Look in the mirror with pleasure


  • Longidasa

  • Longidasa

    Plastic surgeons not only improve and rejuvenate appearance, but also eliminate the effects of terrible injuries and multiple burns, as a result of which people lose and their former appearance, and sometimes vision, and the ability to eat normally. The problem with which the plastic surgery constantly has to face - the struggle against the growth of connective tissue and the formation of scars, inevitably arising from injuries and operations. Patients with extensive burns were doomed to 20-30 plastic operations, years of treatment and lifelong disability. Not less difficulty represents the elimination of other post-traumatic deformations - cuts, ripped wounds on the face after animal bites and scars after operations (for example, scars on the neck after tracheotomy or operation on the thyroid gland).

    The ugly scars always brought great sufferings to people, especially young women. Doctors were practically powerless in such a situation: operations on keloid scars and hypertrophic inflamed tissues are practically not carried out, so they had to use conservative treatment for years, and only after 5-6 years it was possible to make something in operational way.

    Traditional gels and creams help only in very early stages of postoperative processes and only in the treatment of first severity scars, cure more serious skin lesions with their help, unfortunately, it is impossible. Hormone therapy (Introduction Inside the scarring of large doses of hormones) is also not always effective and besides fraught with many side effects: this is a reduced immunity, and impaired metabolic processes.

    Much more efficiently prevent the formation of hypertrophic or keloid scars than to treat them. Effective means against the growth of connective tissue is the enzyme of hyaluronidase. Under the influence of this enzyme, the elasticity of scar tissue and the scars are constructed. Emirates swelling, hematoma is solved, cell exchange is improved. But, unfortunately, enzymes are quickly destroyed, and therefore their impact turns out to be short-term and ineffective. In addition, hyaluronidase often causes a unwanted allergic reaction.

    The present breakthrough in the prevention and treatment of scars after injuries and operational interventions, as well as the subsequent disposal of the scar tissue was the appearance of a new generation - Longidases. It is a compound of a highly purified enzyme of hyaluronidase and high molecular weight of polyoxidonium. The presence of polyoxide increases the resistance of hyaluronidase to the action of substances that slow down the speed of its splitting in the body, which allows it to affect the connecting tissue for a long time.

    Longidase affects not only a consequence - scars and scars - but also affects the reason for their occurrence - the inflammatory process. It is a systematic impact that can provide serious assistance in the fight with such difficult to cosmetic skin defects.

    During clinical application in the best medical centers of Russia, Longidase has proven its ability to improve the condition of the skin in patients undergoing injuries and operations. When appropriate in addition to the basic treatment of injections of Longidase and Ultrafonform or photoForosis with Longidase, it was possible to achieve improved clinical picture in 85%, the sacrament of pain, itching, the normalization of the scar color, the alignment of the scar in relation to unchanged skin.

    This means that scars and scars will soon go back the past, and will not spoil your beauty!

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