Modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of funds to cure onichomicosis (nail fungus). But among the patients there are always those who are not very trusted by doctors, but prefer to be treated with folk remedies. And after all cure!
Iodine drops from nail fungus
Raise Nails from the fungus will help propolis
And helped tea mushroom
«Greenhouse» for legs
Very often, doctors skeptically look at the patients's sweeps on their own to cure onichomicosis (nail fungus). And completely in vain: sometimes self-medication brings wonderful results. The successful experience of independent getting rid of onychomicosis is told by readers of one of the popular publications.
Iodine drops from nail fungus
Many suffer from fungal diseases. In my own experience I know that with the manifestations of fungal disease on the skin to cope quite easily, but if the nails are amazed, then it is difficult to bring this attack. The disease goes into a chronic form: It is only a foot to stand a little bit like a fungus immediately manifests itself on the skin between the fingers of the legs. But if you cure the nails, then the fungus itself will disappear forever.
I cured in this way: every day in the morning and in the evening for twenty days I put on the affected nails on one drop of iodine (pharmacy 5% alcohol iodine solution). Neighboring nails, externally healthy, also handled, but once every two days. Days after 5-7 there was a feeling of light burning and pain around the nails. These sensations - evidence that treatment is successful.
If painful sensations increase - iodine should be applied a little less often, three times in two days. I emphasize that painful sensations should be very light, almost imperceptible. Do not too diligently and think that than painful, the better. At the end of the treatment of the nails will begin to grow healthy.
Raise Nails from the fungus will help propolis
How to get rid of the nail fungus on the legs. I am 67 years old, this attack has not bypassed me at one time. Fungus, otherwise mycosis, you can pick up anywhere - on the carpet in the hotel, in the bath, on the beach... Nails become fragile, changes thickness and shape of nail plates. But much more dangerous when the fungus begins to hit the inner fabrics. Therefore, we must begin treatment without tightering for a long month, and then years. There are very effective folk treatment methods fungus.
Buy in the pharmacy 20% tincture of propolis or its extract. Dry cotton swab and attach to sick nails. The procedure should be done daily. Soon the struck nail will move away, and in his place will grow healthy.
Antifungal action render fresh rowan leaves. They need to be carefully confused, attach to the affected areas and secure the bandage. Bandage change daily.
And helped tea mushroom

I cured my fungus so long ago that I forgot about him. But how long he tormented me! Everything turned out, I confess, by chance. I took the tea mushroom plate and put on the damaged nail, it wrapped over the cellophane on top and stalked for the night. (Juice flows out of the mushroom, so it's better to wear socks so as not to dye bed). The first time the compress causes pain, but you have to endure, otherwise the disease does not defeat. I had a feeling that two mushrooms fought on a duel. And in this case, the tea mushroom won.
In the morning I removed the compress, washed my leg in warm water, cut dead skin slices and processed the entire damaged surface with iodine. In a day, two procedures repeated. And such procedures must be done at least 3-5. How much exactly? Here everyone can determine the measure by his state. For example, I was enough for three times to get rid of fungus forever. And two more procedures I conducted for prevention, just in case.
I want to warn right away that the new nail grows then very slowly. The main thing is that he will be healthy and smooth, to be patient a little bit, and the result is provided to you.
«Greenhouse» for legs
From the nail fungus suffer very many, and I know an effective tool. Make an ointment from a raw egg, a teaspoon of dimethylphthalates, a tablespoon of PLA vegetable oil as much as 70% vinegar. Store this mixture in the refrigerator. Ointment in problem areas should be launched overnight, put on a plastic bag and socks. (Similar «greenhouse» do both for hands).
With a launched form «Niktedov» Compress should be kept around the clock for 3-4 days. The fungus will remove the ravis, the old nails will disappear, freeing the place with pink, young.