The appearance of a gun on the skin is not a rare. Saddens a cosmetic defect rather than those minor inconvenience that gives pimple. But sometimes the pimples turns out to be a big furuncle, and there are many similar on the skin, - it significantly worsens the overall state of human.

chronic inflammatory skin disease that is characterized,
constant appearance on the skin of guns — Furunculov. Main role in occurrence
Inflammation Play Golden Staphylococcis, Food On Skin Surface,
That is why furunculese is often called stafiloderma.
The development of a furuncle begins with the appearance of a small bare in
Protection of the body — Microtrauma, abrasions and skin pollution, transit blockage
Single glands, reducing local and general immunity. Furunculosis often arises as a complication of diabetes and other
severe diseases undermining the body's protective forces during hormonal
rebuilding, with intestinal dysbiosis. Sometimes Furunkula appear on the background of scabies or eczema, with elevated
sweating and excessive skin fat.
Loving places of furunculov are face, pouring
Head part, chest area, back, buttocks, hips — those places where the skin has
a large number of hair follicles, most often polluted and
injured. Furunkula Never
appear in feet and palms. Staphylococci penetrate the hair follicles,
Silic glands adjacent to them, where they actively multiply. Inflamed place
It begins to hide, then hurt, dries. When furuncle matures, it breaks through, the purulent rod goes out,
And the wound heals with the formation of a scar or scar. At the moment of opening
Pathogenic microbes smeared on the surface of the skin, penetrate other
Hair follicles and give rise to new furunculam. The process continues to those
pores, while the body does not have enough strength to defeat the aggressor -
Golden Staphilococcus.
Furunculosis — General disease. If single Furunkula
do not disturb the health of the patient, then furunculosis
It is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, weakness, ailments,
How to treat
Local Treatment of Furunculese until the final
The formation of an uce is to accelerate its ripening and restriction
Inflammation. Dry warmth and physiotherapy (UHF) shown. At home
You can cook compress with a baked bulb, for which the bulb cut
in half and bake to black, and then still hotly attach to the climb, consolidate and
Leave for night. Usually this time is enough to ensure everything in the morning
The contents of the gland turned out to be on the dressing. If the affectionant does not open
on one's own — Operational intervention is necessary.
After emptying the furuncula, impose bandages with
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory means that kill
infection and accelerate wound healing.
Simultaneously with local treatment with furunculosis, antibacterial is prescribed
Therapy. It is especially necessary when the localization of glans on the head,
Furunculese in weak patients and children. Vitaminotherapy, autohemotherapy,
The use of immunomodulators, immunostimulants allows you to strengthen the protective
body forces and prevent further spread of microbes.
In furunculosis it is very important to observe a diet limiting
consumption of carbohydrates because they contribute to the spread of inflammation.
In fact, the nutrition of the patient with a furunculosis should resemble food with sugar
Diabetes. Alcoholic beverages, sweets, spices, flour products are excluded
top grades. Equal milk products are welcome, whole grain bread,
Green vegetables, unrefined oil. Dosage physical activity is very
Important for incineration of extra carbohydrates.
It is known that furunculosis often occurs on the background of dysbiosis
intestine, so it is especially important to pass the survey on time, to identify the problem
and get the necessary treatment. Getting rid of foci of chronic infections,
hormonal disorders, problems with digestion can play a decisive role in
Treating furunculeza.
the scalp or neck when the infection is distributed can be
The cause of meningitis, thrombosis of the brain sinus and sepsis! Appeal to the doctor
necessarily! In no case should not squeeze the mouth or open it
Alone B «field» conditions!