What is Shegren Syndrome


  • Diagnostics of Shegren Syndrome
  • How is the treatment of SHEGREEN syndrome


    SHEGREEN SYNDROM - this is the inflammation of the tear, salivary glands and glazed gland gland gland gland. As a result of inflammation, dysfunction of glands arises, which leads to the formulation of a small number of secrecy.

    With the damage of the tear glands, very little tear fluid is produced, which leads to irritation of the conjunctiva. As a result, hyperemia of the eye is observed and a sense of presence in the eye of a foreign body appears.

    During the defeat of the salivary glands, the amount of saliva is significantly reduced, resulting in dryness of the oral cavity. Inflammation leads to an edema of salivary glands, and pain is possible. The burning eye and the dryness of the oral cavity are frequent symptoms of SHEGREEN Syndrome or SHEGREEN-LARSEN syndrome.

    The lesion of the glazed shells leads to a strongly pronounced dryness, more often in the nasal cavity and the region of genitals.

    SHEGREEN syndrome may be limited to lesion of tissue glands. In this case, the patient complains only to the above symptoms. But the symptoms of other diseases may be present at the same disease. Fever, depression, painful muscle and articular pain can be connected, polyarthritis (multiple joints of joints) can also be connected. When SHEGREEN syndrome develops within the framework of another disease, often diagnostics presents great difficulties. In most cases, we are talking about such concomitant diseases as chronic polyarthritis or systemic red lupus (erythematosis). Later this form of the disease was named «Secondary» Syndroma Shegrena.

    Diagnostics of Shegren Syndrome

    The dryness of the oral cavity and burning eye do not always mean that it is about SHEGREEN syndrome. Diagnose SHEGREEN syndrome, you can only with inflammation of the glands. There are cases when the metabolic diseases lead to a similar result, as a result of which the secretion of saliva is strongly reduced. What often do we observe with diabetes (sugar disease). As a result, in people of senile age, this can lead to a premature decrease in the function of the tear or salivary glands, which is characteristic of this inflammation. Such forms of dryness of the mouth and eye are not SEGREEN syndrome!

    SHEGREEN SYNDROM DISEASES OF IMMUNICAL GENES. This is a disease in which the protective apparatus of the body sends its effect against the body itself, in this case against the tissues of the glands. At the same time, antibodies are produced, which in the study of blood may be proof of this disease, but not always.

    Another diagnostic method is the study of tissues. In most cases, small fragments of the mouth mucous membrane are used, which are then investigated using a microscope. Thus, you can establish the lesion of the mucous gland. In addition, serial radiographic examination of the salivary glands can be conducted (sialography). In this case, the X-ray contrast substance is concentrated in the output of the salivary. The radiograph also allows you to establish how much the inflammation of the tissues of the glands is. But there is no need for each patient to conduct a study of all glands. Survey strictly individually.

    How is the treatment of SHEGREEN syndrome

    The basis of the treatment of SHEGREEN syndrome is 2 main tasks:

    • Localized inflammation.
    • Treatment of symptoms of dryness of the oral cavity, burning eyes.

    Inflammation presents serious difficulties. After all, when Shegon syndrome, we are talking about such autoimmune diseases as chronic polyarthritis or systemic red lupus. In such cases, medicines are prescribed similar to medicines for the treatment of this disease (for example, cortisone and immunosuppressors), especially when symptoms such as fever and weakness are attached. But the disease often can flow latently, which is poorly reflected in the treatment of SHEGREEN syndrome. In severe cases, when inflammation affected too many glands, further deterioration is prevented due to therapy. In the future, the gland function is no longer restored. The main task is the correct care for mucous membranes.

    What is Shegren SyndromeEyes. Low secretion of tear fluid leads to hyperemia conjunctivations and cornea. It is necessary to repeatedly repeatedly be moisturizing the eyes with the extraction of artificial tears; overnight lubricate the eye ointment. Due to the absence of tear fluid, the eyes are also strongly infected. When inflammation, it is necessary to immediately turn to the oculist.

    Oral cavity. The dryness of the oral cavity is a very unpleasant symptom and causes severe thirst. But saliva acts as not only moisturizing fluid. It helps not only when chopping and swallowing food, but also protects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity from infection. Thus, an insufficient amount of saliva can lead to sedentine inflammatory processes and to the caries of the teeth. And therefore, it is necessary to care for the oral cavity: after each long-term interval brushes teeth and more often carry out measures for rinse the oral cavity with special antiseptic solutions. And also more often chewing sugar chewing gum! Chewing gum stimulates saliva secretion. There are cases when bacteria from the oral cavity immigrate into salivary glands and cause infection of the salivary glands. In addition, they cause sudden very painful swelling of the salivary glands, accompanied, in most cases, fever. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. Antibiotics treatment in this case inevitably. Also apply aerosols (sprays) containing artificial saliva, for example, Gandodozan. Its action must be tried, t.To. It is individually.

    Nasal cavity. Regular use of nasal aerosols that contribute to wetting the mucous membrane of the nose and preventing dryness, leads to the formation of nasal crusts. Try to maintain the necessary air conditioning with air conditioning.

    Sender organs. The dryness of the genital lip and the vagina inevitably leads to painful sensations with sexual contacts and increases the likelihood of infection. Discuss it with your doctor. He will write an appropriate gel or cream.

    You see that SHEGREEN syndrome is an affordable disease in which you yourself must take part in most of the treatment. The doctor will write the necessary medicines, but their regular use is the key to your health that is in your hands.

    Never forget that SHEGREEN syndrome is an autoimmune disease, which, like all such diseases, has an impact on your neuropsychiatric state. Any form of stress may be a provoking disease factor. Avoid this.

    Some people cannot come to terms with how unpleasant their disease. Perceive it calmly and try to arrange your life so that you yourself can seek the state of peace or the remission of the disease.

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