Treatment of phobias with hypnosis


  • There is an exit
  • From the practice of hypnotherapy

  • There is an exit

    Fobia - fears. However, these concepts include insecurity, concerns and erroneous convictions, because of which people sometimes not only suffer long years, but also do not know exit from this situation.

    Suffering phobias is obliged to pre-appeal to the neuropathologist, and to a psychologist, and to a psychiatrist. Wild prejudice that to contact the psychiatrist «dangerous», wrong, inconvenient, it would be time to bury.

    Today is a psychiatrist (throwing the hoppy «Psychiatry») - a qualified doctor armed with effective treatment methods.

    From the practice of hypnotherapy

    Case number 1

    Treatment of phobias with hypnosisCaused me urgently to the patient. Pale, like a white tablecloth, in the eyes of fear, pulse frequent and surface, rapid heartbeat, made cold sweat, weakness in the chest on the left, afraid to die. Any cardiologist will say that the picture is very similar to a dangerous disease «Modern», I carry a lot of lives - myocardial infarction. Put her an intravenous dropper, entered Esracain and Morphy, and only after that he began to poll in detail.

    It turned out that in this state was hospitalized three times, and during the examination from the side of the heart they did not find anything. In conversations, except for fears in childhood, nothing special did not report. However, in the first dialogue, when I helped her to return to an earlier age, consistently and colorfully told about my past fears at the sight of a neighbor agonizing in the heart. At the sight of a passerby, who died on the street (arrived «Ambulance» stated - acute heart plot); Horror and fears when attacking Arabs - terrorists on women and children in one of the houses of Kiryat-Shmona. The magnificent feature of our psyche - forget, discard bad, terrible.

    But the past does not leave without a trace, but «Sleeping in the subcortex», And with any similar reminder of life again «pops up»; Often in another, painful expression. In life, the patient really did not remember (I did not want to remember!) This past. When I reminded after an anamnestic session, then she «remembered».

    It was after the attack of the Arabs-terrorists became the patient to repeat «Cardual» Saves with death fear: «Heart is about to stop. I feel like dying». 5-7 therapeutic sessions led her life to normal. And the patient is only incomplete 28 years. By the way, the same woman with improper treatment could have become a full disabled person. And she has already managed to pass «SveTI» Cardiology, vascular diseases, neuropathologists...

    Case number 2

    Led a large, strong man about 40 - 45 years old. Relies on his wife's hand, pale, confused, with an expression of fear in the eyes. The first question was: «Doctor, tell me only the truth, how much time I have to live?!...»

    Without going into details, began to examine. It turned out: O «sure» more than three weeks, which is sick of incurable cancer «stomach or duodenal» And considers the days to the end. Really lost appetite, in two weeks lost about 8 kg in weight. In the area of ​​the stomach and transverse colon there is a liquid bugger. Pain sensitivity in the area of ​​the stomach, duodenum and pancreas. Nausea, rare vomiting, gas belching... Passed therapists, a gastroenterologist, made 4 x-rays; Preparing for a painful procedure: gastroduodenoscopy. Assurances of doctors - ulcer of the stomach - does not believe. I am convinced that he has a gastric cancer. Recently witnessed the death of a relative from lung cancer...

    «He had a lot of water in the lungs. I have water in the stomach; Like he losing weight, no appetite, vomiting - it means I have cancer in the stomach». No explanations about the insolvency of his error, nor the specific analysis with it of all previous research, X-rays - did not help. Because of fears can neither eat or work or sleep. A week ago, I completely abandoned the work, which previously brought him good income and pleasure. Half a year ago I experienced the tragedy: the mother of his wife died in a road catastrophe, because of what her father with severe depression is to no avail in psychiatrists.

    It turned out to be hypnabelnoe. It was possible to paink up the top of the abdomen, return the appetite and remove some of the fears. For the first time in the last 2 months, there was a coffee, a glass, a good snapped... Later, they found Giardia, which caused pain, gases, a feeling of liquid in the stomach and intestines.

    Began to conduct specific treatment. However, fears and fears remained. Additional 8-10 sessions led to full deliverance from fears. Now at the meeting just laughs at its dying from «cancec». Fully able-bodied.

    Case number 3

    Treatment of phobias with hypnosisThere was case «false pregnancy», When a woman noted a significant increase in belly, «Burning» mammary glands, monthly delay and. «Signs». All this happened only from fear of unwanted pregnancy.

    And one girl who was afraid to get pregnant after rape, provoked such attacks in his stomach, often twice was operated on about «Appendicitis» and «Mesenseless guns», Although nothing at the time did not find anything. The reason turned out in the first anamnestic session. «Explanatory» The session was returned to normal life.

    The earlier begin treatment of phobias hypnosis, the better the results. Otherwise
    Painful phenomena, association «Enchant» In the psyche of the patient,
    Changing approach to life, his thinking.

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