«Lita-color»® - fast and efficient skin healing!


Fast skin heal without scars«Lita-color»® Heals the wounds quickly and efficiently!

It is impossible to completely exclude such problems, it means that you need to minimize their unpleasant consequences. To provide timely first aid and effective injury treatment, you need to use modern medications. Wound-healing funds must be in each home first aid kit: in an emergency it is not necessary to run through the neighbors and pharmacies.

Fond of extreme sports? Love out active holidays and trips? Be sure to keep the height of the healing agent at hand: in time the medical care has facilitated the fate of the victim.

But how to understand what a means «just in case» best put in the first aid kit?

Modern medicine has developed and released an effective height in the pharmacy network «Lita-color»®. Gel for wound healing accelerates the regeneration process and avoids serious complications.

«Lita-color»® Works with infected wounds in the first stage of inflammation and ensures the prevention of wound infection due to antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. The antibiotic destroys bacteria and protects against the addition of a secondary infection, and the hydrogel base, in contrast to the ointment, does not favor the spread of bacteria.

In the second stage of the wound process of selection from RAS become less abundant, and damaged tissues begin to recover. «Lita-color»® Accelerates regeneration, has the ability to quickly heal wounds due to stimulation of cell growth and collagen synthesis, increases the elasticity of collagen fibers and restores skin.

Collagen derivative contributes to the active formation of healthy tissue, leads to Crabless healing.

«Lita-color»® Produced in a convenient bottle with a dispenser and easy to use: you need to apply a gel on the affected skin, wait a few seconds before the film appears, if necessary, apply a gauze bandage. The tool is produced in the form of napkins, which are always comfortable to have at hand.

«Lita-color»® Universal in application: If the injuries occurs, any origin occurs, without thinking, use one convenient tool. It is beneficial «Lita-color»® from competitors who offer a line of various drugs for different occasions and put the buyer before an indefinite and long choice.

Leather — Protective barrier not allowing penetrating inside pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. Various injuries violate its integrity, thereby multiple the risk of infection of the organism. therefore «Lita-color»® recommended for use even with small abrasions and scratches, since open wounds — Entrance gate infection.

& laquo; lite-color & raquo; & reg; & mdash; Fast and efficient skin healing!In addition to emergency injury «Lita-color»® Indispensable in cosmetology and necessary people suffering from boils, fistulas, eels, or a passing skin healing period after peeling, epilation, plastic surgery. «Lita-color»® Prevents pathological scarring, used at home without visiting a clinic or a cosmetology cabinet. When applied «Lita-color»® The size and height of the scar decreases, it will be covered, which makes the scar less noticeable, it is softened and eliminating struts. «Lita-color»® accelerates wound healing by 20%, not leaving scar!

As a basis for production «Lita-color»® Raw materials are used, a feature of which is the ability to rapid growth and development programmed at the gene level. This information is maintained even after raw material processing and manifests itself in such properties «Lita-color»®, How to accelerate wound healing with a good cosmetic effect and hypoallergenicity. In addition, modern trends of wound bending prefer «wet» (hydrogel) bandages, not ointment. «Lita-color»® Used in an authoritative and respected beauty institute, which confirms the cosmetology effect of healing.

«Lita-color»® Appointed by doctors and by the following diseases: Trophic ulcers, diabetic stop, breakdown, non-healing wounds, thermal, chemical, radial burns.

Fast skin heal without scarsSurgeons, traumatologists, endocrinologists, therapists, cosmetologists after testing are satisfied with the means and appoint «Lita-color»® His patients. Especially celebrate doctors positive results «Lita-color»® In the treatment of trophic ulcers, bass and diabetic foot, even in a launched state. Patients, having tried different wound healing agents and without receiving a positive effect, begin to use «Lita-color»® and thank to the stunning and fast effect: it is also saved from the amputation of the limb, and the restored skin after burns, and finally healing the ulcer, and much more.

«Lita-color»® Tested and approved by many confidence institutions: Ministry of Emergency Situations, military units, disaster medicine, beauty institute. Unlike imported tools, «Lita-color»®, as a Russian product, does not depend on the dollar and does not grow in price.

Now, having a home first aid kit «Lita-color»®, You can not be afraid of accidents: from domestic cuts and deep necrotic wounds. Competitive advantages «Lita-color»® — This is versatility and simplicity of application, convenience of packaging, speed and quality of wound healing.

& laquo; Lite-color & raquo; ® - fast and efficient skin healing!

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