Many amazing means gives nature to a person to get rid of diseases. Today, our site will tell its readers about the mysterious and unusual substance, which has long been using not only healers, but also certified doctors of different specializations. And the names of this means are a lot - the mountain balsam, «Juice rock», «Blood Mountain». But the most famous of them - Mumyoy. The history of this interesting means has a multitude of legends, facts and stages confirming its uniqueness and healing properties. And first tried to open and explain therapeutic action still Aristotle. Study of this substance are engaged in different countries, including in Russia and other neighboring states. And all new and new therapeutic properties and composition components are opened. All obtained research data makes it possible to consider a mummage with a plurality of beneficial properties that can be used not only externally, but also inside. Now I will share with you basic information that is important to know about the mountain balsam.
Where and how the mountain balsam is formed
There are many legends about Mumyoy. One of them tells that a long time ago hunters of one king Iran pursued by the wounded mountain goat. They ran behind him in the mountain cave and saw a puffed black thick mass on the walls, which was called «Stone juice». Animal began to quickly lick this mass. In the eyes of frozen in bewilderment of people, a big wound was dragging, and a mountain goat rushed to run. Warriors reported on the happening of the king. Cave guarded. And once a year collected a miracle elixir and sent to the lord.
Many riddles have not yet been disclosed in the formation and origin of this dark substance. About versions of origin argue and now. Large deposits found in the mountains of Altai, the Caucasus, Central Asia. A number of scientists tends to ensure that these formations have definitely organic origin, and, for occurrence, the presence of such material as the simplest, soil microorganisms, animals, plants, microelements are required. The most healing mumina is found in limestone caves, mountains, rocks, grottoes. Near the slope should be one of the types of plants - Mulshnik. Here and there are hopes, icicles, balls of this resin.

Description Mumiyu
So how to distinguish the present and natural mumina from low-quality products and fakes when buying? Purified medicine has a homogeneous mass of black or dark brown. Consistency can be elastic, solid with a shiny surface. Externally, it sometimes resembles a resin with a specific smell, something similar to Ambru, but much more sharper. I catch in a peculiar aroma of notes of wormwood, juniper and resin. But the taste of the medicine is bitter. Quality product quickly dissolves in water. If the dissolution is slow, then this suggests that there are impurities. If you store mumina in the kitchen or the refrigerator door, it can pull moisture and become a soft and sticky substance. Natural mumina is not limited.
Chemical composition
Of course, the beneficial properties of the mountain balsam are due to its rich and complex composition, not yet fully studied, and it depends on the place of collection and other factors. Only the main already studied and described in the doctoral dissertations components:
- 6 important amino acids;
- Complex Vitamins (groups B, retinol and ascorbic acid);
- About 30 microelements and minerals, the most significant - phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, silicon, chrome, vanadium, molybdenum, cobalt, selenium, iodine, iron, aluminum, lithium;
- essential oils and balsamic compounds;
- steroids, alkaloids, chlorophyll humic and fatty acids;
- Different resins and their connections.
It is not surprising that wisely selected by nature itself composition helps to treat many diseases.
Wide spectrum of therapeutic properties
I will give a list of only the main therapeutic properties of Mumiya, experimentally and clinically proven in scientific centers and hospitals:
- Powerful adaptogenic, lining and toning agent, helping to relieve fatigue, stimulate immunity, normalize pressure.
- Improves regeneration (update, restoration and rejuvenation) of all tissues of various organs.
- It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.
- Helps to restore the reduced activity of the analyzer centers located in the brain.
- Protects the body from toxins, poisons and consequences of radiation.
- Improves blood formation.
- It has a diuretic action, displays slags and decay products.
- Accelerates splicing fractures.
- Promotes rapid restoration of forces after protracted diseases and operations.
In ancient sources, we find information that Mumiya helped to heal «Elephant limbs».
But the antitumor action is not yet fully studied.
From the works of Avicenna, we learn that this doctor considered the Mountain Balsam the most advanced medicine.

Indications for use
The wonderful properties of the drug allow doctors to prescribe it with the complex treatment of patients suffering from such ailments as:
- states after injuries, bruises, fractures, stretching;
- peptic processes flowing in a duodenum or stomach;
- Men's diseases adenoma, Prostatites, reduction potency;
- diabetes;
- damage to the kidneys, bladder and liver;
- Heart pathology, heart attacks, hypertension;
- Changes in the joints - Arthrosis, arthritis, Gout, deposition of salts, osteomyelitis;
- excess weight, violation of metabolic processes and hormonal background, allergies;
- Gum inflammation, eye diseases (glaucoma) and inflammatory processes in the ears;
- Mastitis, gynecological diseases (erosion);
- burns, rivets, purulent wounds, acne, neurodermatitis, stretching on the skin, arising from women after pregnancy and the birth of the kid.
Read more about Mumyoy Tablets
Currently the most common and convenient form for taking patients is packaging with tablets. If you often catchy, tormented from a cold and inflammation in the oral cavity and lungs, suffer from skin rashes, want to improve the work of the heart, intestines, kidneys, visual functions and generally strengthen the body and cheer up, then these dark tablets with a specific smell will be a good helper. Do not do without this healing preparation and Permasters, Injuries, Tuberculosis, Allergies, nerve disorders, permanent headaches and even insomnia. The exact dosage and duration of the reception will tell the doctor. Altai mumina from packaging in the photo should be taken three times a day during meals (as a biological additive) 1 tablet. Better to drink a glass of water so that a bitter taste remains in the mouth. The course is usually 30 days. Special storage conditions such packaging does not require, just enough for the place to be dry and dark.

More mumina can be taken in aqueous solutions of various concentrations, masks, creams.
Contraindications and precautions
Such a unique drug properties also have certain contraindications - this is a period of pregnancy, lactation and age up to 10 (and in some sources - up to 12). The fact is that the influence of a mountain balm on the fruit and the children's body has not yet been studied, so it is better to independently not experiment with pregnant and nursing women. Yes, and children at an early age do not give it a medicine. Be careful to observe with urolithiasis and in the first days of reception, because individual intolerance to the components can be revealed, although it happens extremely rare.
If someone from the readers, our site will solve Mumyoye, I recommend remembering a number of useful tips and rules:
- To begin with, you will definitely receive advice from your attending doctor.
- During the course of treatment, refrain from drinking coffee and strong tea.
- In the days of administration of mumiya, alcohol in any amounts are contraindicated, even in the composition of drugs, such as pharmacy tinctures or «Corvalol».
- It is impossible to heat the mumina above 40 degrees, otherwise you will lose useful components.
Here is this healing agent in our home first-aid kits. Adhering to data in the article of advice and recommendations, the correct dosage and course treatment, get the expected result - the body will grow, cells and fabrics will be updated, and the ailments will retreat.