How to treat cough depending on his type? When and why you need to suppress a dry cough? How to get rid of wet cough? Answers to these questions in our article.
With dry cough?

— This is a symptom accompanying many diseases. Most often associated with it
Banal colds, acute and chronic respiratory diseases, lungs,
Before wondering how to stop cough and apply folk ways to treat cough,
should accurately establish his cause. If the cough is accompanied by general malaise,
Increased body temperature, runny nose, error and sore throat, malfunction
Voices, feeling tickling for the sternum, it is likely that his appearance — The result of the activities of pathogenic microorganisms, influenza viruses,
Paragrippa and other causative agents of respiratory infections. If you help the body
cope with the disease, such cough
will be shortly after
Cough is useful and dangerous. Treat or not treated?
— This is a protective reaction of the body, which allows to get rid of mucus,
accumulating in the larynx, trachea and bronchi. The occurrence of cough in this case
associated with irritation of respiratory receptors, and therefore the question «Is such cough useful», extra.
Keep wet,
Productive cough, accompanied by the emotion of sputum — So harm
His body and slow recovery.
To the treatment of dry
cough should also be treated carefully. Dry, coarse cough for colds — This is just a manifestation of the first stage of the development of a disease accompanied by
Edema and irritation of the mucous. The reflex increase in secretion soon
leads to the appearance of sputum and cough becomes wet, i.e. productive
and useful, you just need to speed up this transition.
Support, rough cough,
Appearing when irritating the mucous membrane of the ozo, pleura, auditory
Passage, esophagus, i.e. receptors located outside the respiratory tract, benefit
from which it is very doubtful, you can suppress medication. But only in that
case if it delivers significant inconveniences.
What is dangerous dry
cough and when it is necessary to treat it? Potted
Spastic cough can cause fainting, pneumothorax. Persistent
Durable dry chronic cough
without treatment contributes to the development of lung emphysema, overloads the heart and
leads to his defeat, may cause pulmonary bleeding. Such
cough just need to be treated.
What medications to take
With dry cough?
With a strong, spastic, durable dry cough is necessary
The use of means of overwhelming cough reflex.
Preparations against cough are divided into two large groups:
Central Action Preparations, overwhelming cough at the level
brain, for example, ethylmorphine, oxladin, glaucin and others. These
medications should be taken only on the recommendation of the doctor and with a large
caution, they reduce the activity of the respiratory center and overdose
can cause stopping breath. -
Preparations, overwhelming cough reflex on
The level of the receptors of the mucous respiratory tract, for example, the pharyitis, bronchikum,
Codeine, Codelak, Neo-Codion, Turning.
Dry cough in the very
the beginning of the cold should not be suppressed by antifreeze. To slightly
Soothe the irritated mucous membrane is quite enough soda-oil inhalations,
distracting foot baths, compresses, mustard pieces, pastillers and restering cough tablets
with menthol or eucalyptus oil. Cough treatment should be directed to his
Softening, increasing mucus products, with which the muscolitic copies safely
Preparations. Usually 2-3 days dry,
The unproductive cough is replaced by a wet cough, the wet begins to separate, carrying
with me products inflammation and a large number of pathogens
Earth cough, difficulty breathing with wheezing and whistling on inhale
Speaks about the bronchial spasme, is an indication for the appointment of bronchyolitic
drugs and reason to appeal emergency medical care.
What medications take with wet cough?
Wet cough usually testifies to the difficult discharge of sputum. Ease
Its and accelerate the purification of the respiratory tract can be used by means of reinforcing
Bronchial secretion and diluting bronchial mucus.
Preparations, For example, ACC, Ambroxol, Lazolyvan, Bromgexin, Gedelix,
Pektasin. -
Folk remedies From cough with wets such,
Like the root of the althea of the medicinal, the root of licorice, ready-made chest preparations of medicinal
Herbs with an expectorant action. -
drainage — Special gymnastics
When coughing, facilitating the destruction of sputum. Especially it is shown in the patient
with chronic bronchial diseases and lungs.
Attention! Treatment of cough — It is only
Part of therapy. We should not forget that you can completely get rid of it
only eradicating the cause, and in some cases these are serious,
requiring an in-depth examination and intensive long-term treatment. If the cough, despite the measures taken, does not pass
For 3 weeks, you should consult a doctor.