Furuncul - malicious dust


  • Wimming Protection
  • What to attack?
  • Not all that gold
  • The main thing — do no harm!

  • Because the heat —
    This is sweat. Running on high grass, bushes, mobile games — Absadines and scratches.
    Out in the sandbox and bathing — Difficult bacteria. And all this is fraught for
    Health Crocha. Especially for his skin. That is why all sorts of skin diseases,
    rashes and sores are so frequent in children at this time of year. Some of the most
    common and painful — Furunkula. About them and talk.

    Wimming Protection

    Leather — it's not just an elastic shell. This is
    Real protective barrier for our body, as well as the thermoregulation body,
    Part of the immune system. The skin assumes the main blow in many diseases.
    For example, with allergies «Ties» Food, medicinal and other allergens,
    Estimating more important bodies from danger. And with all kinds of irritation immune
    cells, stimulating the inflammatory process, do not miss harmful substances in
    deeper layer. For example, if the baby was wrapped in poorly sorted diapers
    And he had a reaction to washing powder, «will suffer» Only leather.
    Inside «chemistry» Does not penetrate.

    Child's skin — It is generally very «Thin matter». And in line,
    and figuratively. Because it should quickly increase, «adjusting»
    under «the size» their growing owner, and for this you need to quickly change
    Aligned cells. That is why she is very raw.

    In addition, leather — it's not a solid film. She — Like mesh,
    penetrated by a variety of holes, from where the hair, nails grow,,
    Salo fat is poured. And all these little holes — Comfortable accommodation
    For multiple microbes and bacteria. Once settled, they are never
    leave their housing throughout the human life. Moreover, some
    we need us. So, for example, fungi do not harm, but, on the contrary, they protect
    Skin from breeding more «evil» Microbes. But with diallos, when irritating
    discharges that accumulate, for example, in diapers of baby or other
    provoking factors (sweat, dirt, abrasions and cuts), these most bacteria,
    even «Useful», can become so much that the threat of skin occurs

    In childhood, various skin diseases — The most frequent.
    Especially in summer, when the reproduction conditions for bacteria are the most suitable. And very
    a lot of trouble kids and parents deliver such a painful thing as

    What to attack?

    Distinctive feature of boils from others
    Skin inflammation species — What they appear on the body only in those places,
    where the hairs grow from. At the base of each hairs there is a bulb. Next to her
    There are rigorous glands, sweat glands and blood vessels supplying this
    Blood apparatus. Inflammation of this complex and causes the appearance of a furuncle. So
    How the root of the hair is located deeply, when it is infected with the same bacteria,
    who live on our skin or who come to her outside inflammatory
    The process develops in the lower layers of the skin. There is quite large purulent
    cavity, out of which is closed well-distinguished purulent plug. This
    The most dense duck size 1—1.5 cm, which is the suppuration of the hair
    Bag, and called a furuncle. First, the skin blues over it, then it becomes
    Buro-blue, furuncle rises above the skin, and a purulent plug is visible on his top.
    When it becomes especially clear, it means that «ripened».

    Furuncul - malicious dustFurunkul is rarely accompanied by an increase in temperature, but well-being
    crumbs suffer noticeably, mainly due to pain, especially when touched,
    so even the pressure of the clothes or blankets is intolerable. He hurts without touch.
    Especially before the blast breaks. Pain may be so strong that
    Even hinders sleep. And if adults will somehow endure, then children of preschool and
    School age, who have a furunculae, beyond the same more often, have to
    not easy. And summer is not summer. And the sun is not the sun.

    Furunculas can appear on any part of the body. But most often
    «suffer» legs, buttocks, lower abdomen, as well as forearm and back hand,
    Rear surface of the neck, loin, berium thigh. And with boils on
    I need to be especially careful.

    With a more complex form of a disease that is called furunculosis,
    Embled Naryvy appear on the skin periodically, and sometimes even several
    things. In some cases, several borunculov sitting nearby
    Or a single penette with several purulent heads — carbuncle; He calls more
    pronounced common disorders that are accompanied by increasing temperature.
    In this case, the kid suffering is several times.

    After «Maturation» The furuncle breaks out. It goes out of it
    purulent plug in the form of a rod, and then a pretty much thick greenish
    or brown (with blood admixture) pus. Pains stop, and well-being improved.
    With a furunculese after days or weeks after opening one furuncule develops
    the next one and so stretches sometimes for months.

    Not all that gold

    How to protect yourself from furunculus? For this before
    you need to know the reasons that cause their appearance. The most important culprit of this disease — Golden Staphylococcus,
    who constantly lives in our... nose. Under normal conditions it is quite safe.
    But if there are problems with immunity, when the staphylococcus appears on the body
    can serve as the appearance of a furuncle.

    The fact is that the breasts are generally poorly producing immunity
    To staphylococcus. Therefore, sometimes infantry furunculez is associated with «Late immunological
    Start» — Delay in maturation of the immune system. About six months
    Life immune system «matures» And the furunculae stop.

    But the majority of children suffering from crunches, especially the older
    age, deviations in the immune system do not find. Where in this case,
    abscess? The case, apparently, is that such a variety falls on the body (strain)
    Staphylococcus, which avoids the protective effect of the immunity of this person.
    This happens. It is known that there are people with a reduced ability to produce
    Antibodies on certain antigens, for example, to introduce a hepatitis vaccine

    When staphylococcus hits the skin and «find out» ready-made
    fall out, dying hair, he quickly «His place occupies», There is breeding
    and causes an inflammatory process. In addition, an excellent place to settle staphylococcus
    There may be abrasions, cuts, scratches.

    Furuncules more often appear on the legs, buttocks, in the bottom of the abdomen
    due to the fact that they are faster and easier to pollute, and the care is not always the corresponding.
    Well, what can be timely care, if a small torthy whole days
    worn in the yard or does not get out of the warm sea, and then, when it still succeed
    pull it out of the water, «Crash» on the beach in the sand or builds locks, «Building material»
    From the legs to the head falling asleep? Yes, and the same summer, heat! And yet be vigilant.
    Even with small injuries, it is necessary to process the place of damage to antiseptic
    Actor — green or iodine — or impose bactericidal adhesive. Bumps
    From insect bites, household injuries (for example, a knife cut, an injection of fish bone)
    Also treated with these means. If redness appeared on the injury site,
    swelling and soreness, consult a doctor. To avoid dispersion
    Entrawards of mineral infection, skin around wipe the camphor alcohol,
    1% alcohol solution of salicylic acid or vodka (little children are better
    vodka in half with boiled water) and impose a dry dressing. With the appearance of purulent
    focus do not make warming compresses — they contribute to the spread of inflammatory
    Process. Recreation at sea there is another one «complicating factor». If your vacation
    passes in another climatic zone, child takes some time for
    Acclimization. And during this period, his immunity is significantly weakened. In this case
    It will not hurt to take advantage of immunity tools: before the trip and
    During her to take, for example, the tincture of Echinacea or something else on the recommendation

    The main thing — do no harm!

    Since furunculez — The thing is very painful
    and then «Visual», Many moms from feeling compassion and still «thanks to»
    irresistible wishes to squeeze any ulcome appearing on the body yourself
    Open the disappearance.

    Do this, especially if the child is small, or furuncul
    appeared on the face, categorically impossible. Similar «procedures» Promotion promotion
    infections and lead to the re-appearance of furunculov. It is better to wait until the douse
    breakdown yourself, or go to the hospital. But immediately get rid of the furuncula
    will be able to there. At best, if you contact at the earliest stage of development
    Naryvy, register an ointment that can penetrate through the layers of the skin and stop
    inflammatory process.

    If the time is missing, the doctor will surely advise to wait for ripening
    Furunkula. And the only thing you can help — closer this moment by reducing
    The number of days in suffering from pain. Best helps this
    folk remedies — All sorts of karticles and compresses. But know that their applying
    also painful. After all, friction is created with an inflamed skin area. After breakthrough
    Furunkula Staphilococcus remains in the nose and can cause a new furuncle. In many
    cases of staphylococcus nests at the members of the whole family, without causing their trouble,
    But, hitting the skin «To your client», Provocoses furuncul.

    If the baby has developed a furunculese, that is, the Narys appear
    Periodically, it is impossible to slow down with a visit to the doctor. Such a phenomenon can speak
    About Development «Sugar diabetes». In this case, a survey will be conducted and
    Appointed treatment. Old methods that were used before (Introduction of Immunoglobulin,
    active immunization of staphylococcal anatoksin cooked from «his» Staphylococcus),
    Recently, recognized ineffective. Chronic furunculosis most often
    is treated with antibiotics that allow you to save the body from «annoying»
    Staphilococcus. And to prevent re-infection nose of patient and members
    his families are treated with antibacterial ointment.

    In custody — General Tip: if trouble called
    «furuncle» touched on your family, do not panic and do not open the mouth independently.
    Contact your doctor. The health of the kid is much more important than spent on a visit to the hospital
    of time.

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