Papillomavirus infection - infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by papillomavirus. The most frequent manifestation of human papillomavirus infection - Pointed Condylomes. Call them papillomaviruses (HPV) 6 and 11 types.
Papillomavirus infection - infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by papillomavirus. The most frequent manifestation of human papillomavirus infection - Pointed Condylomes. Call them papillomaviruses (HPV) 6 and 11 types. Amazes Papillomavirus mostly people leading active sex life with different sexual partners. The disease is often found in combination with other sexually transmitted infections.
Papillomavirus is transmitted mainly by sex, including anal-genital and oral-gental (mainly at HIV-infected) contact. Possible transmission from mother to a newborn during childbirth.
The contact-household path of infection is assumed until unproduced.
Manifestation of papillomavirus infection of man
Hidden period of illness can from a few weeks to several months, making up an average of 3 months. During this period, the skin of the external genital organs and the mucous membranes of the genital paths remain clean, without manifestations of the disease. After this period begins the growth of Condyl. In men, the pointed circularists are usually located on the foremost flesh of the penis, in women – In the field of external genital organs, vagina, cervix, as well as around the outer opening of the urethra. There are damage to the virus region of the rear pass and crotch.
What are the pointed conceons look like? Usually they have a kind of small nodular neoplasms, test consistency. Often the nodules merge among themselves, forming tumor-shaped expansions, resembling cauliflower, a roasting comb or raspberry. A characteristic feature of the pointed wings is their valid structure. Solk have a soft consistency. Condyl color depends on their location. Education, located on the skin of large sex, crotch or around the rear passage have a whitish or brownish color. If the Condylomes appear on the mucous membranes of vulva, vagina or cervix – They are usually pale pink or reddish. Condylomes, depending on the duration of the disease and its prevalence, may be single, and they can appear with groups, often merging with each other. Condylomes are prone to pretty rapid growth. Sometimes they reach impressive sizes and can almost completely overlap the entrance to the vagina or urethra. Condylomes are often traumatized, and at the same time a bacterial infection is joined. Then the picture of the disease is changing.
With the defeat of the outer genitals, the skin, as a rule, is not changed. However, with constant mechanical irritation or non-compliance with hygiene, the skin becomes bright red, there are sensations of burning or itching, and sometimes pain in the vulva region, especially amplifying after urination. In the presence of an office in the vagina, a woman begins to disturb the release of a mucous-purulent nature sometimes with a flicker odor due to decomposition of damaged microbial infection. Isolation, in turn, irritating the mucous membrane in the vagina, small sexual lips, also contribute to the occurrence of vulva inflammation. Often becomes painful sexual intercourse. In the area of the rear passage, Kondyloma is almost always complicated by purulent inflammation. They worry a woman, especially when driving and performing hygienic procedures.
Special attention deserves condylomatosis of the cervical. Cervices of the cervix are often combined with condylums on the outer genitals and are detected when inspection of the cervix with a mirror or with colposcopy. Sick women in most cases do not even know about their availability and they are detected by a doctor with a random inspection. Unlike the Condyl, located on the outer genital organs, in some cases, the cervials of the cervix have a tendency to reborn in cancer.
Since in the period of its growth, Kondyloma does not cause special concerns, then women usually turn to the doctor late when education is quite extensive and already delivered inconvenience.
Diagnosis of human papillomavirus infection
The diagnosis is usually put on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture.
The doctor can also take stars from the vagina and the cervical canal for the presence of other sexually transmitted diseases in the woman, often concomitant. The study by PCR, cytological and histological research is resorted in exceptionally rare cases.
Solposcopic study is of great importance. It makes it possible to clearly consider Condylomatous education and changes occurring in them. With damage to the papillomas virus of the human mucosa mucosa, the required method of examination of a woman is biopsy, that is, taking a small piece of fabric for the study of cells and tissues in the laboratory. Only with this study can be accurately established, the manifestation of what disease is changes on the cervix.
Treatment of papillomavirus infection of man
Treatment of papillomavirus infection of external genital organs and cervical cervix primarily to remove papillomatous foci - Condyl. Most often, the chemical method of destruction by Condylum solutions of highly concentrated acids and cavity of deep liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) are used to treat Condyl A vulva. In the absence of an effect on the above therapy, surgical excision is recommended by Condyl. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the removal of pointed kondil does not lead to the removal of papillomavirus from the body and does not exclude the possibility of the recurrence of the disease.
Additionally, special antiviral drugs are prescribed in tablets and locally in the form of ointments, means for stimulating the protection of the body from the virus.