Get rid of cracks on the heels


  • What are cracks on the heels?
  • Treatment of cracks on heels
  • Prevention

  • What are cracks on the heels?

    Healthy well-groomed heels should
    Having a smooth, clean and soft pinkish skin. But uncomfortable
    shoes, avitaminosis and t.NS. significantly affect the state of our legs. AND
    Neesthetic corns appear instead of pink heels,
    Natoptyshi, warts and, of course, cracked. They are not insured

    Cracks not only do not adorn your legs,
    But also cause severe pain in the heels area when walking. On the sole
    It becomes noticeable small thin notches, which then
    go to deep cracks.

    Cracked heels
    appear with excessive dry skin when it is reduced
    elasticity. Interestingly, the appearance of cracks may be connected with
    Facilities in the endocrine system – they can be symptoms
    Avitaminosis, diabetes, gastritis, lack of vitamin A and skin
    Diseases. The provoking moment of the appearance of cracks of heels is served
    wearing synthetic socks and uncomfortable shoes, and in the summer open
    shoes heels generally become defenseless. On them constantly slapping
    Tops of bareloous. In the ranks arising from strikes, sometimes even
    invisible, infection gets and provokes inflammation. Leather,
    affected by fungal diseases, especially vulnerable. By acquiring
    Get rid of cracks on the heelschronic shape, fungus subsides for a while, but in the summer it can

    No matter how unsold by cracks,
    This is corrected business. Of course, the problem is complex, but solved. The main thing –
    Take treatment in time. Secret – in regular therapeutic procedures and
    moisturizing means that will help get rid of cracks heel
    forever and ever. Treatment will require a lot of time and patience. It is important to reveal
    Causes of cracks. With this question it is better to contact

    Treatment of cracks on heels

    Funds are widely used,
    Based on Vaseline. Pure Vaseline also softens very well
    Cracks and promotes skin moisturizing. To start your feet are sprinkled in
    hot water with a small amount of boric acid (1 teaspoon on
    a glass of water) and then apply a layer of vaseline into cracks, after which
    impose a plaster and leave it all night. The procedure is repeated
    daily until the cracks disappear at all. An option for this
    Procedures are applied to fractures. After that leg
    put on a plastic bag, and on top of it sock and leave it all
    At night.

    Even one similar variant of the treatment of cracks
    Heels: Heat bee wax, paraffin and salicylic acid in
    Equal parts and with a cotton swab shall apply a mixture on the heel. Give
    She dry and still apply 2 more–3 layers. Sound film
    Strengthen using a bandage dressing. Through a day make so clean soda
    Bath, remove the film and processed the heel pima. Repeat
    procedure several times.

    With deep cracks,
    To prevent infection, use ointment with antibiotics. Without
    Treatment based on cracks heel can start fungal disease
    foot. In order to avoid this you need to use antifungal ointments,
    regularly lubricating the cracks.

    For treatment
    Cracked heel use and vegetable means. Medical plants
    render the healing and softening effect on the skin, accelerating
    healing. For example, from thin notes on the heels helps
    applying a grated apple or onion liking during
    several days. Rubbed on a shallow grater juicy apple or raw bow,
    lay the puree on a piece of dense tissue and applied to heels,
    Fixing bandage. For moisturizing deep cracks the same
    Put with fresh tomato.

    You can take
    Roots Papers 25 g, roots Altea 25 g, add 500 g of cow oil.
    All this is boiling on a water bath exactly one hour. Folded mixture
    For the night in sick places.

    Even one vitamin
    Recipe: 100 g of carrots grate on the grater, put in a glass jar and
    pour 0.5 liters of sunflower oil. Let break 10 days in warm
    Dark place. Strain. Overnight rub in sick places.

    helps a wakeful kvass or table vinegar crook mealky if
    put it on sick places. Very quickly heal cracks with
    Application of daily rice or hot root compresses
    Natherila. You can also apply a MAD or fresh cabbage sheet -
    apply it for the night to the skin, and in the morning lubricate the cracks of the heels in any
    Moisturizing cream. Very helpful bath with calendula (tablespoon on
    1 liter of water), with a drill or nettle (2 tablespoons per 1 liter


    All these methods are needed for the treatment of cracks
    heels, but our task – avoid these unpleasant moments. therefore
    First of all, every woman should highlight the time to care for their
    Beautiful legs. Start with dot water procedures. Soda baths
    well soften skin. Do not forget about the leg scrub: Sparated heels
    you need to lose a pumice or a special brush. Orogornova
    The skin must be deleted in a timely manner. Then go to the foot massage.
    Circular movements rub the fat cream in the skin. Such a massage
    will warm up and strengthen blood circulation in the feet.

    And the main thing – Shoes should be comfortable and well-groomed. Do not be lazy once again to dry it and wipe the insoles.

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