As a soothing agent, good results shows a peony tincture. In pharmacies its price is low. Let us look more detailed by its pharmacological properties, we will dwell on different ways of use (including outer), dosage and contraindications.
General information about the drug

Raw materials for this tincture serves the peony evading, the beneficial properties of which were noticed for a long time. To prepare 1000 ml of tincture in production take 50 grams of rhizomes and roots of this plant and 50 grams of its grass (flowers, leaves, stalks). Raw materials contain phenols, organic acids, glycosides, amino acids, alkaloids, essential oils, tanning substances. As an extractor of active substances use ethyl alcohol 40%. When the tincture is ready, it is packaged in bottles of 100, 50 and 25 ml. Liquid has a brown and specific smell.
Pharmacological properties
The tincture receives many healing properties due to the substances contained in it extracted from the pion of evading:
- A sedative (soothing) effect manifests itself in connection with the presence of essential oils, normalizing the work of the central nervous system that improves the mood;
- Glycosides have a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system;
- flavonoids perform replacement function with a decrease in estrogen in women during menopause;
- Salicylic acid and salicylates are known to have an anti-inflammatory effect;
- Benzoic acid is a natural antimicrobial means capable of destroying pathogenic microflora - bacteria, fungi, viruses;
- increases the body's resistance to oxygen starvation;
- increases the acidity of the stomach;
- There are anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, painful, oncoprotective effect;
- enhances, that is, the effect of anticonvulsant, tranquilizing, neuroleptic sleeping and soothing agents, so their dose can be reduced by the doctor's recommendation;
- increases the duration and depth of sleep;
- In tincture, many minerals, amino acids needed to each organism.
Maximum therapeutic effect can be expected after an hour and a half after the reception. Action on the body continues about three hours.
When the peony tincture is used?
Before taking the disassembly peony tincture, the bottle must be shaken with her. It is advisable to take a medicine 15 minutes before meals, in most cases twice or three times a day. Adults are usually prescribed from 30 drops and to a teaspoon of this means. Children, starting from 12 years old, the dosage is calculated as: on one droplet for every year of life. The duration of the course depends on the disease, the peculiarities of its flow and other factors. On average this is two weeks. Then a break is done, after two months, if necessary, the course repeat.
With menopausal disorders, women are advised to take three times a day of 40 drops, echoing them into a glass with water. The course lasts three weeks, then you need to take a break in the reception for two weeks, after which the course resume.
If in a woman of myoma, then the tincture should be drunk three times a day on a teaspoon. It is allowed to repeat the course after two weeks. Our site clarifies that serious gynecological diseases should be treated with a comprehensive, under the supervision of a doctor. In such cases, the peony tincture is only a good addition to the prescribed treatment.
With cardiovascular pathologies, the course lasts two months, diverge into water 30 drops three times a day. You can repeat the same course in 6 months.
If insomnia suffered, anxious sleep, then the tincture in the amount of 40 drops should be touched into a glass with water and drink shortly before.
It is allowed together with the tincture of peony to use other tinctures - dyeing, hawthorn, Valerians, mint.
Hair Peony Tincture
It is observed that the external use of the tincture warms the skin of the head, this leads to stimulation of the activity of hair lucco. At the same time, the production of skin saline is also regulated. Cosmetologists recommend this tincture to improve hair growth, there are many amino acids in it. There are other connections in it that helps to eliminate excessive fatty (solidity) of hair, dandruff cure, root strengthening. If you use the tincture regularly, then gradually hair strengthened, look better, become thicker. To achieve such effects, you need to rub the pharmacy tincture in the roots of the hair three times a week. Before rubbing, the tincture must be cast and warm up. After 10 minutes you can proceed to washing the hair with your shampoo.
What you need to know about side effects and contraindications
Sometimes there are allergic reactions when admitting the tincture of peony. Sometimes drowsiness, inhibition, lethargy, decrease in performance, focus and blood pressure concentration below.
When it is impossible to use this vegetable agent?
- during pregnancy (due to abortive properties);
- with the increased sensitivity of the patient to the components of the composition;
- In case of violation of the kidney or liver.
Careful need to be with hypotension, increased acidity, reinforced production of gastric juice. In addition, it should be borne in mind that there is little experience of using this tincture in children under 12 years. Yes, and lactating women it is better to refrain from the reception of this fund. Undesirable to drive a car during treatment.
Keep the acquired tincture of peony in a dark place, on the door of the refrigerator, follow the term of hernost.
Tinnoying of the dazzing pee is a good addition to the treatment of many diseases, it has a beneficial effect on the body, especially effective when disorders of the nervous system. But it is necessary to follow the prescriptions of the doctor, do not exceed the dosage of the drug.