Bad smell


  • Potting
  • Increased sweating
  • Treatment of patients with excessive sweating

  • Potting

    Potting - the most important skin function. Mixing with a secret
    Song glands, sweat forms a thin protective layer on the skin surface.
    Potting is also one of the most important ways
    Thermoregulation of the body. Maximum intensity of sweating
    A person can be 3.5-4 liters per hour over several hours
    and achieve in the end 14 l per day.

    In addition to the thermoregulation, with a healthy condition of the body allocate
    Psychogenic (emotional) and food sweating. Psychogenic
    occurs with emotional or mental tension and is not related to
    The need to cool the organism. At the same time, the increase in sweating
    may have different intensity, strengthen over the entire surface
    Body and in limited sites, especially on palms and soles.
    Food sweating is marked when eating any temperature,
    enhanced with the use of sharp and rich extractive substances
    Dishes, alcohol. Selection of sweat facilitates the work of the kidneys, with him the body
    Released from a number of harmful metabolic products.

    Potting is carried out by sweat glands. Their total number
    in humans - about 2 million. On 1 cm2 palm or soles are located
    About 430 sweat glands, and on the rest of the sections - from 64 to 200.
    Known apocryine and eccritine sweat glands. Apokric are located
    In the axillary and anal areas, crotch, the nearby zone
    Milk glands, on the wings of the nose, centuries, in the outer hearing aisle.
    They do not take substantial participation in thermoregulation, but react to
    First of all for stress. Functioning of apocryan glands
    accompanied by the destruction of secretory cells, so sweat odorious and
    viscous. Apocrine glands begin to function during sexual
    ripening, in old age their activity gradually weakens.
    Eccrine glands are located everywhere except head and extreme flesh
    penis, red brick kayma. Allocating the secretion by these glands
    accompanied by the destruction of secretory cells.

    The PAT includes: up to 99% of water; about 1% inorganic
    (sodium chloride, calcium, sulfates, phosphates, iron, zinc, cobalt,
    tin, magnesium, copper and others.) and organic (urea, urinary and dairy
    Acids, amino acids, creatinine) substances. Pot of the Eccarny glands
    Surface surfaces with a sour reaction (pH 3,8-5,6), and the sweat of apocryan glands
    It has a neutral reaction.

    Increased sweating

    Bad smellIncreased sweating (hyperhydrosis) is one of the symptoms
    a number of diseases of the nervous system, internal organs and has in these
    Cases of secondary meaning. But sometimes disturbing
    so expressed that they prevail in the clinical picture and lead to
    The appearance of emotional behavioral disorders and violation of social
    Adaptation of patients.

    The condition of physiological sweating is normal
    Leather condition, blood vessels, endocrine glands. Defeat these
    organs can cause sweating disorders. So, hyperhydrosis
    Usually accompanying diabetes, infectious diseases,
    feverish states, obesity, some cardiovascular
    Diseases, pain. Physiological hyperhydrosis is observed at
    overweight, before and during menstruation, during the period of Klimaks, to
    The end of pregnancy.

    Frequently found hyperhydrosis of stop and armpits (result
    Violations of local heat transfer), which is promoted uncomfortable shoes,
    Flattep, close and poorly conductive warm clothing, raising
    Environmental temperature and humidity. Enhanced sweating
    It is often accompanied by the smell of sweat, more often found in young men,
    And young women are sometimes associated with a disruption of the menstrual cycle.
    It is believed that the unpleasant odor is due to the presence of sweat
    Some amino acids (leucine, tyrosine), fatty acids, products
    Dispatch sweat bacteria. Increased sweating of the armpit
    It happens hereditary, meets from representatives of both sexes, but
    Mainly in men at a young age, rarely - in the senior, and not
    Notes in children. Believe that excessive sweating is associated with
    increased activity of eccinine sweat glands, the number of which in
    Each axillary depression reaches 25 thousand.

    Emotionally heavily transported patients with high sweating
    palms and soles - acrolrosis. With the sweat of the palms always clearly
    expressed emotional and age factors. Excessive acrogidrosis
    It is noted in neurosis suffering, alcoholism, polyneuropathy, etc.

    Hyperhydrosis contributes to the development of skin diseases - especially
    fungal lesions stop. Hyperhydrosis of brushes and stop is accompanied by
    A number of congenital or hereditary diseases.

    Treatment of patients with excessive sweating

    Treatment of patients with excessive sweating - the process is complex and rare
    Full deliverance. The main thing is to identify and
    eliminate the causes causing hyperhydrosis. General treatment usually
    prescribed with pronounced manifestations resistant to local therapy, and
    lies in the appointment of soothing funds (drugs Valerians,
    Motherboard, Bromides, Bekhterev's medicine), tranquilizers, etc.
    Use means containing atropine and papaverine (powders are prescribed
    one for 2 weeks 3 times a day). Belloid is effective (his
    Assign 1 tablet 3 times a day, long). In hyperhydrous,
    arising against the background of emotional disorders, good effect give
    Tranquilizers. Calcium preparations are used from other means,
    Rutin, vitamins A, E, B6, B15, Infusion of Sage (0.5 glasses 2 times in

    With moderate hyperhydrosis, usually appoint external therapy.
    Local funds are divided into deodorants and antiperspirants. First
    Broke down the decomposition of the sweat and disguise the smell using perfume
    Additives. The means of the second group suppress the functions of the sweat glands.

    Deodorants in large quantities are performed perfume
    Industry. The presence of a variety of antimicrobials
    components, perfume additives and auxiliary substances sometimes
    leads to the development of dermatitis (especially in people prone to allergies).

    For the treatment of hyperhydrosis, dermatologists are used mainly
    Antiperspirant. These include: formaldehyde; Aluminum salts, zinc,
    lead, chromium, bismuth; salicylic acid; ethyl alcohol and other.
    Antiperspirants are used in various dosage forms: powder
    (powder) for drinking stop, other skin sections, mortar, decoction
    and infusion for wiping and baths, gel, ointment.

    Most effective drugs for local treatment
    Hyperhydrozes are ready-made drugs containing

    Formalin - A solution containing about 35% formaldehyde. Apply
    0.5 teaspoons on 2 glasses of water for kneading stop. Disadvantage
    The drug is that careless handling of concentrated
    Solution can lead to burns and poisoning. Formalin is released by
    Recipe doctor.

    1% alcohol solution of formalin is used to wipe.

    Formidron contains formaldehyde, ethyl alcohol, cologne and water.
    Cotton swab, moistened by the formidron, for 2-4 weeks and
    Over wipe the interfallated folds and soles, making breaks each
    7th day of treatment. Disadvantage - high consumption of the drug when­nest
    on the skin stop. In addition, the evaporation of formaldehyde with ethyl alcohol
    leads to unpleasant sensations (sharp smell, irritation of mucous

    Paus Teimurova Apply 2 times a day on the skin stop after washing.
    Disadvantage - pasta bread linens and socks, bad

    Formagel - Preparation (gel) of long-term action containing 3.7%
    Formaldehyde. Apply a thin layer on skin areas with elevated
    sweating (axillary depressions, soles and interfallated intervals,
    Palm) After washing with warm water with soap and thorough drying
    Towel. The drug quickly dries, forming a thin colorless
    Film. 30-40 minutes, the film was washed off with warm water, and the skin carefully
    dried. One procedure is enough to reduce skin sweating
    for 7-12 days. After reducing the effect, the procedure is repeated, with sharply
    pronounced sweating it is carried out 2-3 days in a row. Long
    The use of the drug leads to dry skin. The drug is not shown
    With inflammatory skin diseases, immediately after shaving or
    Hair removal by another way in the axillary region. Contraindication
    serves and increased individual sensitivity to
    Formal-containing compounds. The drug is convenient for use, not
    has a strong smell, does not leave stains on bed linen and
    Clothes. Formpaper is sold without recipe, cheap.

    From physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of hyperhydrosis stop
    prescribe ionophoresis, general and local ultraviolet irradiation, UHF,
    Shower Charcot, rays Books.

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