Not all inflammation of lymph nodes speaks about lymphadenitis


  • How the lymphatic system works
  • The lymph nodes - «Defenders» organism
  • How to find out lymphadenitis
  • Increased lymph nodes are not only lymphadenitis
  • What you need to know about lymphomas
  • Features of the lymphatic system of the child

  • How the lymphatic system works

    Not all inflammation of lymph nodes speaks about lymphadenitis

    What actually is swollen «Greats» in children?

    In fact, these are no innovations, but lymph nodes - a very important body of the lymphatic system, without which blood circulation could not work.

    The blood circulation system is the heart, arteries, capillaries, veins. From the blood nutrients in the dissolved form are moving into the tissue. Fissure liquid fills the intercellular slit and enters a special system of the smallest lymphatic capillaries that permeate all the tissues and merging into larger lymphatic vessels. Through the thoracic lymphatic duct of the limf is poured into the circulatory system. Nowhere more lymphatic vessels with blood circulation system are not connected. It is clearly visible on small abrasions, when it does not appear blood, but a transparent lymph. It fills water corns when scoff.

    When blocking a large vessel, the outflow of lymph is broken, the liquid overwhelms the cloth, edema appears. Most often, the cause of edema is the heart failure and inflammation of the fabric when the excess fluid flow occurs.

    In the development of edema, the processes occurring in those most «Greens» - Lymph nodes.

    The lymph nodes - «Defenders» organism

    Every 3-5 cm large lymphatic vessels form thickening - lymph nodes, where the propagation of lymphocytes - cells producing antibodies and filtering all alien substances occurs.

    The reproduction of lymphocytes and other cells leads to an increase in the size of the lymph node and is accompanied by its pain. The arrival of lymphs from the affected organ is temporarily blocked.

    The body manages not only to quickly take protection measures, but also limit the spread of infection. If it were not for lymph node, the hit infection directly from the fabric in blood would be provided.

    In a healthy child, lymphatic nodes are small, soft, they are not visible; however, you can adversely. The largest are located subcutaneously under the lower jaw and in the upper part of the neck, in theoremps, on the inside of the elbow and in the inguinal folds. Nodes take lymph from different «hot zone». Lummy - from the oz and pharynx where the inflammatory process occurs often. Mortified lymph nodes take lymph with hands, protecting the body from infection with scratches and cuts. Inguinal knots guard legs.

    Lymph nodes «serve» All internal organs. Easy guards one group of nodes, abdominal cavity is another. There are only them in the cranial box - our brain fabrics do not have lymphatic paths, they replace the spinal fluid that performs the role of lymph. So the lymphatic system protects our body from infections, and also serves to outflow a fabric fluid.

    How to find out lymphadenitis

    Lymphadenitis - bacterial inflammation of lymph node - is rarely an independent disease. Most often it develops in response to penetration into the body of infection. We repeat that not any increase in lymph nodes speaks about lymphadenitis. For example, a child with respiratory - viral infection on the neck often «swell» Lymph nodes. When lymphadenitis, an increase in the node is accompanied by a swelling, soreness, skin redness over it. In most cases, the case does not reach the suppuration, and at the end of the process, the nodes are reduced. The submandibular and cervical nodes react not only to angina, but also on diphtheria, scarletina, inflammatory diseases of the gums, jaws.

    Increased lymph nodes are not only lymphadenitis

    Lymphadenitis develops quickly and passes within a few days. But there are such infections in which the increase in nodes lasts a few weeks.

    Feline scratch disease

    Her pathogen, bacterium from Barthorell, usually amazes young cats. Infection occurs through a scratch, within 3 - 6 weeks, the infection extends to lymph nodes, most often elbow and axillary. Put the diagnosis is easy if by the time the lymph node incorporating the scratch will not have time to heal and will be able to find it. Complications are rare, but the sick place is worried about a child for a long time, and when the suppuration has to be punctured.


    Causes chronic leshes of lymph nodes, most often ingenious («Bronhadenit»), notable only on radiograph. Previously, there was often a steady lesion of the cervical lymph nodes (when tuberculosis sticks on the tonsils). In children with chronic tuberculosis infection, all nodes increase slightly in size and become dense, like pebbles. A child with such nodes can be directed to the phthisiatra - there is nothing terrible in it, a chronic infection is never harmful to exclude.

    Other diseases

    An increase in inguinal lymph nodes is accompanied by such infections as syphilitic and venereal granuloma. Lymphadenitis can be a manifestation of bubonic plague. Thank God, we almost face it. Tulyarania is more often observed - a very infectious disease in which a small lymph node is inflamed, located in front of the ear shell. In tropical countries, you can get infected with filariasis - a parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes. In some cases, there is elephantism - swelling (more often), associated with the blockage of lymphatic paths settled there with an adult worm. Dusty increase in all groups of lymph nodes are characteristic of children infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

    What you need to know about lymphomas

    Unfortunately, it is impossible not to write about heavy, malignant diseases of the lymphatic system. Lymphomas call diseases such as lymphogranulomatosis and lymphosarcoma (lymphatic tumor). The causes of these diseases, like most other oncological processes, are not fully clarified. They leak with the defeat of one or several lymph nodes. The initial manifestations may be different, but usually suspicion occurs with the increase in lymph nodes to the size of the nut, tight to the touch and usually painless. More often they are found on the neck, which allows you to start treatment in early terms. Often, however, the unprecedented knots in the chest or abdominal cavity are affected by the simple eye. With such an increase in the node, it is necessary to conduct it puncture or biopsy. Now science has a wide arsenal of funds for treatment, and these diagnoses are not always a sentence.

    Features of the lymphatic system of the child

    Not all inflammation of lymph nodes speaks about lymphadenitis

    In children, especially early age, lymphatic components and lymphoid bodies (almonds, adenoids) are presented much richer than adults. It has long paid attention to the doctors. Many easily dredged lymph nodes call «lymphatic diathesis». It is now obvious that the abundance of lymphoid bodies in a child is the norm. It is necessary first of all for the acquisition «Immunological experience» - After all, born on the light, the child meets daily with dozens of new foreign substances for him. The children's body is forced to react to each of them, produce antibodies, «remember» all what met. For this nature and supplied the child with a powerful lymphatic system.

    By the way, in children with some primary forms of immunodeficiency lymph nodes and almonds are small, which reflects the immune defect.

    Children with many lymph nodes and increased almonds are prone to tonsillitis, respiratory tract, allergic reactions. They should not be protected, but to train, develop the ability to adequately react to stress. Good training of the immunological system - conducting preventive vaccinations. With age, the dimensions of the almonds and lymph nodes are reduced. In adolescence, not without the participation of sex hormones, the lymphatic system acquires traits characteristic of adults.

    We hope that familiarity with the peculiarities of the lymphatic system did not cause special alarms from parents, although many people can immediately begin to feel their child. It is not bad: the knowledge of the child's body, like its own, no less important than learning languages, mathematics or car device. And if anxiety arose, it will benefit: or doubt will be dispelled, or timely measures will be taken.

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