Vegeth-vascular dystonia, symptoms and treatment

Surely some of you have ever heard about such a disease - Vegeth-vascular dystonia. The fact is that very often people, having certain health problems, go from one lane to another, but doctors cannot establish an accurate diagnosis. What is hiding under this term, is it possible to treat this disease, how dangerous it is, and to which doctor?

Surely some of you have ever heard about such a disease - Vegeth-vascular dystonia. The fact is that very often people go from one inlets to another, having certain health problems, but doctors cannot establish an accurate diagnosis. It seems that the cardiogram is good, and the results of the tests are in order, and the person is bad. What is hiding under this term, is it possible to treat this disease, how dangerous it is, and to which doctor? Let's figure it out in stages in this matter.

Development of the disease

Most often, vegetative dysfunction begins in early childhood. Oxygen starvation of a child during pregnancy or childbirth, generic injury, pathology in the work of the central nervous system, all this sometimes serves as a starting point for the frustration of the vegetative nervous system. Such kids are usually often sick with colds, poorly tolerate the stool, complains of headaches During the change of weather, the breath is experiencing. In some cases, as they grow up, all these problems go, and a person forgets what happened in his life. But it happens that when a sexual ripening, a teenager begins to complain about frequent headaches and dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, tear, irritability and hot temper. In this case, it makes sense to turn to a specialist so that vegetative dysfunction in puberty does not exacerbate the life of a teenager.

Of course, vegetative disorders do not always arise in childhood, there are a number of reasons when a person diagnose them already in adulthood. Causes of factors can be: heredity, chronic psycho-emotional loads, various types of infections, brain injuries, alcohol and tobacco-tier abuse, coffee use, chronic intoxication, hormonal dysfunction, cervical Osteochondrosis and various diseases of the internal organs. But first things first.

Symptoms of Vegeth Vascular Dystonia

Vegeth-vascular dystonia, symptoms and treatment
Unfortunately, there is a complexity of diagnosis «vegeto-vascular dystonia», Because this disease has many symptoms. To date, it is known about 150 signs of the disease, so some patients have long and to no avail with such doctors as a gastroenterologist, a dermatologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, an immunologist, a otolaryngologist, a psychiatrist and many others. It should be clearly understood that if you are unsuccessful for several years Treat the inflammation of the pancreas in tour, tachycardia at the cardiologist, «lump in the throat» Loringe, Panic Flash and Anger of Psychiatrist, then you go on a false path. Quite often, awesome-vascular dystonia is disguised as various diseases, and it is not easy to recognize. Often, only a conceptivity of several doctors can correctly diagnose such a patient. How to recognize this disease? It is worth talking about this disease if you have for a certain time:

  • dizziness;
  • Unfortunate feelings of anxiety and panic;
  • resistant insomnia;
  • bred headaches;
  • trembling hands or whole organism;
  • frequent urination;
  • obsessive phobias;
  • rapid or slow heartbeat;
  • numbness of hand and legs;
  • labored breathing;
  • tilt heat to the head;
  • Weakness and Breakiness;
  • Violation of coordination of movements;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fainting.

Some patients have frequent tachycardia (rapid pulse), an increase in blood pressure, chills of limbs, the pallor of the face, heart pain, a symptom of restless legs, sometimes an increase in body temperature. These symptoms indicate that the patient has Sympathicotonia.

At Vagotonia Bradycardia is observed (slow-down pulse), sweating, face redness, decrease in blood pressure. Such an attack is accompanied by indulgent, dizziness, weakness and nausea, amplification of intestinal peristals.

There are also mixed crises when a person experiences a combination of several symptoms at the same time. The main thing at this moment understand that the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is not dangerous for life. Many patients start panic during the attack, you should not be afraid, IT is a diagnosis, but not a sentence. What is it like allergy, Yes, it is, but they live with her, and no one died of.

Some patients are observed in this disease Syndrome of adaptation violations: Meetability, fatigue and weakness, intolerance to mental and physical exertion. This is due to a decrease in oxygen consumption by tissues.

Mental disorders syndrome There are such manifestations as a sense of fear and panic, various phobias, increased anxiety, fiscalness, sleep disorder.

Hyperventive syndrome - This is the predominance of such symptoms as difficulty breathing, the feeling of lack of air, the need for deep breaths. Some patients noted that during such an attack, I want to go out into the street and inhale cold frosty air. Sometimes such people cannot be in a stuffy room, poorly carry trips to transport, do not stand heavy physical exertion.

Occasionally people with hardships complain of heartburn, increased gas formation, esophageal and constipation. Such symptoms indicate Neurogastral syndrome.

Peripheral vascular disorders syndrome marked by eductions, redness of the hands and feet, pain in the field of muscles and joints, the convulsions of the limbs. All this is due to changes in the permeability and tone of vessels.

Cerebrovascular violations Characterized by migraines, dizziness, noise in the ears and head, pre-corrosive states. In such patients, it may be in addition to arterial and venous hypertension.

Pains in the field of heart appearing in physical or emotional load in patients with vegeto-vascular dystonia are called Cardiovascular syndrome. In this case, both pulse and arterial pressure Can hesitate.

Sometimes this disease occurs during menopause in women, or with other gynecological problems (myoma, Polycystic ovarian). Doctors believe that hormonal imbalance occurring in the female body has a negative impact on the work of the vegetative system.

Now it is clear that IT's symptoms are quite a lot, sometimes they are manifested separately, but sometimes the patient has several times.

Diagnosis of Vegeth Vascular Dystonia

Vegeth-vascular dystonia, symptoms and treatment
In order to diagnose ICC, professionalism is required and the coordinated work of such doctors as the therapist, neuropathologist and cardiologist. An elimination of other diagnoses with similar signs. To date, doctors recommend to pass certain surveys. These include: computer electroencephalography, magnetic nuclear resonance, electrocardiography, vegetative samples. Naturally, the specialist will appoint a diagnosis, based on the conversation with the patient, given its complaints.

Such a method as electroencephalography (EEG) is widely applicable in neurology, it reflects the work of various brain departments. With vegetative dysfunctions, this type of diagnosis is necessary in order to exclude Epilepsy.

Magnetic nuclear resonance allows layers of layers of organs. This research method is one of the most modern and accurate. When diagnosis «vegeto-vascular dystonia» This type of diagnosis helps a doctor to exclude some diseases of the brain, the symptoms of which are similar to manifestations of vegetative disorders.

Electrocardiography - an important method for diagnosing a heart, which will give your doctor valuable information about the state of this organ.

Vegetative samples include cardiovascular tests, with the help of which determine disorders in the operation of the peripheral vegetative nervous system. Here are a thorough study of an orthostatic test, which reveals the level of work of the physiological system and adaptive reserves of the body.

According to the results of the diagnosis, the doctor puts the diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Treatment of VD

It is necessary to engage in prevention and treatment of the disease from small years. If the vegetative dysfunction was detected in childhood and did not heal, it has all the prerequisites in a more mature age lead to various diseases. With a timely access to a specialist about 80% of patients who have been diagnosed with a chance for successful treatment. Subsequently, such people restore the adaptive forces of their body, the manifestations of the disease are significantly reduced, many forget about it forever.

In the treatment of vegeto-vascular dystonia, various methods apply. Non-Media Treatment Methods: Walking, Swimming, Skiing, Tourism, Freshwear Walking Procedures. Stronically prohibited exercises on simulators when the head is below the chest level, such actions have a greater load on the cardiovascular system. Better resort to playing sports that will be aimed at pleasure, and not on the result.

Special attention to this disease is given to psycho-emotional loads, both at work and in the family. In no case can not be nervous, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations. Recommend to watch positive movies, listen to pleasant music, read positive information, in general, no negative.

Sleep should be at least 8-9 hours a day, because the lack of sleep leads to Nervous disorder Systems. Sleep is needed in a well-ventilated room. Preference Give orthopedic mattresses that give your body a natural physiological position.

Labor and rest should be alternate, excessive physical exertion are contraindicated. Try, if possible, spend less time in front of the computer and TV. Doctors advise such patients to abandon smoking and not to abuse alcohol, do not listen to loud music and give up visiting noisy events. All this is because their vegetative nervous system is excited, afterwards they cannot sleep and their well-being will deteriorate sharply. Sometimes a person with vegetative dysfunction sufficiently drink some alcohol, after which the attack of panic attack happens.

Especially it is worth paying attention to food. With a hypertensive type of vegetative disorders, you need to eat beans, cottage cheese, spinach, bruise; they reduce the tone of vessels. It is worth abandoning coffee, strong tea, bitter chocolate, alcohol, pickles.

In the hypotonic type VD, tea, coffee, kefir, milk. This will help increase the tone of the vessels.

With IRRs, it is necessary to follow sufficient intake in the body of calcium, magnesium and potassium. These components are contained in peas, raisons, dried apricots, prunes, rosehip, soy, carrots, nuts, eggplants, buckwheat and oatmeal.

In the treatment of vegeto-vascular dystonia, physiotherapy procedures are used to apply physiotherapy procedures: paraffin appliques for a cervical region, electrophoresis with medicinal solutions on the cervical spine. It helps strengthen blood circulation in organs and tissues, improve the metabolism. Some patients prescribe a soothing massage.

Medicase treatment is carried out only under the close observation of the doctor. It includes: vascular preparations, nootropics, antidepressants, vitamins of group B, calcium and other vitamins. Dosage picks up a doctor based on diagnostic results.

Learning to fully live

Vegeth-vascular dystonia, symptoms and treatment
In order to fully live, you should learn to cope with vegetative attacks yourself.

At Increase pressure and rapid pulse need to take one tablet anaprilina.

Under the attacks of fear, immediately adopt a sedative preparation, discharged by your doctor in the dosage that he installed. In any case, the house should be one of these drugs as AFABAZOL, VOLANAN, PERSEN. These are preparations based on vegetable extracts that will help to stop the attack. More serious preparations, such as antidepressants, prescribe a doctor.

When patients with Patients surveyed, it was revealed that when attacking it is impossible to close on the problem. Some are saved by the fact that at this moment are distracted. One woman told how the panic attacks won. At that moment, when he felt an impending attack, it turned on the TV and deliberately in what happens on the screen. Another time she fled to the kitchen, opened water and began to move the dishes. She came to the conclusion that herself urgently need to distract and if possible to take something. By the way, such people who have won the disease in this way, quite a lot. Doctors fully agree with this, they came to the opinion that the power of will in the fight against this ailment plays a decisive role.

The main thing is to remember if this diagnosis is delivered to you - spend timely courses for the prevention of exacerbations, engage in therapeutic physical education, take vitamins and love life in all its manifestations.

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