, the treatment of schizophrenia is relatively simple. Early combined drug and psychosocial treatment will allow to break the disease in the ensuing and radically change to the better.


    This is the most important part of the treatment. Main drugs used for schizophrenia treatment are usually called antipsychotic drugs or antipsychotics (neuroleptics). The effectiveness of the application of these funds is proved by many years of practice and currently there is an extensive gamma of neuroleptics.

    Modern drugs, so-called atypical antipsychotics (Rispolept, Ziprex and DR.) increase the chances of a favorable completion of the disease. They differ from typical best tolerability (smaller risk of development of neurological side effects) and a wider range of action. However, to predict what kind of medicine is suitable for a specific patient until it seems possible. For each particular patient, the drug and its dosage is selected individually and depends on the sensitivity of the body and the characteristics of the disease.

    In practice, every patient with schizophrenia or his relatives should have a list of drugs tested by him, in which the doses and the result obtained (or its absence) would be indicated. It can bring great benefits and save patients and doctors for many weeks, having relished in the future from the selection of the right medicinal product by samples and errors.

    When medications do not help immediately, do not despair! The delayed treatment effect is associated with the mechanism of action of neuroleptics (they need time to reliably block the hearth disease), therefore it is impossible to talk about the results of their application earlier than 6-8 weeks. But the therapeutic effect of racks and increases with time.

    Adaptation in society

    Starting with an acute period of illness, it is reasonable to use along with medicines and psychosocial therapy. In modern «Brigadic» Psychiatric, a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, a social worker take part with sick and members of their families. Therapy methods can be different, but in any case they develop partnerships not only a doctor and patient, but also attract to the treatment of relatives.

    Schizophrenia: Is it possible to cure it?Group work (psycho-formational) is aimed at solving typical problems of patients and their loved ones in case of occurrence, on planning behavior when recognizing the early symptoms of the disease and its exacerbations; Training to fully communicate with each other and with the surrounding.

    In group classes, patients make it possible to make sure that the personal experience of each of them is not unique. For a person who has experienced a sharp attack of psychosis, is often a huge relief to learn that something like others experienced. Group classes do not exclude individual in solving certain problems of a particular patient.

    With intense Family psychotherapy A realistic attitude towards the patient is formed, the peculiarities of its behavior with the correct assessment of the manifestations of the disease, the readiness to participate in the treatment, understanding of personal responsibility for the fate of close.

    Behantic psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy) aims to awareness of the patient's symptoms of the disease, regulation and reduction of concomitant stress. Control over experiences breaks the derogatory stereotypes of the disease, the patient strengthens the feeling «domination» Above the situation.

    Training of cognitive functions, The training of confident behavior, the training of social skills contribute to the development of lost due to diseases of functions, skills and skills, which also contributes to the improvement of the functioning of such patients in society.

    Most patients would like to learn and work, and for this program has been developed Labor rehabilitation, aimed at restoring and multiplying the valued achievements of the patient, its social skills and labor opportunities.

    It is important to remember that the treatment process can not be trusted only by medicines and a doctor. Modern medical events will certainly include the active participation of the patient and his family in the process of recovery.

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