Once fishe fat forced to drink every child. Including me. He was so nasty, and then it seemed to me that the bottle where the fish oil is located, just some kind of gigantic. When my mother called me to pour another dose, I wrinkled in advance and dreamed that the fish were thin, without any fat. Then I have not guessed that fish oil get from the liver. And it's good that my dream did not come true! Because now drink fish oil is not only useful, as before, but also nice.

A, D and Omega-3 in one capsule
That fishery fat is very useful, know for a long time. In its composition, of course, there is iodine, bromine, phosphorus, but they are so little so much that they do not affect our health. But what really is in fish fat, it is vitamins A (Retinol) and D. It is fish oil - the best source of replenishment of our organism by these vitamins.
In the human body daily, bone tissue update occurs, because vitamin D is vital, as it helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
Vitamin A promotes exchange of substances, Plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth, slows down the aging process.
And one more component that is in fish oil is very important for our body - these are polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 group. They impede the development of cardiovascular diseases, help prevent the increase in plaques and blood clots in the arteries supplying the brain, as well as the brain itself help normally function.
Liver cod or muscle fat?
Previously, fish oil was obtained only from the liver of fish of the Cod Family. Now it began to extract from the muscles of fatty fish. What is the difference between muscle and hepatic fat? It turns out, the liver is more saturated with vitamins, but the muscle is filled with polyunsaturated acids (PNCH). Fat from the liver In addition, it is impossible to take a long time so that there are no excess vitamin A and D. But fat from the muscles of fish is considered a food additive, so you can use it for a long time, in reasonable, of course, the limits. In any case, you need a doctor consultation. Many doctors even advise consuming fish fat from muscles, because various harmful substances are delayed in the liver, because the liver is a cleaning authority. Information about which precipitated the drug is made from which fat must be on the package. Although I bought fish oil of different manufacturers and in different pharmacies, but in the composition, except for fish oil itself and sometimes glycerin, did not find anything. But manufacturers of dietary supplements, really most often as a source of fish oil use muscle fats of marine fish.

I, honestly, worries less, where the fat come from - from the muscles or from the liver, and more pleases the fact that the reception of fish fat today has become pleasant. You can, of course, still buy fish oil in bottles, but pharmacists, apparently, thought about such as me. And invented to produce fish oil in gelatin capsules, without taste and, most importantly, smell! There is another plus in capsules. Since the PNCC is easily oxidized and become harmful, then fish oil, located in a glass container, must be stored in the refrigerator and very quickly use. Another thing of capsules - they are stored much longer. Take them before eating, drinking water!
What is useful for fish fat for children
Pediatricians know that the benefits of fish fat is not only that he is rich in vitamins. He has two undeniable advantages - it is very nutritious and easily absorbed by the body. In addition, when the child's body is formed, without vitamins and polyunsaturated acids just do not do.
Vitamin D due to their assistance in the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus helps the right growth of bones. The development of the central nervous system depends on phosphorus, it stimulates the brain. If Vitamin D is in sufficiency, then the child does not threaten rickets, he will grow calm and healthy.
But the deterioration of vision, dryness of mucous and skin, as well as hair suggests that in the body there is not enough vitamin A. Fish fat will help children to fill the retinol, which will become smooth, and the visual functions will be restored.
The main task of polyunsaturated acids is to improve the work of the brain. PNGK is needed for the development and formation of brain tissues. And the intellectual development of a person depends on this. The memory is better and cognitive activity. Yes, and in general, the child's behavior is changing, he turns out of irritable fidget into calm child. Natural but: one fish fat here will not cost. To date, children's fishery doctors are effectively used to treat skin diseases, renal failure, allergic manifestations, Bronchial asthma and many other diseases.

But parents must remember that some children may have side effects from receiving fish fat, for example, a disorder of metabolic disorders or digestive disorder. Therefore, take the drug only under the supervision of pediatrician.
The disease of the XXI century - reduced immunity, strengthen it under the power of the same PNGC, are useful even in preventing cancer development.
Even polyunsaturated fatty acids normalize blood pressure and kidney function, reduce cholesterol in the blood, slow down the formation of blood clots, render anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, improve the state of the joints. So if you have anemia, tuberculosis, arthritis, Psoriasis, bronchial asthma, various intestinal inflammation - fish oil will help you in the fight against the disease! Again, coupled with other medicines for the prescription of the doctor.
The need for Omega-3 in an adult organism
We all know that nutritionists advise to avoid fats in large quantities, but not only fish fat! Unlike animal fats and vegetable origin, Omega-3 PNGK is contained in fish fat. About their positive impact on heart and brain activity I have already said above. In addition, polyunsaturated fatty acids are excellent prevention of ischemic disease and atherosclerosis. But on this, their wonderful properties also do not end.
Omega-3 PPGK-3 themselves in the human body are not synthesized, so it is so important to each of us from time to time to include fish oil in your diet.
Fish fat instead of cosmetics
In addition to the overall health, fish oil can be used to treat hair and face skin rejuvenation.

So that the hair does not sequen, pour a few capsules or take a spoonful of fish oil and mix with top oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the tips of the hair or on the roots, to strengthen.
Instead of a nutrient cream, you can easily use fish oil several times a month, just do not apply it to a thick layer. One capsule is enough for the whole face.
To do this, I pierce the capsule, squeeze the contents and carefully apply for each wrinkle. You can mix fish oil with honey - tea spoon of honey to a teaspoon of fish oil. The resulting mask is applied to the face for 30 minutes. And then wash off warm water.
We exclude fish oil!
Not for all and not always fish fat is useful, there is also a contraindication for him. You can not take fish oil if:
- increased thyroid;
- Improved content Vitamin D or Calcium in the body;
- The aggravation of cholecystitis or Pancreatitis;
- Allergy to fish oil;
- You have a urolled or bile disease;
- Violation of blood coagulation, as fish oil dilutes blood;
- renal failure;
- pregnancy. Reception is possible, but only on the recommendation of the doctor. And so - better eat caviar!
Although fish fat directly and does not apply to medicines, but consultation with the doctor is necessary. Even if you use it in preventive purposes. And especially if you take other drugs. But in spite of everything, with the help of fish oil or without him - be healthy and happy!