Arthrosis of the joints: Treatment of folk remedies


  • We treat arthrosis of the joints: folk remedies from cabbage
  • Arthrosis of the joints: Folk remedies based on nine
  • Treatment of arthrosis by folk remedies from dandelion and burdock

  • Arthrosis of the joints Treatment of folk remediesDeforming arthrosis joints — Chronic disease characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilage and bone of the tissue of the joints, leading to the violation of their function. The reasons for the development of arthrosis are still not known to the end and treatment methods mainly include symptomatic means to reduce pain, to stop inflammation, maintain metabolic processes in cartilage tissue. Traditional therapy of arthrosis of the joints complements the treatment with folk remedies, which allows to reduce the drug load on the body and improve the effectiveness of the procedures. What folk remedies from deforming arthrome can be taken independently at home? We offer several tested recipes.

    We treat arthrosis of the joints: folk remedies from cabbage

    White cabbage — Not only useful vegetable, it is a contented efficient folk remedy for arthrosis of the joints.

    • Take a small kochan cabbage. Using the juicer, get cabbage juice from it. Moch them the flap of wool fabric and wrap it with a sick joint. Top clutch under the cellophane and additionally wrap the joint. Such compresses will help get rid of lobes accompanying arthrosis of the joints. Treatment with folk remedies will help reduce swelling and inflammation, increase the mobility of the articulation.
    • Take a large cabbage sheet, lubricate its inner with honey and attach to the sore joint. Top compress, bite the cellophane and warm the wool cloth. If you do compresses regularly for a month, you can significantly improve the condition of the joint and stop arthrosis. Treatment with folk remedies will reduce chemicals or at least reduce their number.

    Arthrosis of the joints: Folk remedies based on nine

    What are the folk remedies from the arthrosis?Nine as a medicinal plant is known since the Hippocratic times. Biologically active substances of the plant improve the composition of the synovial fluid, contribute to the restoration of cartilage tissue suffering from arthrosis of the joints. Treatment with folk remedies based on ninestiles makes it possible to stop the development of the disease and increase the mobility of the joints.

    • Take the nine root (50 g), grind it, pour 130 ml of vodka and insist in a dark place for two weeks. Try the sick sustained thrack for the night every day and wrapped with warm wool cloth.
    • Take the root of nine, grind in a coffee grinder, pour with honey and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. On the night, apply the composition on the sore joint and covering the film and wool cloth on top, leave overnight. It will help stop arthrosis joints. Additionally, you can take a folk remedy inside, on a teaspoon 1 time per day. This will strengthen the effect.

    Treatment of arthrosis by folk remedies from dandelion and burdock

    We treat arthrosis of the joints: folk remedies from cabbageBiologically active substances contained in the root and flower of dandelion, have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue of the joint, slow down its destruction, contribute to restoration and rejuvenation. Reception inside those obtained from the dandelion of infusions and other folk remedies, with arthrosis of the joints, is also useful because it contributes to the removal of salts and normalization of mineral metabolism, one way or another affecting the state of the bone-articular system.

    • Take fresh or dry dandelion flowers, half fill in them with a bottle of dark glass and pour to the top of vodka. Insist for 30 days at room temperature, then strain. Get the resulting tincture to grow joint and compresses during arthrosis. Treatment with folk remedies is externally useful to add dandelion infusion intake.
    • Lop leaves remember the rolling pin and attach to the sick joint. Biologically active components of the plant improve the flow of metabolic processes in the joint, remove salts, they have a beneficial effect on the composition of the synovial fluid and contribute to the recovery of cartilage.

    Remember, the use of folk remedies cannot fully replace traditional therapy. Arthrosis of the joint is a serious illness requiring complex treatment and control of a specialist. Therefore, before using the recipes recommended by us, it is worth consulting with the attending physician.

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