Disease of young and slender


  • Hypotension - problems of young and slender
  • Treatment of hypotension

  • Hypotension - problems of young and slender

    If you are in full rest for a long time noted when
    Measure Maximum blood pressure below 100 mm mercury
    post, and minimal - below 60 mm, you should seriously concern and
    Think about hypotension or hypotonic disease. However, low numbers
    Pressures may also meet with practically healthy people if they are not
    There are no complaints. However, most often without complaints.

    patients with hypotension, often complain of lethargy, decay of forces, head
    pain spilled blunt character, sometimes dizziness with darkening in
    Eyes, tendency to faint. If you think about, the symptoms are very
    common for young women. In the Middle Ages, this condition
    generally considered normal for «noble» Female organism.

    that symptoms are very reminded by another young problem «Crystones»
    - anemia. What to say, these diseases often go hand in hand, but
    It is still not to confuse. That is why relying on only sensations
    it is forbidden. It is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct blood test on
    Hemoglobin and blood pressure measurement. Then it will immediately become clear,
    which problems require corrective treatment. And maybe both

    Disease of young and slender
    However, hypodynamies have such symptoms,
    which is impossible to confuse with anemia. Often, patients are observed
    Increased sleepy day and bad sleep at night.

    If hypotension has a cardinal (cardiac) shape, the above
    Symptoms are complemented by complaints in the colic in the heart, a feeling of fading
    Hearts, shortness of breath, even with a small exercise. In addition to
    reduced blood pressure, against the background of neurotic reactions
    Some patients marked muscular weakness, trembling of the eyelids and fingers
    Extracted Hands, Minor Body Temperature Reduction.

    Hypotension was found randomly and does not cause you any sufferings, then
    immediately treat it with a set of expensive and slaughter
    medical drugs are not worth. However, it is dangerous to treat
    hypotension without due attention. After all, it can be a sign of such
    serious diseases, such as rheumatic mitral
    stenosis of the heart, heart attack, tuberculosis of adrenal glands, myxedema, and also
    bleeding of various origin. That is why, finding
    Resistant decrease in blood pressure indicators, it is necessary
    comprehensively examine your health to eliminate the above

    The cause of hypotonic disease is usually common
    neurosis, especially in asthenic states when observed
    Retail and drop vascular tone. Disease Development
    Promotional companions of modern life well known to all of us:
    Stressful situations, insomnia, malnutrition. Playing the role and hereditary predisposition to hypotension, and professional harm, and infectious diseases.

    - The problem of young and slender. After all, according to statistics, this disease
    mostly occurs at a young age and more often in women than
    Men. And with age, hypotonic disease with phenomena
    Atherosclerosis can, almost bypassing a normal condition,
    transform into hypertensive with an increase in arterial

    Treatment of hypotension

    In restoration of health, a very important role is played
    elimination of causal disease factors, and not alone medication
    correction. Need a more rational organization of life,
    Labor, recreation, food, removal of negative emotions is obligatory
    From smoking.

    Whatever lethargy did not overcome you,
    will have to actively do sports and exercise.
    At the same time it is necessary to adjust the power. If in pursuit of
    Slender waist you intentionally cut your diet, you need to refuse
    from diet and ensure full nutrition with sufficient admission to
    The organism of proteins, vitamins C and B1, which are natural
    stimulants and increase overall human tone.

    If about diet
    You did not think, then your diet is made up of defective
    Products. Vitamin B1 rich grains of cereals, nuts, beans,
    peas, meat, potatoes, vegetables, rye bread. Use stimulating
    Drinks - tea, better green; Coffee, cocoa, grapefruit juice, carrot
    Juice, White Dry Vine. Good toning properties
    Possess apples, especially acidic varieties, celery, salad, cabbage,
    Vintacenik and Chamomile.Honey and bostimulatory properties possess
    Mastechnic milk: take in the morning and in the evening (you can with tea instead
    Sugar) for 30-50 g of honey with the addition of 1 teaspoon of royal milk.

    More launched sickness stages attending the doctor will most likely appoint you
    Special tinctures from known tonic medicinal
    Preparations: Tubbing lubricants 30 drops 2-3 times a day, lemongrass
    20-30 drops 3 times a day, Aralia 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day,
    Pantokarina 30 drops 3 times a day before meals.

    Adjusts blood pressure of the infusion of bloody-red fruit.
    The tablespoon of dry fruits is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist in
    warm place 2 hours, filter and take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4
    time a day before meals. As well as aqueous infusion of ginseng root 20 drops
    2-3 times a day before meals.

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