About the treatment in which the cervical alone needs


  • What is cervical myozit
  • How to get rid of the cervical mosit

  • What is cervical myozit

    The cervical myozit is the acute inflammation of the cervical belt muscles, which may arise from any, even an absolutely healthy person, as a result of stress, supercooling, sleep in an unsuccessful posture or work in an inconvenient position. But often the cervical myozit is provoked by a draft.

    The disease is usually manifested in the morning after sleep, a day or two after those mentioned earlier traumatic influences. During this time «Women» The infusion of muscle fibers swell, their reflex spasm arises, which causes irritation of nervous endings and severe pain.

    The pain caused by myositis is usually distributed along the side surface of the neck from the nape to the shoulder; But if the process is involved in the cervical neural plexus and large nerves, the pain can spread in hand to the most tips of the fingers. According to the observations of doctors, it happens in 10-15% of the ill.
    Inflammation of the nerves in the mositis is almost always asymmetric: pain is stronger on the one hand than on the other. Regardless of where the inflammatory process has reached, the pain in the mositis is always very strong: the ill absolutely can not turn his head or moving the inflamed hand.

    When conducting the right medical events in 70% of cases, the attack passes without a trace for a period of 3 days to 2 weeks. In the absence of treatment, the attack is delayed. The pain at the same time becomes less intense, but spasped inflamed muscles «Throw away» The neck and provoke the development of further damage: displacement (sublifting) of the intervertebral joints of the cervical spine or the appearance of an intervertebral disk hernia.

    How to get rid of the cervical mosit

    About the treatment in which the cervical alone needsDespite the terrible pain, the cervical myozit is treated quite easily (in the event that treatment began immediately and the attack did not take a protracted character).

    First, a sick experienced doctor will advise himself if possible in full. The patient area should be lubricated with warming ointment, and inside adopt an anti-inflammatory drug. The best effect gives a novocaine blockade - smashes the most painful areas of affected novocain muscles with the addition of corticosteroid hormone. The healing effect of the novocainel blockade is manifested almost immediately after the procedure: the muscle inflammation decreases and the pain disappears.

    However, those who have contraindications for treatment with chemical preparations, the doctor will recommend a number of procedures for the so-called post-pool relaxation (PIR). Postisometric relaxation is one of the most useful procedures in the treatment of cervical mositis. Post-meter relaxation (muscle and ligaments) - a relatively new therapeutic method of manual therapy, which implies the active interaction of the patient and the doctor.

    The patient is not passive during the procedure, it strains and relaxes certain muscles. And the doctor during relaxation spends its muscles stretching. During the procedure, the patient is surprised to notice that the voltage and pain disappears right in front of the eyes. The number of adhesive relaxation procedures is assigned depending on the patient's condition.

    According to the observations of doctors, to achieve a positive result, using only postiprometer relaxation in the treatment of cervical mositis, it is possible to be approximately 90% of patients.

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