Prevention of arthrosis of the lower extremities


  • Movement against the arthrosis of the foot joints
  • Prevention injury in the fight against arthrosis of foot joints
  • Normal weight in the health of joints

  • Nutrition and prevention of deforming arthrosis

  • Prevention of arthrosis of the lower extremitiesDeforming arthrosis — The disease accompanied by the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint, degeneration and the compensatory sprouting of the bone, leading to the narrowing of the articular gap, deformation and limiting the mobility of bone articulation. Especially often arthrosis affects the joints of the lower extremities, as the most loaded in the entire musculoser man. Save the joints healthy will help you with simple measures for the prevention of arthrosis arising from the main causes of the disease.

    Movement against the arthrosis of the foot joints

    The main factor of the risk of arthrosis is age, and at first glance it is impossible to overcome it. However, in relation to the health of the joints, the main indicator is not a digit in the passport, but the actual state and mobility of bone joints.

    Walking, dancing, yoga, oriental martial arts, swimming and many other physical activity, including the elements of the articular gymnastics, stretching exercises and the development of plastics contribute to maintaining blood circulation, ensure normal nutrition of the joints, prevent atrophy of tendons and muscles and retain the maximum volume of movements in the bone Jewish.

    Prevention injury in the fight against arthrosis of foot joints

    The deforming arthrosis of the lower extremities is often developing after the injuries of the joints, people have professionally engaged in sports, whose work is associated with the implementation of monotonous movements, with lifting weights, long stay on the legs.

    Movement against the arthrosis of the foot jointsReasonable limitation of the load on the joints will protect against the injury of the artician cartilage, its premature wear and will warn the arthrosis. Choosing classes in the shower, give preference to safe sports, and during workouts, use joint protection tools. Avoid sharp movements with maximum amplitude movements. In the presence of flatfoot, we must wear adjusting orthopedic insoles. Convenient low-heeled shoes will protect the small joints of the legs, the lesions of the ankle and knee joint.
    Especially important is the prevention of arthrosis for those who have a hereditary predisposition to the disease.

    Normal weight in the health of joints

    Foot joints are treated with a tremendous load, carrying the weight of the whole body. Therefore, it is not wonderful that too hard burden becomes unbearable even for healthy bone joints. The articular cartilage is literally crushed by weight of the body, cracks and starts to collapse, exposing the bone and stimulating the process of formation of osteophytes. Obesity becomes the cause of exchange violations in the body, which further aggravates the current of the arrangement of the legs, quickly leading to the formation of contractures.

    Maintaining normal body weight — This is the prevention of the arthrosis of the lower extremities. Understanding this is especially important for women experiencing in the second half of life hormonal restructuring, affecting the state of the whole organism and in particular in the state of the musculoskeletal system.

    Nutrition and prevention of deforming arthrome

    Proper nutrition is important for the health of the entire body and for the good state of the joints in particular. The diet should include a sufficient amount of meat, fish, useful use of sub-products containing a lot of collagen. Be sure to be present vegetables and fruits, crude vegetable oils and dairy products.

    Warning of arthrosis legs, simple waysThe diet should help maintain normal body weight, muscle development and tendons creating a durable frame for bone joints.

    At the state of the articular cartilage, dehydration of the body disadvantages. To prevent arthrosis of the joints of the legs, it is important to drink simple water, up to 2 liters per day. At the same time, excessive use of fluid is associated with salty products that delay water in the body and provoking edema, can lead to a deterioration in blood circulation in the joint area and violation of the cartilage. Credit with the situation will help the diet with the restriction of the cook salt.

    Foot joints require constant care. Do not overcoat them, do not overload, protect against injuries and you save them healthy, flexible and young.

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