Bekhtereva's disease: causes and manifestations


  • Bekhterev's Disease Development Mechanism
  • Signs of Bekhtereva's disease
  • Danger of Bekhterev's disease

  • Bekhterev's disease (ankylosing spondylitrite) amazes most often men, mostly young age. Women are sick less often (the ratio of fallen women and men is about 1: 5 - 1: 9). On average, in Russia, Bekhterev's disease is sick of about 3 people from every thousand.

    Apparently, Bekhtereva's disease develops as a result of hidden infections, but not developing from everyone, but only in those people who have a specific hereditary predisposition and certain genetic features, in particular, HLA-B27 gene.

    Bekhterev's Disease Development Mechanism

    In the disease, Bekhterev inflammation initially affects the place of the combination of the sacrum and the ileum bones; then applies to the lumbar spine and «Creep» up to the whole spine. In the future, the inflammatory process can capture any joint joints - from the hip before the joints of the fingers.

    Inflammation of the joints with this disease, fortunately, rarely happens «cruel». In many cases, it can be easily suppressed quite easily with medicines.

    It is much worse that in the disease Bekhterev occurs «ossification» Spoken ligaments, its intervertebral joints and discs. There is a gradual process «Pattles» vertebrae between themselves, the spine loses its flexibility and mobility. Without a proper treatment for several years, the full immobility of the spine may occur, when almost all the vertebrae will be afraid into one negligent bone structure. This condition is called «Ankylosing».

    Signs of Bekhtereva's disease

    Bekhtereva's disease: causes and manifestationsThe symptoms of the ankylosing spondyloarthritis at first can be very reminded by the manifestations of banal osteochondrosis. Patient complains of back pain. And these pain often are quite moderate. They are easily eliminated using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and do not cause most doctors in doubts: «Osteochondrosis in pure form». Doubts begin later when swelling and soreness of one or more joints are added to lumbar pains. An experienced doctor in such a situation should pay attention to «inflammatory» Character pain in the back and joints: Pains are intensified in the second half of the night, between three and five o'clock in the morning, and slightly subsidize in the afternoon, especially after noon.

    In addition to the typical rhythm of pain for a possible diagnosis indicates a pronounced morning stiffness of the lower back, also disappearing to dinner, and the young age of the patient - the elderly people usually suffer from osteochondrosis, and Behterev's disease is most often starting at 20 - 30 years.

    In addition to about half of the patients, in the very debut of the disease, you can detect eye inflammation (their redness and feeling «Sand in the eyes»), elevated body temperature and weight loss.

    But after all, the main sign of the disease is the growing refractory of the spine and limiting the mobility of the chest at respiratory movements. The sick person moves as if instead of the spine he has a stick inserted, - to lean and turn the patient with all body.

    Characterized by the appearance of the patient. In the initial stage of the disease, the normal lumbar bending of the spine disappears, the loin becomes flat and direct. In a later stage «Thinks», strongly touching, the chest of the spine - the so-called is formed «Pose of the petitioner». Feet of the patient when walking always stay slightly bent in the knees.

    A similar patient in the launched stage of the disease is already difficult to confuse with sore osteochondrosis, especially if the defeat of the spine is combined with inflammation of the joints; and diagnosis at this stage Most doctors establish without difficulty. Unfortunately, it is almost useless to treat such a launched disease - too large changes occur by this time in the body. Behterev's disease treatment should be started much earlier, has not yet happened «ossification» Total spine and inflamed joints. And for this it is necessary, by itself, as soon as possible to put the correct diagnosis.

    Danger of Bekhterev's disease

    Bekhterev's disease is dangerous not only by the fact that over time he immobilizes the entire spine and joints, but also by its complications. Of these complications, the greatest danger represents the defeat of the heart and aortic, which occurs in 20% of patients and manifested with shortness of breath, painfully stern and interruptions in the heart.

    In a third of the patients, amyloidosis develops - rebirth of the kidneys, leading to a violation of the kidney.

    Reducing the mobility of the chest contributes to diseases of the lungs and development of tuberculosis. In order to prevent such complications to prevent such complications, it is necessary to identify, diagnose and treat the disease in the earliest time.

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