Mysterious disease vitiligo


  • What is vitiligo?
  • Vitiligo to inheritance
  • Is it possible to cure?
  • Useful advice
  • Folk recipes

  • Unfortunately, for a long time, Vitiligo did not pay due attention, medicine
    There were problems and more hard. Nevertheless, about the disease Something is known.
    For example, it is precisely established that it is autoimmune. What it is? let's
    Let's try to figure it out. The fact is that sometimes with the immune system happens
    Serious problems: it is mistakenly accepting cells of their own body
    For others and begins for them a real hunt. Now known more than 80
    autoimmune diseases. Following them with diabetes mellitus of the first type, scattered
    Sclerosis, Crohn's disease, some forms of hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis,
    Red Volcanka, Psoriasis.

    What is vitiligo?

    In this disease, painted skin cells are destroyed – Melanocytes,
    White spots are formed. They do not have a pigment that gives the skin natural

    Vitiligo gradually turned into a serious problem. If you are careful
    Close to people sunbathing on the beach, you will find that almost every
    The twentieth suffers from this ailment. Official statistics gives approximately
    The same indicator. Around 40 million people turn around world.
    The disease is also in women, and in men, she can start at any age,
    But in 70% of cases - up to 20 years every year the number of patients increases.
    Especially unfavorable situation in Western European countries. In Italy I
    Switzerland, for example, even specialized clinics for treatment
    Vitiligo. Not few patients among famous and famous people.

    Long time, Vitiligo was associated with a particularly dangerous disease – Lepra et
    leprosy. But vitiligo – not infectious disease nor itching or pain it
    Does not cause. Although the army does not take such a diagnosis.

    Vitiligo to inheritance

    The disease is inherited. But does not inherit itself vitiligo,
    And the genes responsible for abnormal operation of the immune system. Therefore B
    pure form vitiligo is quite rare. As a rule, there is still
    some autoimmune disease. For example, a thyroid problem
    Iron, intestines, cystic education, erosive processes, sugar

    Vitiligo can suddenly arise in people not burdened «bad» heredity,
    After any unusual injury, especially the head. For example, known
    Many cases when the disease appeared after the car accident.

    Vitiligo is sometimes called the elected disease. The disease is more often striking
    people in those layers of society, where the choice of partner is limited to certain
    Frames - according to material supply or social status. Often
    Vitiligo meets in the reigning persons.

    Is it possible to cure?

    Treat vitiligo is extremely difficult. Maybe because this is a disease
    whole organism, not just skin. And most of the existing techniques
    just aimed at eliminating the skin of the alend, but not as not
    treat internal organs. But it is known that the development of melanin – Pigment,
    Painting skin in natural color, manages melanotropic hormone,
    which is not produced at all in the skin, but in the pituitary. According to some
    specialists, it is a problem in the work of this gland and lead to illness.

    Mysterious disease vitiligoWhile vitiligo is treated with irradiation of skin with ultraviolet rays,
    Pre-increasing its sensitivity to light special photosensitizing
    Types of type Metoksalena or Psoralen. By the way, so popular Cuban
    Methodik – One of the options for this approach. So you can, of course,
    for some time get rid of the external manifestations of the disease, but cure
    The disease is still impossible.

    True, new techniques appear. One of them – Microwave resonant
    therapy. With it, it is possible to help approximately half of the patients. Better
    Total responding to the treatment of children and young people. They have less concomitant
    diseases, above the rate of metabolic processes. It is important that the result of treatment
    visible literally after 2-3 sessions. First, a zone of high pigmentation appears
    around stains. The spot itself pose, capillaries and
    freckles, clear border stains blur. This means that treatment is going

    The duration of treatment depends on a particular person. Although usually
    We are talking about several months, but not years. Much determines the lifestyle,
    Job. For example, a case is known when the patient fully managed to cure
    For 5 sessions. This man worked at the airfield. Almost all the time
    He spent under «Cold» Sun. For successful treatment, this is very useful.
    But the southern sun is harmful. The disease is often sharpened in the spring, after
    Trips to hot resorts.

    Vitiligo is successfully treated on the Dead Sea in Israel.

    Useful advice

    • Small stains disguise with a tonal cream or imitating tan lotion.
    • Going out on a sunny day, use sunscreen
      with a factor of at least 15.
    • Take vitamins B, A, E, C and trace elements – Copper, Zinc, Manganese.

    Folk recipes

    • Mix powder small with honey. Take 1-2 grams 3
      times a day.
    • Lubricate stains 1-2 times a day with alcohol tincture (1:10) green
      leaves and octopuloders of walnuts taken robust.
    • Lubricate spots 2 times a day fresh juice root root.
    • Wipe the decoction of tea. For this, one teaspoon of welding fill
      1/4 cup boiling water, boil 2-3 minutes, strain, cool to temperature
      Body. Before applying pissing. Store in the refrigerator no more
      2 days.
    • Take an infusion of Hyperician grass (1:10) on 1 tablespoon 3 times
      a day after eating. After three weeks of reception follows a week break.
      Treatment Long - 4-6 months. For cooking dotna
      A spoonful of dry leaves and the flowers of the Jeveroy pour a glass of boiling water and insist
      30 minutes, strain. At the same time, exterior treatment of the Zhreyshoby
      Oil. For this, the grass of the beast is poured with vegetable oil (1:10)
      and 3 hours are heated in a water bath; then filtered and pressed.
      St. John's wort increases the sensitivity of the skin to the ultraviolet rays, so
      After the procedure, you can take a brief solar bath. Start off
      It follows from 1-2 minutes and add daily to 1-2 minutes. A course of treatment
      - 20-30 days.

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