Bronchitis: a disease at which it is better to cough


  • Bronchitis?
  • Treatment of acute bronchitis
  • Treatment of chronic bronchitis

  • Bronchitis?

    Despite the fact that purely psychologically phrases «acute bronchitis» It sounds scary, in fact, doctors can cope with him are pretty good. A sharp bronchitis of cough, temperature, pain in muscles, joints, headache and general malaise. In other words, the virus settled in your bronchi and caused their inflammation.

    Treatment of acute bronchitis

    According to D. M. N., Professor Yuri Novikova, if the disease has already come, the main treatment will be to withdraw its sharp symptoms: temperatures, pain and t.D. It is necessary to help the body itself cope with the disease. To do this, one week should be stuck in the bed, a halfBronchitis: a disease at which it is better to coughyou throat, drink hot (but not a hot) and there is an ascorce.

    It is good to carry out inhalation with alkaline mineral waters, which will help the discharge of sputum. But about inhalations with potato peel or oil solutions it is better to forget not to harm the body.

    Workaholikov and those who consider themselves the owner of the Bogatar Health, before which will retreat any rholic, yet I advise you to postpone labor feats until full cure. Walking to work with coughing and temperature is fraught with the fact that the infection can «descend» and it will be treated already from bronchopneumonia, and not at home, but in the hospital.

    If «shrunk» funds did not ease the cough and did not remove the temperature for 3 days, then it's time to call to the clinic and cause a doctor to the house. It is possible that the disease flowed into a different stage, or she joined the second, which will require another treatment.

    This, by the way, often happens when acute bronchitis provokes the aggravation of the bronchitis of chronic, which is not only caused by viruses, but also by bacteria. At the same time, the chronic bronchitis is unrealized sharp – not properly.

    In fact, this is an independent disease caused by pollutants - all harmful that we breathe together with air: cigarette smoke, exhaust gases, industrial waste. If you breathe this day a day, the natural wet wet is slowed down. The mechanism of self-cleaning of the bronchi breaks, the infection does not meet any resistance in them, and they themselves are in the end damage.

    A person can live quietly and years not to suspect a disease developing in him. And suddenly, getting up in the morning, suffocate from shortness of breath right in the bathroom.

    Treatment of chronic bronchitis

    Treatment is long, and its success is half depends on the disciplination of the patient. The patient is forced to constantly take a bunch of various drugs (expectorant, bronchorants, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulators), and sometimes resort to the hardware removal of sputum from bronchi – Medical bronchoscopy.

    In chronic bronchitis, it is very important to do therapeutic physical education (emphasis - on the exercises for the shoulder belt), respiratory gymnastics, to make a gross massage, and in the morning and in the evening - a universal exercise «woodcutter»: Drinking a half package of water, slightly bent sharply, as if the firewood. In scientific, it is called postural drainage.

    No need to think that the bronchitis is chronic, then the disorders in the mucosa will never be restored. For example, the smoker epithelium is restored after 10 years. Reversible to a certain extent and other damage. If you manage to reduce the number of infectious exacerbations per year, part of the drugs may cancel. The disease itself will not disappear, but some symptoms will be held, and people will not be disabled.

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