Easy swelling: briefly about the main


  • Email swelling: how it happens
  • Why is the edema of the lungs
  • Easy swelling - diagnostics. What will help suspect the swelling of the lungs
  • Confirm the diagnosis
  • Methods of anti-edema

  • Email swelling: how it happens

    During the edema of the lungs in spaces outside of pulmonary blood vessels, liquid is collected. With one of the varieties of edema, the so-called cardiogenic edema of the lungs, the laying of fluid is caused by an increase in pressure in the pulmonary veins and capillaries. Being a complication of heart disease, the swelling of the lungs can become chronic, but there are also acute pulmonary swelling, which is rapidly developing and may in a short time lead to the death of the patient.

    Why is the edema of the lungs

    Easy swelling: briefly about the mainElevation of the lungs are usually caused by deficiency of the left ventricle, the main chamber of the heart, resulting from the disease of the heart. With certain heart diseases for filling the left ventricle, a greater pressure is required to ensure a sufficient blood flow to all parts of the body. Accordingly, the pressure in other chambers of the heart and in the pulmonary veins and capillaries increases. Gradually, part of the blood heats up in space between the tissues of the lung. This prevents the lungs and violates the gas exchange.

    In addition to heart disease, there are other factors predisposing to a lung edema:

    • excess blood in veins;
    • Some kidney diseases, extensive burns, patient liver, nutrient failure;
    • Violation of the outflow of lymphs from the lungs, as is observed in Hodgkin's disease;
    • Reducing blood flow from the left upper heart chamber (for example, with a mitral valve narrowing);
    • Violations that cause blockage of pulmonary veins.

    Easy swelling - diagnostics. What will help suspect the swelling of the lungs

    Symptoms at the initial stage of pulmonary edema reflect the poor lightweight of the lungs and the formation of the transudate. These include:
    • dyspnea;
    • Sudden attacks of respiratory distress (bouts of respiratory failure) after several hours of sleep;
    • difficult breathing, which is facilitated in a sitting position;
    • cough.

    It should also alert - rapid pulse, rapid breathing, abnormal sounds when listening, swelling the cervical veins and deviations from normal heart tones.

    With a strong edema of the lungs, when alveolar bags and small respiratory tract are filled with liquid, the patient's condition deteriorates. Breathing is expensive, becomes difficult, the cough is distinguished by a foamy wet with blood traces. The pulse is studied, heart rhythms are disturbed, the skin becomes cold, sticky and acquires a bluish tint, sweating increases. Since the heart pumps less and less blood, blood pressure drops, the pulse becomes a filamentous.

    Confirm the diagnosis

    The diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms and physical examination, then an examination of gases contained in arterial blood, which usually shows the reduction of oxygen content. In this case, disorders of the acid-alkaline balance and acid-base equilibrium, as well as metabolic acidosis (increasing the formation of endogenic acids).

    Radiological studies of the chest usually identify diffuse darkening in the lungs and often hypertrophy of the heart and excess fluid in the lungs.

    In some cases, diagnostic purposes use the catheterization of a pulmonary artery, which allows you to confirm the lack of left ventricle and exclude adult respiratory distress syndrome, whose symptoms are similar to the symptoms of the pulmonary edema.

    Methods of anti-edema

    Treatment is aimed at reducing the amount of fluid in the lungs, improving gas exchange and heart work, as well as for the treatment of the main disease.

    As a rule, the patient is allowed to breathe mixtures with a high oxygen content. If an acceptable level of oxygen content is not supported, to improve the supply of oxygen tissues and the restoration of the acid-base balance, artificial ventilation of the lungs are used.

    The patient can also assign diuretics (for example, Laziks) to remove fluid with urine, which in turn helps to reduce the amount of extravascular fluid.

    For the treatment of heart dysfunction in a number of cases, glycosides are prescribed aphidish and other means, expanding arteries (for example, nipride). To remove the alarming state, facilitate breathing and improving blood circulation can be used morphine.

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