Osteoarthritis is one of the most common rheumatic diseases and has the greatest medical and social importance among all articular diseases. Despite the significant progress achieved in recent years in Osteoarthrosis therapy, the issue of treatment tactics in the light of efficiency and safety of applicable drugs remains relevant.
Of particular interest is the methods of local therapy based on nanotechnology. We discussed this problem with the head of the Department of Faculty Therapy. Academician A.AND.Nesterova of the Russian National Research Medical University. N.AND.Pirogova, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Hope Alexandrovna Shostak.
— Indeed, Osteoarthrosis — the most common rheumatic disease. In 2011. Ended declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) Decade of Bones and Joint Diseases (2001–2010.), according to the results of which osteoarthritis is given first place among priority problems in bone-muscular pathology. The emergence of osteoarthrosis is primarily due to heredity. The floor plays an important role: the female floor prevails, but soon men will catch up with women in the frequency of development of the disease, and it is connected with smoking, obesity, adding to beer and stronger drinks.
— What caused pain syndrome in osteoarthritis?— The basis of pain syndrome is the pathology of the articular cartilage, a change in the joint liquid, a violation of the congruence of the joint surfaces of the bones, T.E Pain with osteoarthritis Multifactor. Returning to the previous question, I can not say that this is a number one problem, because there is such a problem as inflammatory diseases of the joints. However, among rheumatic diseases osteoarthrosis, of course, is the leader.
— One of the main objectives of the treatment of osteoarthrosis — This is primarily the relief of painful syndrome, which, as I said, is multicomponent. Therapy of pain is an urgent problem, since data were obtained that it was the painful syndrome at osteoarthritis, not only worsens the quality of life, but also reduces its duration, and even more than concomitant diseases. That is why the removal of pain is the priority purpose of the treatment of patients with osteoarthritosis. In addition, with osteoarthritis, there is an inflammatory component due to reactive synovitis. Another goal that is placed in the treatment of osteoarthrosis, — This reduction, reduction of inflammation and the purpose of slow drugs with chondroprotective action.
— In order to reduce pain and inflammation, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed, however, as you know, these drugs can cause systemic unwanted phenomena and not to all patients they can be assigned or prescribed limited. What to do in such cases?— Indeed, the widely used NSAIDs are the preparations of the first choice for the treatment of osteoarthrosis, however, of course, they can have a lot of unwanted effects, especially with frequent use. This is primarily gastrointestinal and nephrotoxic effects. Patients who are contraindicated to the destination of NSAIDs, local therapy can be appointed as an alternative.
— Recently, they are increasingly talking about nanotechnology used in the manufacture of therapeutic plasters, which are just used as local therapy (for example, a plaster Nanoplast Forte®). What are such plasters?— That's right, therapeutic plasters created on the basis of nanotechnology are of particular interest. In the modern market, they are represented by the plaster of Nanoplast Forte®, which has no analogues yet. We are widely working with patching nanoplast forte®, And our doctors know perfectly well that Nanoplast Forte® It has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory action, effective both to relieve acute states and for coursework therapy of various diseases of the joints, spine, muscles and ligaments, and at the same time safe and does not have side effects.
— Is there any evidence base on the effectiveness of the plastering nanoplast forte®?— Yes, sure. One of these studies was carried out on the basis of our department, on the basis of the Research Institute of Rheumatology, the RAMS and the Rheumatology Center of the City Clinical Hospital, T.E.The study was a multicenter. 120 patients were included in the study, and this is a sufficiently large figure, which can be discussed in terms of the statistical significance of the materials obtained. It was a study double blind placebo-controlled (as a placebo was applied to patients the same species of the plaster, but without nanocomponents). It should be noted that in all the laws of classical research, we studied all the status of the patient, all related diseases, the duration of the disease itself, the radiological stage of the disease and other parameters. All patients had pretty advanced gonarthrosis stages, t.E. These were hard patients with a long history, both pain and reliably diagnosed osteoarthritis.
— What was accepted as criteria for efficiency?— Primary efficiency criterion, we considered a decrease in stiffness and intensity of pain syndrome in «target» The knee joint on the WOMAC scale, as well as the improvement of the physical activity of the patient. The status assessment was compared both by doctors and patients before, in the process and after treatment.
— Which showed research in terms of efficiency?— We received the results that did not expect themselves because even doctors did not know what group the plaster of Nanoplast Forte is used®, And in what — Inactive plaster. Approximately on the 4th day of individual patients noted visible improvement. After receiving the final results of the study, it turned out that in a group using nanoplast Forte®, Improvement has come in all patients. The total figure of pain in the WOMAC index significantly decreased by 85 mm, which indicates a pronounced analgesic effect of the plastering nanoplast forte®. Statistically significantly improved the overall condition of patients, both on their subjective assessment, and according to doctors.
— Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, as the portability of the plastering Nanoplast Forte® In this study? Have any unwanted phenomena observed?— Portability of the Plocker Nanoplast Forte® and inactive patcher was evaluated by frequency and severity of local and systemic unwanted phenomena. Unwanted phenomena was detected.
— When you can recommend nanoplast forte®, T.E. under what diseases, except osteoarthrosis, it is shown?
— Before answering this question, I would like to close the topic about osteoarthritis and say that Nanoplast Forte® It is shown in any form of this disease, starting with peripheral osteoarthrosis and ending with spondyltroitrosis and associated pain in the back.
Among other indications for the appointment of the patch, Nanoplast Forte® It is possible to distinguish the degenerative disease of the intervertebral disc with the development of protrusions, intervertebral hernia, resulting in Ishias. Despite the fact that in the acute period of rheumatic diseases, local therapy is not shown (as a rule, it is prescribed by 3–5th day when inflammation subsides), Nanoplast Forte® In this period, it is indispensable as irreplaceable in other stages (subacute or chronic flow). Other indications for the use of a patch nanoplast forte® are post-traumatic changes in the musculoskeletal system, the articular apparatus, since after injury, secondary osteoarthritis is developing, and pain syndrome is very pronounced and can be complicated by the development of complex regional pain syndromes.
Another area for applying a patch nanoplast forte® is the pathology of soft tissues (for example, fibromyalgia, myofascial syndrome), which is found not only in rheumatic diseases
More about therapeutic plastering Nanoplast Forte can be found on the site
Before using the plaster, read the recommendations for the use of the drug