Atopic Haleit for a long time was considered a childish ailment. However, as the physicians later found out, this point of view does not correspond to reality. Read more about Atopic Haleitis in this article.
The child has an incorrect bite: saliva flows, not accustomed to use the scarf, he licks it. And in the wind, in the cold, the language works simply without stopping, non-stop mechanically irritating the red bump. It would seem a harmless habit because it is she who often becomes a launcher in the development of Haylita.
Dermatologists believe that in the emergence of atopic heylitis - the inflammation of the Red Kayma lip - a considerable role is played by hereditary predisposition, including the allergic mood of the body. Relatives, family members of those who suffer Haylit or inclined to him are often susceptible to allergic diseases, do not tolerate some drugs, food products.
Until a certain moment, such a predisposition does not make itself felt, but one day under the influence of meteorological conditions, chemicals used in everyday life, or simply due to excessive mechanical irritation, it can be realized.
If at an early age, in infancy (and the Haylit, sometimes, it starts even in 4-5 months), more important in the occurrence of Haylita has irrational food, then, as the child grows, the formation of his psyche, the error in the diet is moving into the background, and The load falling on the nervous system, stressful situations, frequent overwork, vegetion convergence helps burdened heredity to be implemented.
Affect the course of disease functional, and not only functional disorders of the digestive apparatus. Even the wrong power supply can play a pernicious role.
For a long time, Atopic Haleit was considered a childish disease. In the textbooks of the former years, even the phrase that spontaneous recovery occurs by the end of the period of puberty. But the patients who for 40 are met. Of course, it is connected with the chemicalization of the environment, life, and with an increase in the number of stressful situations, as well as a change in the diet.
The leading sign of Atopic Haylita is the so-called lychhenization of the red border of the lips, when it is thickened and peeling, it becomes a sharp diamond pattern, a small flakes appear in the corners of the mouth. Patients bother itching, swelling. Lips are subsequently covered with crusts, crack during a conversation.

The exacerbation of the process contributes to high or low air temperature, sun rays, wind and dry, dusting rooms.
In the period of exacerbations in the morning, do not wash your face, it is better to simply wipe the eyes with a wrap, moistened with. Going out into the street in a frost or very windy day, lubricate the lips of the interior lard, or hygienic lipstick, or children's cream, but in no case, not hydrate. Remember that in the cracks formed on the lips can get infection. Therefore, blackmail lubricate them with greenflaw or solution of potassium permanganate weakly pink color.
Child prone to allergic diseases, from early age to teach to a certain kind of food. Displacing food, give sugar less. Let on the table there will always be black bread. And children and adults need to be reduced in the daily diet baking, white bread, red, orange fruits and vegetables. But these are general recommendations. Everyone must firmly know that he does not tolerate.
As you know, when aggravating the patient adheres to a strict diet: boiled meat, lactic acid products, porridge, welded half on milk. When the condition improves, the doctor permits gradually expand the diet. And enter each new product is needed separately, carefully follow the reaction to the organism. Most of the allergic reactions of the immediate type occur when the signs of the rejection of one or another product appear 30-40 minutes after it was ate. In such cases, this product will have to be excluded from its diet.
Not thinking, give up acute, salt and spicy food, alcoholic beverages, sweets. The components of these products, sucking in blood, launch the strongest allergic reactions, including allergic edema.
Follow the work of the intestine. And get the chair in the possibility of natural means, including in the daily menu kefir, beets, prunes, dried up, because it gets used to the laxative intestine.
Adult patients, with understanding refer to the recommendations of the doctor. But the children get used to restrictions difficult. Try to distract the child and inspire that he is the same as all. Just every person has their own mode of life, and he has such. And pay more attention to sports, hardening to enhance the immunity of the children's body.