Pain in the chest in the middle


The brightest symptom of many diseases — it is a pain. It is she who serves an alarming signal about the disadvantage, precisely because of her people stop ignoring the rest of the symptoms and flee to the doctor. Pain in the chest in the middle causes diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular system, chest injury.

Pain in the chest: pathology of the digestive system

Pain in the chest in the middle
Of all the organs of the digestive system in the chest, only esophagus is located. His diseases and provoke sometimes pain in the chest.

The chemical burns of the esophagus when used inside various caustic liquids cause the strongest pain. Most often, this pathology develops in young people when trying to suicide. In addition to pain, vomiting, belching, increased salivation, fear and patient's excitation. A few hours later, symptoms of intoxication appear: fever, breathing, pulse, drop blood pressure, shock.

The second is very unpleasant pathology — Reflux Ezophagit. It causes it not enough tight closure of the esophageal sphincter — Muscles located between the esophagus and the stomach. At the same time, periodically occurs the cast of gastric content in the esophagus. Acid contained in it, corrosive mucous membrane, causing erosion and even ulcers. The pain at the same time burning, occurs when the body is tilted forward, lying, smoking or alcohol consumption.

The hernia of the esophageal hole is also accompanied by pain in the bottom of the chest. It is caused by stretching the fibers of the diaphragm by organs that are protruding into the chest cavity through the defect. The pain is usually burning or stupid, localized both in the chest and in the opposite region, in the hypochondrium. Often it gives to the heart, left blade or shoulder. Increased during physical exertion, the slope of the housing forward, in the lying position, that is, when the conditions arise for casting the contents of the stomach in the opposite direction, that is, in the esophagus.

Pain in the chest: the pathology of the cardiovascular system

The most common cause of chest pain is ischemic heart disease. This pathology arises due to the narrowing of the enlightenment of crown arteries affected by atherosclerosis. Reducing blood flow on these vessels leads to a decrease in the nutrition of the heart muscle, to which it meets intense pain. Pain with angina region (one of the forms of IBS) — grazing, compressing, localized for the sternum. Typical direction of irradiation — In the left hand, shovel, shoulder, in the neck and inter-opaque area. Pain is usually caused by physical or emotional load. An important point in the diagnosis of angina is the disappearance of it after the cessation of physical exertion or the reception of nitroglycerin.

If the prudent pain does not disappear after 20 minutes, even after taking nitroglycerin, a person suspects a sharp myocardial infarction. This life-threatening condition is characterized by quite high mortality and serves as a reason for emergency medical care. With a heart attack, the pain is very strong, gives to the left hand, shovel, neck, shoulder. The patient has a fear of imminent death, weakness, can fall blood pressure up to the development of shock.

Pain in the chest in the middle
An even more deadly pathology, manifested in the chest, — pulmonary embolism. It is developing most often in people suffering from various diseases of the veins of the legs, flickering arrhythmia, diabetes. Pain in this disease is very similar to angina, however, they do not irradiate and amplified at the moment of inhalation. Anesthetic drugs stop the attack not completely, nitroglycerin has a very weak action. Together with the pain arises the attack of suffocation, the formation of the skin, loss of consciousness. Even with a timely manifold, mortality from pulmonary artery thromboembolism exceeds 10%, which indicates a high danger of the disease.

Finally, the aortic aneurysm is also characterized by the strongest pain. In the chest is the initial part of this largest vessel. In atherosclerotic lesion, a defect between its inner and medium shell occurs in the aortic wall. Blood penetrates there, even more increasing damage area. It is at this moment that there is a huge intensity pain, reflex growth of blood pressure and motor anxiety. Symptoms very much resembles a heart attack, and this often causes a diagnostic error. Deletion with the formulation of accurate diagnosis leads to the inevitable final — gap of aortic and fatal. According to statistics, the first two days of the disease turn out to be fatal almost for half of patients.

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