How to apply viselezhel

Female breast, attracting attention and mounted strong men's hands, has always been considered a symbol of beauty, tenderness, femininity, motherhood. But what to do if the chest becomes a source of periodic or constant pain? This problem is referred to as doctors as «mammalgia» or «Mastalgia».

Statistics show that these unpleasant phenomena face over the years of their life from 65 to 70% of women. One of the most frequent factors of the appearance of pain in the milk glands, doctors call a hormonal imbalance, when a deficit of progesterone is observed in the body of a woman. In this case, the doctor can recommend an external agent - a gel of the viselet, who has already delivered many patients from pain.

About chest pain

Breast, Mammology, Mastalgia, Mastopathy, Milk Iron, Wheel

An unpleasant sensation may appear at any age. Hormonal splash during puberty often does not bypass side and emerging, developing dairy glands. But at the age of 20-40 years, as well as before menopause, women also turn to the gynecologist with Mastalgia. The character of pain, its severity and intensity can be different - heaviness, tingling, discomfort, tension, burning, acute pain. There are women who, when mastalgia, also climb the body temperature. Pain can be provoked by hormonal imbalance (for example, before «Critical» days or when receiving oral contraceptives), injury, Interrochel neuralgia, Breast osteochondrosis, Mastopathy or other gynecological, oncological diseases. If pain regularly arises, then you need to visit the gynecologist or mammologist to understand the reasons why these phenomena happen. Mastalgia often arises due to squeezing by the tissues of the fabrics of nerve endings in lactic glands. And the edema appears when the balance is violations between the number of estrogen and progesterone, when there is a significant deficit of progesterone. If you do nothing, then the layer of iron fabric can over time become thicker, which will lead to the development of mastopathy and other pathologies. Cope with this problem, as mentioned MyMedinform.COM, under the power of vise.

General information about the drug

It is produced by a state-in-law in Belgium. Packaging is an aluminum tube containing 80 grams of gel and applicator-dispenser. This colorless gel, translucent, there is a light opalescence and smell of alcohol. The active substance of this tool is a Gestagen in the form of a natural micronized progesterone. There are also auxiliary components: OKLDOKANOLOL, oil castor polyoxylhydrogenated, carbomer 980, triethanolamine, purified water, ethyl alcohol.

Action of voise

Breast, Mammology, Mastalgia, Mastopathy, Milk Iron, Wheel

If you first picked up a tube, then pinched it with a bandwidth on a cover. Get out of the packaging a spatula-dispenser, squeeze the gel strip over his ruler. The length of this strip must coincide with the deepening on the line. Using a dispenser-applicator, you must apply one dose (these are two and a half grams) on both mammary glands. No need gel rubbing nor make massaging movements. Just leave a gel on skin cover until it absorbing it. It is desirable that some time at the places of applications did not fall into the sun rays. Application is made one or twice a day in the second phase of the cycle or daily (including days of menstrual bleeding). The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, on average, the course lasts three Cycle Women. Even if after the first cycle you have become much better, to achieve a persistent effect, continue to apply the drug, following the recommendations of the gynecologist. Often, in addition to the voell-skinned, the doctor prescribes the reception inside oral contraceptive drugs, when they are jointly used, the effect of the vooselee is enhanced.

Whether side effects?

Usually the use of voiseRell tolerated patients well. In rare cases, such side effects were recorded:

  1. Allergic reactions, expressed as redness of the skin in those places where gel was applied.
  2. «Riding».
  3. Reducing libido.
  4. Milk Height pain.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Headache.
  7. Passage of lips and neck area.
  8. Uterine bleeding.

Are there any contraindications?

Breast, Mammology, Mastalgia, Mastopathy, Milk Iron, Wheel

It is impossible to apply a state-in-law at:

  • pregnancy (second and third trimesters);
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • The presence of unspecified neoplasms in the breast;
  • malignant diseases of the female sexual sphere;
  • nodal forms of fibrous-cystic mastopathy;
  • breast cancer.

With caution, it is necessary to use the gel of the spot stroke in the renal or liver failure, Sugar diabetes, Epilepsy, Bronchial asthma, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, increase hell, depression, migraine, increased blood consumption, increasing the concentration in the blood of lipids (hyperlipoproteinemia).

Dairy gloomy pain is a signal that gives the body to a woman that not everything is functioning smoothly and nicely. And it is not necessary to endure pain, deprive of joyful emotions. Be sure to visit the mammologist or gynecologist, which will help determine the cause of such problems, will select the optimal treatment option.

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