Innovative method of treating joints, which offered our domestic scientists will allow the cellular update mechanisms.
Recently, in our country from the latest technologies, the method is gaining momentum Plasmolifting™ Opened and invented this method, our domestic doctors: D.M.N. AKHMEROV R.R. and K.M.N. Zarudiy R.F. Method Plasmolifting™ is a unique medical technology for treating and rejuvenation with a wide range of applications in various fields of medicine. The methodology is based on the use of the patient's own blood product — Thrombocytic outoplasm.
There is a complex of growth factors, vitamins, macro- and trace elements, amino acids, hormones in a natural combination.
Plasmolifting It is a completely natural procedure in which no extraneous chemical components are involved. This method is widely used in cosmetology, for diseases of the joints (the pain in the joints passes, the mobility of the joints increases), traumatology, gynecology, neurology, urology, etc.Industries.
Special importance in plasmolifting belongs to blood cells — thrombocytes that contain growth factors.
Platelets play a crucible role in healing and regeneration of damaged tissues, exciting growth factors, regulating and stimulating division, growth and survival of cells. Rost factors Needed for cellular ripening and normal cell cycle. The interaction of growth factors leads to the restoration of metabolic processes, improving microcirculation and metabolic (exchange) processes in cells and tissues, normalization of tissue respiration, activation of local immunity.
The essence of the method Plasmolifting consists in the injection of platelet autoplasm, which allows you to start the process of cellular update. During the procedure, the patient is closed from 9 ml to 36 ml (depending on the destination).
The effect in the treatment of joints of various localization occurs sometimes after the 1st injection. A good therapeutic effect occurs in the treatment of shoulder-punctuate periatritis, protrusions and hernia disks of the vertebrae, «Heel spurs», Tendenites, «Click fingers» and etc.
If you have this pathology, welcome to our clinic, where we will try to help you.
Surgeon surgeon of the High Medical Category Gritsenko with.F.