How to treat periodontal diseases


  • The principle of treating gingivitov
  • The principle of treating periodontitis
  • Principle of treatment of periodontalism

  • In order for your teeth and gums to be healthy, it is necessary to comply with all the rules of individual oral hygiene, as well as to regularly visit the dentist in order to conduct professional hygiene of the oral cavity, timely detection of caries and periodontal diseases.

    Treating any periodontal disease, as well as its prevention, begins with removal of a toothache and a soft dental plate, which contain a large number of pathogens and injured surrounding fabrics. And only then proceed to the treatment of perodont.

    The principle of treating gingivitov

    The initial stages of gingivitis (catarrhal gingivitis) are treated with the help of oral hygiene, a common treatment (vitamins, rational food), strengthening gums (massage, chewing gum), physiotherapeutic procedures.

    In the presence of an ulcer process, several dentist visits are needed. At first he carefully treats the oral cavity, performs anesthesia (injection or appliqués with painkillers). Then removes a soft dental flare, dental and broken tissue gums. At home it is recommended to make robbing baths with chlorhexidine solution 3-4 times a day for 2-3 minutes.

    In the treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis (the growth of the tissue of the gums), the phenomena of acute inflammation (oral baths, therapeutic bandages, introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs, physiothereders, gum massages are removed. If there is no effect from such treatment, then extra fabrics (gingivectomy) remove.

    Treatment of atrophic gingivitis is aimed at preventing a decrease in the volume of tissues of the gums: fluorine toothpastes are rubbed into the teeth neck, appliques and medicinal dressings with sea buckthorn oil are superimposed, massage and physioturn sessions are held.

    The principle of treating periodontitis

    Acute periodontitis is treated by eliminating the stimulus (for example, hanging seals) and inflammation (appliques with anti-inflammatory drugs).

    How to treat periodontal diseases Chronic periodontitis is treated according to the individual plan. Treatment should be local and general providing for the impact on the entire body (vitamins, stimulation of metabolic processes and T.D.).

    In the treatment of periodontitis, surgical intervention aimed at eliminating the periodontal pocket. Before surgery, periodontal pockets are washed with strong antiseptics, and after 2-3 weeks, surgical treatment of periodontitis is carried out. At the first stage, the causes of perodont injury are eliminated (for example, a short bridle of lips or language). After 3-4 weeks, the second stage of treatment is carried out: elimination of the periodontal pocket. For this purpose, its curetzh (scraping) is held with the removal of a fit tooth stone, a microbial plaque and gums.

    With periodontitis of medium and serious degree, various types of patchwork operations are carried out. They are called patchwork because in the process of the gum operation is separated in the form of several flaps, and then after the operation, it is stitched as it is necessary to hold the teeth in the cells.

    Outside the exacerbation of periodontitis, the patient is monitoring the hygiene of the oral cavity, prescribed medicines, strengthening vessels, physiotics and gum massage. Recently, a therapeutic laser is used to treat periodontitis with a good effect (including in combination with local administration of drugs) and ultrasound.

    The last stage of the treatment of periodontitis is to eliminate the separation of teeth through orthopedic treatment, which should also help reduce the load on periodontal tissue. Prosthetics are proceeded in 2-3 weeks after a curettage and 1.5-2 months after the patchwork operation.

    Patients with periodontitis are subject to dispensary observation twice a year to control the hygiene of the oral cavity and its correction.

    Principle of treatment of periodontalism

    Parodontosis treatment is to facilitate the state of the patient, slowing the further progression of the process and preventing the development of complications. In addition to therapeutic treatment, surgical, orthopedic and orthodontic treatment should also be accepted. Only so you can achieve a long remission.

    Therapeutic treatment is the treatment of various lesions of solid teeth tissues, improving the blood supply to periodontal tissues and metabolic processes in it. If the cause of periodontal is an incorrect bite or a defect of dentures, then the patient is sent to the treatment to the orthopedist or orthodontist. If there is a short bridle of the language and lips, the shallow thighfulness of the oral cavity (the cavity between the teeth and lips, cheeks) is carried out by a surgical operation.

    Take care of your teeth and gums in a timely manner. This is the only way to avoid a serious illness and no less serious costs for its treatment.

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