Bronchial asthma attack, first aid


  • What provokes the attack of bronchial asthma?
  • How the attack of bronchial asthma develops? First aid at the beginning of the attack
  • Bronchial asthma attack: emergency assistance during the right
  • Bronchial asthma attack: reverse development

  • Bronchial asthma attack, first aidRepeating attacks of suffocation — The main manifestation of bronchial asthma, a chronic recurrent disease characterized by the defeat of the bronchi and their increased sensitivity to various stimuli. Astmatic attack develops due to a decrease in the lumen of the bronchi due to the spasm of their muscles, edema of the mucous membrane, accumulates in them a large amount of thick, difficult sputum, and in this case urgent medical care for bronchial asthma aims to quickly solve these problems.

    What provokes the attack of bronchial asthma?

    Most often, allergens are in the role of a provocator, contact with which causes an allergic reaction of immediate type. Asthma exacerbation may be a consequence of inflammation of the bronchi, irritation of the respiratory tract smoke, dust, chemical impurities contained in the air. Sometimes urgent help at bronchial asthma is required after exercise, as, for example, it happens in some athletes suffering from the attacks of bronchial asthma of physical effort. First aid and support for loved ones may be needed in the afternoon after nervous stress, at night, when it would seem, everything should be calm, or in the morning, after waking up when lifting with bed. Although it can be said that one particular patient attacks are often predictable and arise in the same or similar situations.

    How the attack of bronchial asthma develops? First aid at the beginning of the attack

    First aid for bronchial asthmaThe attack of the suffocation begins not so suddenly, as it may seem. Usually it is preceded by the period of precursors — Symptoms that should alert and become a first aid signal. At bronchial asthma, attention should be paid to such symptoms as itching in the nose, sneezing, abundant release of liquid mucous membacity from the nose, redness of the eyes and skin. Explicit signs of an impending attack are the parole cough and a small shortness of breath. You need to be ready to assist the patient with a fit if on the background of bronchial asthma he suddenly had a migraine, irritability appeared, the performance decreased.

    What actions implies first aid for bronchial asthma?

    • In the presence of contact of the patient with allergens urgently eliminate their action.
    • Create a full peace, calm the patient.
    • Provide fresh air access, open windows, unbutton the gate to relieve breathing.
    • Patient Squeeze on a chair with lowered down legs.
    • Make a hot manual and foot bath with the addition of mustard or just attach mustard pieces to the icons of the legs. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, water temperature 40-420 with.

    It is possible that these events will prevent further development of the attack of bronchial asthma and urgent help doctors will not need.

    Bronchial asthma attack: emergency assistance during the right

    The period of comment or the grave period is manifested by the feeling of the lack of air, squeezing in the chest, expressed shortness of breath on exhalation. Inhale becomes short, exhale very slow and loud, audible at the distance of wheezing. The patient tries to sit down, leaning his hands about the edge of the chair or a table, slightly leaning forward, catches the mouth of the air, almost does not speak, on his pale face afraid and confusion, lips of the blue, the cervical veins swell. The patient coughs, but the sputum does not go away or leaves small dense clots.

    What is the help in the attack of bronchial asthma?In this stage, the bonding asthma attack is the use of special anti-asthma drugs, quickly and efficiently removing the spasm of bronchi, for example, Berretk, Salbututul, Alupent, Astmopenta. Help the patient make two breaths of the drug from an inhaler or through a nebulizer with an interval of 1-2 minutes. If the breath has not become easier, repeat additional inhalations in 5 minutes, only 8 times. In the absence of effect, it is necessary to urgently call the brigade «Ambulance», With a bout of bronchial asthma, severely, the likelihood of the development of asthma status representing a real threat to the life of the patient.

    In addition to inhalations, first aid for bronchial asthma may include receiving 1 EUFILIN tablets for amplifying the bronchhalytic effect, 1-2 prednisone tablets to relieve an allergic reaction and reduction of inflammation. Further treatment of the patient — This is the prerogative of the doctor.

    Bronchial asthma attack: reverse development

    The duration and severity of the attack of bronchial asthma have an individual character. At all, they do not at all reach the degree of suffocation, others end themselves and without complications, thirdly continues for hours and days, require intensive treatment. In the latter case, shortness of breath is often preserved, difficulty breathing, malaise, weakness. Some patients are experiencing severe thirst and hunger.

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