System red lupus: what you need to know about it?


  • Immune «lay»
  • What are the symptoms of red lupus?
  • How to diagnose SLE?
  • How to treat SCV?

    Immune «lay»

    System Red Volchanka: What do you need to know about it?The reasons for this heavy illness are not yet clarified. It is possible that a combination of a number of circumstances is necessary for the Debut of the disease:

    • Genetic prerequisites (genetically determined features of the immune system),
    • Unfortunately unfavorable factors of the environment (environmentally due to damage of the immune system),
    • Frequent inflammatory diseases (angina, sinusitis, pharyngitis),
    • Chronic diseases that can lead to «Layer» Immune system - chronic tonsillitis, chronic inflammatory gynecological and urological diseases.
    • Since it is known that systemic red lupus is a chronic immune disease, which means that all manifestations of the disease are a consequence of the immunity defect, and both cells and humoral.

      What are the symptoms of red lupus?

      People with a starting SCM are observed for fever, fast fatigue, general weakness, rather fast weight loss...

      In third cases on the wings of the nose and / or on the cheeks, the patient appears reddish or red-scorched plaques - the so-called «butterfly». By the way, it is not always found in the classic version; Redness can take the most different shape and localized in different places. For example, Blashkovoid Erythema as an equivalent «Butterfly» can be detected on the scalp. Or on the palms.

      Sustav pain - This is one of the most constant and, almost a classic sign of the lupus process (there is almost always).

      In a third of all cases, diseases are detected pleurisy (inflammation of the shell of lungs); a little less - pericarditis and myocarditis (inflammation of the pericardium, or heart handbag, and heart muscle, respectively) with arrhythmias, heart failure and t.D.

      The overwhelming majority of patients with a systemic red lupus suffer defeat kidney. More often in the form of glomerulonephritis.

      The central suffers nervous system - Headaches (sometimes very strong), depression, epileptic seizures, psychosis. From the side of the peripheral nervous system frequents of the sensethopathy (sensation «crawling geasses», transient itching, unpleasant feeling from touching clothes and t.D.).

      Does not remain aside and gastrointestinal - Frequently complaints of abdominal pain (vessels are affected, blood supplying gastrointestants, peripheral nerves innervating these organs). Stomach stomach, liver, pancreas. There is even such a definition - lupus pancreatitis.

      Slowly develop anemia (We believe this term sign to everyone), thrombocytopenia (reducing the number of platelets), leukopenia (reducing the number of white blood cells).

      Sometimes the debut of the disease can become Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) in a pregnant woman or identifying the fetus death (most often at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy).

      About a quarter of the fallen developing Reino syndrome * And a quarter - Schogren syndrome **.

      How to diagnose SLE?

      What is needed in terms of laboratory diagnostics, if you suspected this disease - a systemic red lupus?

      And you have to do this - to go to the district doctor, and ask him to give you a direction to the laboratory to accomplish:

      • General blood test (there is no increase in erythrocyte settlement of erythrocytes);
      • study of blood to the rheumatoid factor;
      • Determination of antinuclear antibodies (they are almost always detected, in the event of a disease).

      How to treat SCV?

      Treatment of systemic red lupus, very specific and strictly individually. I would like to emphasize the attention of the victims that the forecast with it is much more favorable than it is often customary to think, talk and write. And properly conducted treatment, as well as the elimination of provoking factors (psycho-emotional overload, insolation, the use of sulfonamide preparations and oral contraceptives) affect the course of the disease, making it more «soft». You need to know about it.

      *Reina syndrome - The narrowing of the vessels on the fingers and legs, manifested in the fact that the fingers become cold, white or even blue with the most insignificant cooling or excitement.

      **Schogrena syndrome - dryness of mucous membranes (oral oxide, eye) due to the fact that the function of the salivary and peeling glands is disturbed and the production of tears and saliva is stopped or decreased or decreases.

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