Phosphates in the urine, causes and treatment

Some diseases of a person hatches for years, not even guessing about their existence. True, attentive attitude to his well-being and health helps to recognize the danger on time. For example, the muddy color of urine signals the presence in its composition of phosphates and, as a result, the development of the disease called phosphatia.

It's time to be confused and panic, because not each of us clearly represents what phosphates are and how exactly these substances affect the body. But, as you know, the enemy needs to know in the face: for the successful treatment of illness, you need to collect about it as much information as possible.

Phosphates in the urine - dangerous or not?

urine analysis, tests, urine, oam, kidney, phosphates

Phosphates are called salts that are formed as a result of phosphoric acid interaction with bases. With these substances, we face every day: just look at the information that packaging a packaging of a nutritional product. E339 - Encrypted Name of Sodium Phosphate, E341 - Calcium Phosphate, E450 - Pyrophosphate ... penetrating the body, phosphates are split into several components of the elements, the main of which is phosphorus.

Like other minerals, phosphorus presents a certain value for humans. So, a sufficient amount of this element provides healthy muscle activities (and hearts including), as well as brain. Phosphorus is a fundamental structural element of phospholipid cells, and also takes part in all processes of multi-level metabolism and in the synthesis of molecules of some enzymes.

The deficiency of phosphorus in the body is not worthwhile - during the research it was reliably established that, together with food, we receive this substance every day with excess. Many of us can not always resist the sandwich with sausage, sausages, canned products and sweet soda. Meanwhile, all this food is distinguished by the high content of phosphates. The harm of excessively incoming phosphates is obvious - the processes of assimilation of such important substances such as calcium, magnesium and iron are violated on this basis.

In addition to the use of food rich in phosphates, the MPS will also list other reasons for the development of phosphatoria:

  • Sharp Change Power Power (Strict Long Diet, vegetarianism);
  • Regular use of food products with high levels of phosphorus;
  • disorder of the exchange of inorganic elements;
  • pregnancy.

Single cases of the organism of the body phosphates should not cause anxiety, because they still do not speak about the presence of pathology. Phosphates in the urine in a pregnant woman generally consider the norm, writing off everything to change the hormonal background due to the patient's position. However, if urine becomes muddy very often (that is, the frequent presence in its composition of phosphates), for clarification of the situation, you need to see a doctor.

Features of the diagnosis of phosphatoria

To confirm or refute suspicions about the salts of phosphates in the urine, make a general analysis of urine. If the study shows that urine acidity is less than 7 units, this indicates the presence of a specific substance in its composition. Also the patient can assign a daily Analysis of urine for salts, which will allow the doctor to evaluate the quality of the operation of the urinary system as a whole. For the accuracy of the results for 1-2 days before the alleged analysis, it is impossible to train intensively, eat food with a pronounced taste (salty, sharp dishes), drink alcohol and smoke.

Phosphaturia as a symptom

urine analysis, tests, urine, oam, kidney, phosphates

The appearance of salts in the urine of a pregnant woman is due to its position, and therefore is considered permissible. Saturation of the urine of the future mom phosphate occurs on the basis of growth of the concentration of progesterone in the blood. This means that the woman's body is too relaxed at this time to filter qualitatively, bring urine and prevent the formation of salt sediment in it. To ensure more productive urine outflow, the future mother needs to be regularly walking on foot and drink more water.

Phosphatia in children

This phenomenon is quite rare, and manifests itself in babies mostly up to 5 years. The presence of phosphates in the Children's urine indicates its low acidity, which is formed if the child uses a lot of fish, caviar, buckwheat, milk and other phosphorus. Failure in the children's body occurs due to the imperfection of regulatory processes, on which the exchange of inorganic substances depends. The appearance of phosphates in the urine in the kid can also be provoked by vomiting, high temperature and stomach wash.

The development of symptoms of phosphatia

At the initial stage of the development of pathology, we can guess that there is something wrong in the body, it is possible in a suspicious turbidity of urine. If it does not appeal to clarify the hospital, other signs of disorder appear. A person may experience inconvenience from a frequent urination, a novel pain in the area of ​​the belt, which is at times increasing after the power load, vomiting, nausea, Colik, false urges to the toilet «Little».

How to solve a problem

urine analysis, tests, urine, oam, kidney, phosphates

As already noted, the presence of salts in the urine does not yet indicate a serious illness, but consultation with a competent specialist is needed anyway. The main task of the patient is now - immediately respond to this signal of the body, without waiting until the salt crystals are transformed into the problem in the form of phosphate stones in the kidneys.

Medical therapy at the initial stage of the disease does not justify itself. Tablets are resorted to the help of stones in the kidneys. The first thing to be changed in such a situation is to revise and correct your diet. It is best to discuss the peculiarities of a new way of nutrition with a doctor, since the diet for each patient will be individual. For example, a child who has discovered phosphates in the urine is likely to prescribe regular reception Vitamin D and constant monitoring of salts in the urine.

Absolutely to all people who have encountered such a phenomenon, you need to enrich your daily ration with grain and legumes, cereals from all kinds of croup, low-fat meat and fish. In this case, it is impossible to be carried away by vegetables and acid berries. Drinking should be abundant, but water reserves in the body need to fill out due to ordinary water, forgetting for a while about coffee and strong tea.

Alcoholic beverages, sweets and other sweets, pastries, smoked and salt dishes fall into the list of prohibited products in phosphantouctions, «Moor» High fatness. Nutrition should be divided into 5-6 small portions per day, and the total caloric content should be about 2500 kcal.

Prevention of salts in the urine

urine analysis, tests, urine, oam, kidney, phosphates

So, summing up the whole above, it is safe to argue that it will help to prevent the development of the disease associated with an increase in phosphate concentration in the urine, will help the correct way of life. To protect yourself from the problem:

  • properly and balanced well, giving preference to natural products;
  • Try to drink about 2.5 liters of water per day. Snoop in the summer you need to drink even more;
  • take care of yourself from supercooling;
  • From time to time, give urine for analysis in the framework of the general examination of the body;
  • Do not neglect the rags in the lower back, if you do not know the reason for their origin. Immediately go to the doctor;
  • Refuse alcohol and cigarettes.

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